Thread Number: 11929
50s Kenmores!
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Post# 127911   3/20/2011 at 11:16 (5,015 days old) by kenkart ()        

Here is a view of some old Kenmores and a Whirlpool!

Post# 127912 , Reply# 1   3/20/2011 at 11:21 (5,015 days old) by kenkart ()        

From right to left...A 62,Kenmore 75, next is a Whirlpool Bambi,Thanks to Fred and Robert! That was a dream came true as I had never seen one, just heard about it! Next is a Birtman built 55 Kenmore I found in 1995 in LA while visiting Charles Lester! Then comes a 58 Kenmore Vanguard,the sticker on top says " Selected for exebition at the Worlds Fair Brussels..1958", Next in front, is a 57 Kenmore Horizon, and behind it a 59 Horizon.

Post# 127917 , Reply# 2   3/20/2011 at 11:35 (5,015 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
G-d! I would love to own that 1958 Kenmore Vanguard! Besides my love of vacuum cleaners, my other hobby is world expositions! I went to the New York World's Fair as a 5 year old and was lucky to experience Montreal's magical summer of Expo 67.

To have a vac that has a "world expo sticker" is mind boggling to me.......*sigh* day I'll have a place big enough to surround myself with this stuff.....

As an aside.....I heard someone once say that my favourite company Eureka never really invented new things - they always just stole an idea and made it better. I always thought the Eureka "Vanguard" Upright (early 1970's) was a really cool I know that Kenmore/Whirlpool beat them to it! :-(

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