Thread Number: 11998
New eureka Find!!!
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Post# 128495   3/24/2011 at 11:11 (5,011 days old) by electroluxxxx (……)        

last weekend my fellow friend Joel came down to relieve me of some vacuums, we went thrifting, hung out, played with some vacuums, and I even made Dinner. when thrifting we stopped at this place in Owego NY and usually their prices are HIGH!!!!!
they wanted $35 for this eureka. after having thought about it I have had issues at this place before with prices. now to give you an idea. they wanted $55 for a Hoover fusion which reeked of dog, $65 for a Kenmore hard body upright that was falling apart, $ 15 for a hoover elite (not too bad) and $14 bucks each for a dirt devil hand vac neither of which were in great shape. so after thinking about how to talk them down I went to the front counter and said nicely to the woman " the prices back there on the vacuums are WAY to high." she sent someone back to look and he too agreed that the prices were Outrageous for a thrift store. I showed him the machine I was interested in and he let it go for $8. plus the eureka had been sitting back there for almost a year.

here it is

Post# 128496 , Reply# 1   3/24/2011 at 11:13 (5,011 days old) by electroluxxxx (……)        


Post# 128497 , Reply# 2   3/24/2011 at 11:29 (5,011 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
That's a pretty one, I like that color. And they did you a service with that price too!

Post# 128506 , Reply# 3   3/24/2011 at 13:18 (5,011 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

Nice buy.. Never hurts to ask

Post# 128509 , Reply# 4   3/24/2011 at 13:53 (5,011 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

That's the same model I saw at the estate sale where I found the Hoover model 69 a few weeks ago, but they wanted $24 or so for it.. and it was pretty beat up and dirty. That's a great, rather basic -- but effective canister! I'm sure it will clean up nicely!

I, too, have sometimes had success when either asking about a cleaner for sale or requesting a price reduction at a thrift store. In fact, I got my model 1140 Dial A Matic by asking if they would sell it to me. They had it sitting behind the counter, and they had been using it to clean the carpet behind the register. Talk about being in the right place at the right time; usually thrift stores are funny about their own cleaners and won't sell their store machine... but it was simply immaculate. I had to ask about it... It's probably my nicest Dial A Matic.



Post# 128517 , Reply# 5   3/24/2011 at 15:29 (5,011 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
This Eureka merited the Consumer Reports "Best Buy" award in their 1974 vac ratings! Great vacuum cleaner for a budget price. Enjoy the toy!!!!

Post# 128549 , Reply# 6   3/24/2011 at 17:48 (5,011 days old) by electroluxxxx (……)        

WOW!!! thanks guys for the great compliments on the new eureka, all it pretty much needs is a new brushroll as this one is worn, it runs great and does a good job at cleaning.
sometime soon I will post a video of it running

Post# 129095 , Reply# 7   3/27/2011 at 08:19 (5,008 days old) by kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)        

kenmore81's profile picture
I love it! Great find and a grat price. Other than the brush roll it lokks to be in great shape.

Post# 129100 , Reply# 8   3/27/2011 at 08:58 (5,008 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
Hey there...

funvacfan's profile picture
great colour...great find! I'd make it a daily driver!


Post# 129325 , Reply# 9   3/27/2011 at 22:22 (5,008 days old) by KirbyDS80 (California)        
Where can i find one?

I'm looking for a Roto Matic and would like to know where i can find one at.

Post# 129445 , Reply# 10   3/28/2011 at 13:59 (5,007 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Nice find there, Mike! And hardly any scuffs either! Quite the score there....


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