Thread Number: 11958
Replacing Kirby Classic Omega bearings |
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Post# 128234 , Reply# 1   3/22/2011 at 21:19 (4,920 days old) by Air-WayCharlie (USA)   |   | |
Kirby's of that era are generally easy to work on for the most part. Replacing bearings, front or rear, can be a challenge unless you have a bearing puller and the correct tools.
The motors, like all electric motors, consist of an armature, field coil and carbon brushes. As you know, those items turn the motor and in this case the fan. The front and rear bearings are two different sizes and the best way to determine if they need to be replaced is by listening to the vacuum. If you hear a, "roar", on the onset, operation or spin down, most likely they are shot and should be replaced rather than lubricated. A reputable vac shop can do this for you and should allow you to watch and explain what they are doing. On a vacuum that old, you most likely will want to clean out the motor casing, replace the brushroll & belt and turn the bag inside out for a really good cleaning. I just received a Kirby Classic that is mint condition and am in the process of converting it to a disposable bag. You learn as you go and that is the best way to learn! I still tape parts/nuts/bolts to a piece of paper and write down where they came from so it all fits back together. Kirby's have a lot of screws and they are of different sizes and functions. After you do it several times, you will begin to remember. However, the model changes create some changes in dismantling and putting them back together. When the power drive models came out, it was back to square one on the learning scale. Charlie W. |
Post# 128292 , Reply# 3   3/23/2011 at 13:27 (4,919 days old) by gtp ()   |   | |
Oh additonally I have many bearing pullers from my lawnmower tool box, just need to get to it I guess and order the bearings. |
Post# 128303 , Reply# 4   3/23/2011 at 15:15 (4,919 days old) by Air-WayCharlie (USA)   |   | |
You can buy the parts from your local vacuum store or you can get genuine Kirby parts by calling Kirby directly. They are located in Cleveland, OH and have a parts department that can help you.
Their toll free number is: 800-494-8586. I'm not sure what a bearing puller for a lawnmower is like but give it a try! The bearings for the front & back are similar but different sizes. I would also suggest that you request the, "inside track", or gnarled belt instead of the smooth belt. Also, if you upgrade the brush roll to the 4 brush strip versus 2 brush strip, you will get far better vacuuming results. Kirby may try to tell you otherwise but trust me, most of us on this site have done what I have mentioned and have had noticibly better performance. Good luck! |
Post# 128340 , Reply# 5   3/23/2011 at 17:51 (4,919 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))   |   | |
I would like to welcome you to the forum/club.
I'm somewhat limited on assistance w/ other brands; however, with KIRBYs, I'm here to assist, & feel free to contact me directly at the office by phone [or, thru my email in my profile]. These are many times, much quicker than thru the forum with me. I did send you a direct email. And again, welcome. Cheers & hagd all, Bill In case my email doesn't show in my profile, here it is [change the: at & dot]: a007kirbyman(at)aol(dot)com |