Thread Number: 11827
Vorwerk vk116 bearing |
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Post# 127637 , Reply# 1   3/16/2011 at 14:02 (4,933 days old) by vaclover (Freestate, Virginia, South Africa)   |   | |
My vorwerk vk116 made flames when i switched it on,the lower bearing was replaced and the brushes.still making my vorwerk vk 117 makes the same it makes flames for a while and then it works fine.They say it might be the armature or field coils,but how do i test it?or what else can be the problem? |
Post# 127648 , Reply# 3   3/16/2011 at 17:55 (4,933 days old) by vaclover (Freestate, Virginia, South Africa)   |   | |
Hi joe.thanks for your reply.the 116 and earlier machines is quite rare in south-africa,and the parts are very give you an idea the 116 and 117's bag cost R450.dont know how to convert it to your currency.can you please send me your email addres?i cant get hold of it.thanks Ruan |
Post# 127779 , Reply# 4   3/18/2011 at 18:14 (4,931 days old) by tommymilan (milano)   |   | |
I'm very fond of Vorwerks, but when their long lasting motors start to give problems I usually replace the old motor with a new one and keep the old one, unless it is completely burnt out, and give it to a dear friend of mine, a vorwerk repairman, to restore it, and, one by one I put back original motors. avk 116/117 motor might cost between 30 and 50 euros. repairs usually cost more. I own 20 vk 117, 10 vk 116, and all of them work...I keep in my wharehouse usually 10 new motors for vk 117 and 10 for vk 120, 121, 122. the problem iswith older models, but all of mine work well and have never seen one burnt out. need spares for VorWerks? look at german or italian ebay. greetings tommy |