Thread Number: 11949
My collection of miniatures
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Post# 128133   3/22/2011 at 03:37 (5,014 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Believe it or not, a year later I am still unpacking and organizing. "So many boxes, so little time."

Today I got to my box of miniatures. I had been wondering where to display them, and decided the top of my dresser would be the ideal place.

Group shot

Electrolux Model F ash tray, brass coasters

Kirby 514/15 coin bank, Electrolux XXX calendar, I Love Lucy salt & pepper shakers, Hoover Constellation tape measure, G.E. Swivel Top sewing kit, Filtex moth crystals container

Electrolux XII bank (disguised as a small leather-bound book)

Electrolux light switch plate, USB mini-vacuum

Electrolux pocket knife

Hoover "Matchbox Car" truck, Wind Tunnel tape measure

Another Hoover truck. Lewyt "Bag-o-pearls" (a strand of cultured pearls, the tread has disintegrated)

Electrolux Golden Jubilee battery-operated wall clock

Ghost Busters vacuum (clearly inspired by Electrolux!)

Kirby salt & pepper shakers

Electrolux coin banks (clockwise, starting upper left): 1205, Silverado, turquoise G, Golden Jubilee, tan G

Electrolux Silverado coin bank, XXX matchbook cover

Electrolux tan G ash tray

Electrolux Z89 bank (Canadian)

Electrolux Model G ensemble ash tray, ball-point pen (contains dust in the clear end!)

Rosie the Robot (from the Jetsons)

Lewyt lucky pennies

Electrolux E & E-A tie clasps, cuff links, G sales award pin, key chain

Electrolux G sales award pin

Electrolux E-A cuff links, XXX 25th anniversary pin

Electrolux XXX 25th anniversary pin

Kirby sales award pin, cuff links, Electrolux G cufflinks, G charm (for charm bracelet), G tie clasp, two E-A tie clasps

Air-Way playing cards

Electrolux Silverado playing cards

Dollhouse vacuum cleaner (clearly styled after Hoover coffee-can)

Filter Queen salt & pepper shakers

Compact salt & pepper shakers

Electrolux brass coasters (very Masonic looking)

Electrolux F ash tray

Kirby 514/515 coin bank

I Love Lucy salt & pepper shakers

Hoover Wind Tunnel tape measure

Hoover boxes

Hoover box

"Funbeam" wind-up floor polisher

Ghostbusters vacuum

Electrolux F ash tray

A final group shot

Post# 128141 , Reply# 1   3/22/2011 at 07:04 (5,013 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
Wow, that is quite a collection! I didn't know that the various manufacturers made all of these different types of miniatures. Do Kirby, Aerus, etc. still make them?


Post# 128143 , Reply# 2   3/22/2011 at 08:13 (5,013 days old) by scvacuumguy (SC)        

scvacuumguy's profile picture
I love absolutely everything about your collection. I've been thinking about starting a miniature collection for the store, but prices on eBay are so high for some of those items. Do you see much success finding them in antique stores?

Post# 128148 , Reply# 3   3/22/2011 at 10:04 (5,013 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Charles -

What fun! That's a great collection. That "Dust Catcher" pink plastic vacuum was also made for the Barbie Collection at one time. I have it buried away in storage someplace. Little bouncing styrofoam balls inside.

Great collection. Thanks for posting it.

Post# 128149 , Reply# 4   3/22/2011 at 11:29 (5,013 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Well Mr. Portable, as you know, this collection of miniatures started with a single turquoise Electrolux bank that you were so kind to give me after I drooled all over it when Arlee and I visited you in San Francisco in hmm, was it 1992?? '93? (Gawd, that seems like centuries ago, doesn't it.) Yours was the first one I'd seen since I was a 7-year-old kid in 1963. My Aunt had sent me one in the mail with a note saying, "You won't have to be afraid of my noisy old Kirby anymore -- I bought a new Electrolux." She got a turquoise Model G, and the salesman gave her the bank, which she then sent to me.

As far as where I've gotten this stuff-- it's come from various places. eBay, thrift shops, gifts, yard sales. The usual. I haven't been watching eBay for these things as much as I used to. As was pointed out, prices for advertising collectibles have gone sky-high. People who collect mechanical banks and advertising ephemera will bid on vacuum cleaner items, not because they are vacuum cleaner collectors but because, well, they collect mechanical banks and advertising ephemera. (There's one from the Department of Redundancy Department heheh)

I don't know if any companies still make this sort of stuff. The latest Electrolux bank I've seen is an Epic.

Post# 128152 , Reply# 5   3/22/2011 at 12:16 (5,013 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

A couple of klinkers -- Lewyt "Bag-o-Pearls" -- I meant to say, the thread has disintegrated (not tread).

I mistakenly ID'd the Ghost vacuum -- it's from Casper the Movie, not Ghostbusters.

Post# 128161 , Reply# 6   3/22/2011 at 13:43 (5,013 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

My poor miniature collection consists of 1 red Elux model 88 bank no box and a Eureka ice bucket :(

Post# 128164 , Reply# 7   3/22/2011 at 14:26 (5,013 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
God, this is so cute!

Yeehaa! What a lovely collection, I LOVE minis and kiddy vacs!

Even Rosie! (but you all DO remember the Jetsons hat this robotic vacuum working by itself, it would stretch out a small hose and go over the couches here and there). Almost looked like a Convertible or a Eureka, just had this streamlined camera tower on top of the fan-brushroll-unit, two eyes in it). - sorry, couldn't get hold of any pic.

But what is this Kirby thing? Sanitation for the nation? A demo demother? What is it?

Post# 128187 , Reply# 8   3/22/2011 at 17:23 (5,013 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        
CASPER Vacuum on eBay right now. NIB for $7.00

I'd get this but already have two of them.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

Post# 128188 , Reply# 9   3/22/2011 at 17:36 (5,013 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

The Kirby "Sanitation for the Nation" is a set of salt & pepper shakers.

The top comes off and you put salt in one side and pepper in the other. How you keep them from both sprinkling out - a mystery!

btw the I Love Lucy salt & pepper shaker set is really cute. It's made of ceramic. The bag portion holds the pepper and the motor unit holds the salt. I do not think this is an official I Love Lucy licensed product. I don't remember now where I got it; I think someone gave it to me for a Christmas gift one year.

Post# 128219 , Reply# 10   3/22/2011 at 20:20 (5,013 days old) by kenkart ()        

FABULOUS!! I had forgotten you had these!

Post# 128245 , Reply# 11   3/22/2011 at 22:51 (5,013 days old) by klectrolux ()        

I'm definitely a huge fan of that clock. Nice collection! The only small thing I have is a AP200 coin bank.

Post# 128373 , Reply# 12   3/23/2011 at 19:44 (5,012 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

There's a Canadian Electrolux Z88 bank on eBay, "NIB."

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

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