Thread Number: 11953
Hoover Model 62 Restoration
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Post# 128168   3/22/2011 at 15:02 (4,983 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

I finally decided that I'm going to start restoring a Model 62 that was left behind at the last house I moved out off.

She's in pretty bad shape, but I'm going to try my hardest to make her pretty again.

Going to sand the body and repaint it. The closest color I could find was Nutmeg by Rust-Oleum.

Post# 128169 , Reply# 1   3/22/2011 at 15:03 (4,983 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

The brushroll is pretty rusty as well, so it will be sanded and painted black.

Post# 128170 , Reply# 2   3/22/2011 at 15:05 (4,983 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

Here's a before pic under the hood.

Post# 128171 , Reply# 3   3/22/2011 at 15:06 (4,983 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

Opps wrong vac, that's my Hoover Decade 80, LOL.

Here's the Model 62, it's even worse.

Post# 128173 , Reply# 4   3/22/2011 at 15:08 (4,983 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

After about 45 minutes of using the air compressor and a scrub brush; much, much better.

Post# 128175 , Reply# 5   3/22/2011 at 15:10 (4,983 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

The bottom is a little rusty as well, but I'm not sure if I should sand and paint it or not. Maybe just sand it?

Post# 128279 , Reply# 6   3/23/2011 at 12:06 (4,982 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Lookin' good so far... I've never repainted the base of a cleaner, I'm curious how it's going to turn out.. I think sanding it is definitely the right way of doing it.

Post# 128291 , Reply# 7   3/23/2011 at 13:26 (4,982 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

I did some sanding last night using the Kirby turbo sander on my Electrolux Olympia One.

Thanks Fred, this is my first time at restoring a vacuum. I would really like to kick the persons butt who let it get in this shape, LOL.

Post# 128293 , Reply# 8   3/23/2011 at 13:28 (4,982 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

I got the nasty white mold off the bellows assembly and it looks much, much better.

Post# 128297 , Reply# 9   3/23/2011 at 14:42 (4,982 days old) by luxg ()        

Jim, it is amazing what you have been able to do with the 62 so far. This is going to be a labor of love for sure. Be sure to keep us posted with your progress.


Post# 128402 , Reply# 10   3/23/2011 at 20:49 (4,982 days old) by electroluxkirby ()        

I certainly will. I'm taking the week off after easter Sunday, and hopefully the weather will be nice enough to get all the painting done.

Post# 128528 , Reply# 11   3/24/2011 at 16:55 (4,981 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Hoover & restoration...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
Hello Jim.

From what she (Hoover 62) L@@Ked like to start, you are making great progress. I wish you well with the rest of the project.

I (we) L@@K forward to seeing her in all her finished glory.

Cheers & hagd all,


Post# 128533 , Reply# 12   3/24/2011 at 17:14 (4,981 days old) by uprightman ()        
So, what we have is a HOOVER...being sanded by a KIRBY...usi


I will be really anxious to see how this "work in progess" progresses!

Don't know a lot about Hoovers, but have seen some badly scratched ones, and have passed them up - it never occurred to me to try and repaint one.

So, you're sanding the old paint off - will you be putting a primer on it before you re-paint?

Just curious - and I know NOTHING about these things - does your Kirby Turbo tool have that wire brush thing (or the scouring pad) to get the rust off of the floor plate, or would that scratch it up beyond all recognition?

I hope that there will be some follow-up photos. I admire you for taking that project on!

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