Thread Number: 11934
Charlie Lester's Electrolux site
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Post# 127966   3/20/2011 at 18:25 (4,877 days old) by sleepdoc (St. Louis, MO)        

sleepdoc's profile picture
Charlie, I always find myself yearning for more when I re-read your Electrolux historical posts. If some positive feedback might motivate you to expand the site, consider it hereby bestowed.

Post# 127969 , Reply# 1   3/20/2011 at 18:56 (4,877 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Thats actually how i found this site, through 1377731! When i found it, it was still Charles, i love reading your articles. I can read them over and over again and still be fascinated! ;)


Post# 127989 , Reply# 2   3/20/2011 at 20:00 (4,877 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Who is Charlie Lester? ;P

Post# 128010 , Reply# 3   3/20/2011 at 23:20 (4,876 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        
You Answering to Yourself?

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
You answering to yourself? Of course it's you...


Post# 128021 , Reply# 4   3/21/2011 at 08:29 (4,876 days old) by 1926700 ()        

ben....hes just bein a dip shit......he know that silly!

Post# 128023 , Reply# 5   3/21/2011 at 10:42 (4,876 days old) by appliguy (Oakton Va.)        
He does not go by Charlie...

He goes by Charles Richard... that is the point he is trying to make by asking who is Charlie Lester.....PAT COFFEY

Post# 128025 , Reply# 6   3/21/2011 at 11:07 (4,876 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Thank you, Pat. :)

Charles Richard Lester
a/k/a Mr. Dipshit

Post# 128026 , Reply# 7   3/21/2011 at 11:13 (4,876 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

"But seriously folks..."

I appreciate the positive remarks about my web site. I do have a TON of stuff to add, especially Electrolux-related.

Actually, I need to do a major revamping of my entire site. But that's going to be a very time-consuming process given how large my site has grown over the years.

I'll get to it one of these days.

Here's one little "tease tidbit..."

Post# 128036 , Reply# 8   3/21/2011 at 14:09 (4,876 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        

awesome picture of the xxx being demonstrated

Post# 128135 , Reply# 9   3/22/2011 at 04:10 (4,875 days old) by uprightman ()        
Yes, He IS The Man...

Charles Richard:

I am thrilled that you are being acknowledged for your EXTRAORDINARY work.

As you probably know from my messages here and prior to having joined VCCC, I have personally benefited from your knowledge and expertise.

My friend, may your hose NEVER be clogged!

Electroluxily (and otherwise) yours....

Post# 128199 , Reply# 10   3/22/2011 at 18:19 (4,875 days old) by sleepdoc (St. Louis, MO)        

sleepdoc's profile picture
I didn't realize "Charlie" was inappropriate. Sorry. I thought you went by both interchangeably. My bad.

Post# 128202 , Reply# 11   3/22/2011 at 18:33 (4,875 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

"No Bad." :) I just prefer to go by Charles Richard, or just Charles, now.

Here's the deal -- when I turned 50, I decided to take on the full name of the person I was named after: my maternal uncle, Charles Richard Lester. He was a very fine man, a Commander in the Navy and into all sorts of neat electronics and musical stuff. I bet he would have gone bonkers for the theremin if he was still around. He and my Aunt Millie were very dear to me. (They've both long since "gone on to their heavenly reward.")

When I was a kid, it was always a great treat to visit them, because they had more vacuum cleaners than anyone else I knew! They had an old upright Royal (it had a hammertone blue motor housing and a gray bag) that I was afraid of because it looked like a Kirby, then a tan Hoover Constellation, some kind of porta-vac (GE maybe?), a Singer hand vac, and one of those huge commercial Hoover 918s with the enormous, fat pin-striped bag -- the kind you would often see in theatres, churches, etc.

My cousin Jackie still teases me about how when we were visiting, I brought that big Hoover outside from the garage where it was stored, and vacuumed their entire cement driveway with it! With the motor running!! For some reason I fell in love with that huge old sweeper, and the entire time we were there I dropped very broad hints about how we had "only one sweeper and you have a lot of them," and how I would love to take it home.

When we got ready to leave, I had my little suitcase in one hand and was rolling the big Hoover out with the other hand. Mama told me I had to put the sweeper back. I looked at my uncle hopefully. He said, catching Mama's frantic 'NO!' expression, "Why don't we leave it here, and whenever you come to visit us you can use it."

Well, I started bawling and crying, just utterly despondent and FURIOUS that I could not take the Hoover home with us! There was no consoling me, and I stewed and pouted about it for several days.

Post# 128211 , Reply# 12   3/22/2011 at 19:25 (4,875 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

I really am getting senile...

"...the full name of the person I was named after: my maternal uncle, Charles Richard Lester..."


"...the full name of the person I was named after: my maternal uncle, Charles Richard Jessup..."

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