Thread Number: 11863
New Kirby heritage 2
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Post# 127314   3/11/2011 at 20:50 (5,019 days old) by goadie12 ()        

I just got this kirby today from a usual vacuum store that i visit quite often I payed $40 and I thaught that price was fair consitering it was in almost mint condition hope you enjoy.
P.S. can anyone tell me a little more about this vacuum like what year they were made? Thanks zach

Post# 127315 , Reply# 1   3/11/2011 at 20:52 (5,019 days old) by goadie12 ()        

and another pic

Post# 127317 , Reply# 2   3/11/2011 at 21:01 (5,019 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

The heritage II was made from 1984-1987, i beleive. I think it was replaced with the Heritage II Legend. which ran until 1989 when the legend II came out. Hope this helps.

PS: I think this may belong in the contemporary section.


Post# 127319 , Reply# 3   3/11/2011 at 21:27 (5,019 days old) by luxg ()        

Zachary, that was a fantastic deal for $40.00 One of my favorite Kirbys! I do believe there might have been a box or plastic storage box with it. Sure doesn't look like that machine has had much use.

Post# 127322 , Reply# 4   3/11/2011 at 22:18 (5,019 days old) by goadie12 ()        

No it hasnt been used much or if it was it was taken very good care of and no it dosent have the caddy iam missing a few tools.

Post# 127332 , Reply# 5   3/12/2011 at 01:59 (5,019 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
Goadie12, many Kirby users believe this model is one of if not THE greatest Kirby of all time, ever produced ,,including me.
By the time the Kirby Heritage 2 came out Kirby had been producing the Classic, Tradition, and Heritage.
The Heritage 2 is a resulting combination of models of all the years of producing the models before it. By this time, they had worked out all the problems, and came up with a superior Kirby.
Many users believe The Heritage 2 is superior to all models before it because of its quality, reliability and performance!
(As a Kirby salesman would say)
Its lighter weight than the others (not including any pre Classic machines)has a newly designed bell shaped rug nozzle, and in the later models, the brush roll indicator light. Not to mention the new at the time Mini Emptor, larger bag fill tube and bag adaptor,, greatly improved the Kirby's air flow, and bag capacity, and made the overall machine lighter in weight.
By installing a new properly adjusted 4 row brush roll, new belt, and Kirby Hepa Bags,on a Heritage2,Heritage 2 Legend, or Legend 2 (all basicly the same machine) you have an excellent and very agressive cleaning cleaning machine that is very hard to beat. Just a new brush roll and new belt will make the machine very easy to push,,infact you should be able to push the Heritge 2 with one finger. The handle grip is also especially designed for comfort.
If i was only allowed just one Kirby to use for the rest of my life,,it would most definataly be the Heritage 2.

Post# 127344 , Reply# 6   3/12/2011 at 09:27 (5,018 days old) by goadie12 ()        

Ok thanks for the info guys iam also wondering did the heritage two come with the rug rat tool or the newer style zip brush?

Post# 127383 , Reply# 7   3/12/2011 at 18:54 (5,018 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
I believe they came with the newer round style Zip Brush,,in Chrome finish.

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