Thread Number: 11859
Just restored Hoover Senior Ranger U4058
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Post# 127292   3/11/2011 at 16:28 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        

Hi there everyone. Here are some photos of the vac before and after restoration. This machine works well - we are going to use it as our daily/weekly driver!
Ive had a great condition orange, or should I say Aegean Gold, bag for years but have never got the Hoover to go with it until now.
The service manual for the 652/U4002/U4014 was updated in July 1977 to include the U4058. This model was made in 1978.

Post# 127293 , Reply# 1   3/11/2011 at 16:29 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
The shell


Post# 127294 , Reply# 2   3/11/2011 at 16:30 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Motor and shell


Post# 127295 , Reply# 3   3/11/2011 at 16:32 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
After restoration 1


Post# 127297 , Reply# 4   3/11/2011 at 16:33 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 2


Post# 127298 , Reply# 5   3/11/2011 at 16:34 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Pic 3


Post# 127299 , Reply# 6   3/11/2011 at 16:36 (5,019 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Last one!


Post# 127302 , Reply# 7   3/11/2011 at 17:05 (5,019 days old) by paulinroyton (Royton, Lancashire)        

Hi Jonathan.

How did you manage to get the vac looking so good, what did you use.

I have 2 hoover ranger vacs and just love them


Post# 127316 , Reply# 8   3/11/2011 at 20:59 (5,019 days old) by goadie12 ()        

OMG did u paint that because that is in amazing condition great job!!!!!!

Post# 127320 , Reply# 9   3/11/2011 at 21:29 (5,019 days old) by luxg ()        

Beautiful Jonathan!!! I too would love to know what you used to get a shine like that on the plastic??

Post# 127321 , Reply# 10   3/11/2011 at 22:14 (5,019 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        

Stunning transformation! Hope you share your plastic restoration tips!

Post# 127330 , Reply# 11   3/12/2011 at 01:02 (5,019 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Wow! That is simply incredible!

Please do share your secrets!

Post# 127384 , Reply# 12   3/12/2011 at 19:05 (5,018 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
What a beautiful job! I echo the others. How do you restore plastic that such a great condition. That looks new!

Post# 127419 , Reply# 13   3/13/2011 at 00:37 (5,018 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Wowie Zowie! We want the secrets!!

Post# 127491 , Reply# 14   3/14/2011 at 04:39 (5,017 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Restoration tips!

Hi guys – thanks for your comments.
To restore the hood and chassis: First I washed it, using washing up liquid and a toothbrush on the hard to get at areas. Then I sanded it with medium, then fine grade wet and dry sand paper to take out most of the gouges and scratches. You have to be careful not to take off too much and make the plastic too thin. Luckily the hood and chassis were not too scratched.
Then I used a polish called ‘Autosol’ which is meant for metal but which does a very good job on this type of plastic. I probably spent several hours on the polishing. The shine comes out pretty quick but you need to keep polishing to remove all the tiny scratches and get a really smooth shiny surface.
The Hoover badge was stuck down well and in good condition so I had to be careful when working around it.
The lens had yellowed a bit so I polished it which took off the top layer of plastic to reveal white underneath, so it worked on that too!

Post# 127499 , Reply# 15   3/14/2011 at 10:46 (5,016 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        


Post# 127502 , Reply# 16   3/14/2011 at 12:14 (5,016 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

I'm still just enamored by those 'after' pictures. I don't know, though, that I would have the patience to spend hours polishing a hood to gleam like that. More power to you for being able to do just that!

Thanks so much for sharing such a gorgeous machine!


Post# 127695 , Reply# 17   3/17/2011 at 10:50 (5,013 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Anyone know...

Was this model or this design sold in North America? (I know it was sold in Italy)
Also, was it produced in any other colour apart from Aegean Gold? I dont think so.

Post# 127722 , Reply# 18   3/17/2011 at 17:51 (5,013 days old) by ozhoover (London UK (but born and raised in Melbourne, Australia ))        

Hi Jonathan,

It was made and sold in Australia but only had a very short production run.


Post# 127728 , Reply# 19   3/17/2011 at 18:58 (5,013 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        
here's mine

tommymilan's profile picture
Hello guys, here are some pictures of my Hoover U 4058

Post# 127729 , Reply# 20   3/17/2011 at 18:59 (5,013 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

tommymilan's profile picture
second picture

Post# 127730 , Reply# 21   3/17/2011 at 18:59 (5,013 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

tommymilan's profile picture

Post# 127731 , Reply# 22   3/17/2011 at 19:00 (5,013 days old) by tommymilan (milano)        

tommymilan's profile picture

Post# 128016 , Reply# 23   3/21/2011 at 05:33 (5,010 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Hi Mark

Thanks for the info. Looks like it was produced in Australia, Europe, UK and maybe other countries but not North America. I think this was the only colour too, which makes it a rather unusual model.

Post# 128017 , Reply# 24   3/21/2011 at 05:39 (5,010 days old) by 1066hoovers ()        
Hi Tommy

Nice pics! I remember last year you posted a late 1970s catalogue with this model in. Looks like the UK version had an orange badge whereas yours has a red one. I think it was the last model to have the cleaning tool slot at the back and 2 speed motor. Anyway it runs and cleans well and Im really pleased with it.

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