Thread Number: 11945
Possibly My Oldest Vacuum??
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Post# 128081   3/21/2011 at 20:33 (5,014 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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I have had this for a while and I finally got it out to mess with. All I know is it is a 'Eureka Guaranteed'. It used to run, but now it starts to turn on, but it sparks really bad in the motor housing. I want to say it is probably from the 20's? But I honestly have no idea. So if anyone has any information on this that they would like to share, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

Post# 128082 , Reply# 1   3/21/2011 at 20:34 (5,014 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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The Front-

Post# 128084 , Reply# 2   3/21/2011 at 20:35 (5,014 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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You can barely make out the manufacturing plate, but here it is-

Post# 128087 , Reply# 3   3/21/2011 at 21:05 (5,014 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

WOW, that IS an oldie!! I have a feeling the bag is a replacement -- early, granted, but probably not Eureka. I've seen all the old Eurekas, even the very first model, and IIRC they all had the Eureka logo, like this one---

Post# 128147 , Reply# 4   3/22/2011 at 09:55 (5,013 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Charles is right - I think that bag is a replacement. Guaranteed is probably the bag product name. Can you make out anything on the plate? I'm going to guess and say yours is Circa 1913, one of the earlier Eurekas....

Post# 446445 , Reply# 5   9/23/2021 at 23:26 (1,175 days old) by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        
Not a fan of reviving dead threads, but...

hoover300's profile picture
Thevacuumguy96's thread got me thinking, how does this cleaner fit in the lineup? Maybe a model 3?
Here is Bob Kautzman's Model 2(?), basically the same as the first one, but with wheels and a slightly different head.

Post# 446471 , Reply# 6   9/24/2021 at 18:40 (1,174 days old) by Lesinutah (Utah)        

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He ever reads it maybe replacing carbon brushes would remedy the issue.

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