Thread Number: 11922
A nice Lux 1205
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Post# 127814   3/19/2011 at 02:56 (4,956 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Wednesday I was down at my church in Inglewood for a mid-week Lenten service, then I went to visit a friend in Centinela Hospital down there. Not too far from the hospital is a thrift shop run by the Lutheran Women's Missionary League.*

I stop by there whenever I can, because I've made a couple of nice discoveries there, most notably this past winter when I found that gorgeous Model XXX down there (see link).

So anyway, I went by there Wednesday. No XXXs, but there was a fairly nice 1205, the later version with direct-connect hose.

It has some "issues," mostly with the tacky replacement hose that appears to be a home-cobbled job. No power nozzle, just the aluminum wands and two combo-tools. There also was a set of wands and rug nozzle from some other make; not sure what it is but I think it might be Eureka.

Note the price marked on the mismatched rug nozzle... Yep, that's what I paid for the lot! The lady said it was so low because "the machine will not turn on."

Guess why...

Yep, installing a bag in the previously empty baq chamber was all it needed! The motor sounds very sweet and smooth, "runs like a top."

A bit of TLC and it'll clean up just fine!

*No, that's not some made-up name from a TV sit-com or a relic from the 1950s... it's really still the name of a Lutheran women's organization!

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Post# 127834 , Reply# 1   3/19/2011 at 18:45 (4,955 days old) by klectrolux ()        

Superb looking machine for a superb price! I need to find a 1205 someday, when I move onto collecting the US machines.

PS, I thank Electrolux engineers every time for the bag door switch! "It doesn't work, so I'll sell it for cheap" etc... heh heh heh.

Post# 127858 , Reply# 2   3/19/2011 at 20:55 (4,955 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Nice find there, Charles....

kirbylux77's profile picture
And man, did you get lucky too! $2.50?!?! Man, you took that for a song. And looks to be in pretty good shape, too....

By the way, that rug tool, it isn't a Eureka, it's just a generic fit-all tool. My local vac shop sells one brand new like that, as well as one for Hoover canisters where it has the pin to lock into the wands.


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