Thread Number: 11822
Hoover Portable Cleaning Center
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Post# 126985   3/8/2011 at 10:20 (4,968 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
Ladies and gentlemen, for your consideration, the Hoover Portable Cleaning Center, in wondrous shades of green, purchased from St. Vincent de Paul earlier this morning for the princely sum of $8.52! A marvel of heft and portability, this makes up for the tomato colored one I left in the same store, because I thought it was missing a wand! Take no chances, I said to myself, it was right outside the storage room, I thought maybe the attendant was hiding it for someone. I checked it out, works like a charm, except for a stepped on spot on the hose. It also has all its attatchments, pictures pending!

Post# 126987 , Reply# 1   3/8/2011 at 10:58 (4,968 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        
Lime and Hunter Greens

arh1953's profile picture
Before the clean up, machine is that vivid '70s lime green that was everywhere.

Post# 126988 , Reply# 2   3/8/2011 at 11:00 (4,968 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        
And the insides

arh1953's profile picture
Used, but not excessively, starts and stops like a new cleaner. I was quite surprised to find it, lightning struck twice in the same place.

This post was last edited 03/08/2011 at 14:37
Post# 127014 , Reply# 3   3/8/2011 at 16:40 (4,967 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

I LOVE my portable! I have the yellow+chocolate brown one (the 1110, i believe.)Nice suction. Mine an older one, made somwhere between '68 and '72.


Post# 127023 , Reply# 4   3/8/2011 at 17:41 (4,967 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
Yes, I saw yours, nice looking machine! Mine must have been the model before the big wheel job came out.

Post# 127029 , Reply# 5   3/8/2011 at 18:02 (4,967 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Speaking of my portable, whats a good de-greaser? Theres a lot of gunk on the tools and it looks like someone drew with a black crayon on the floor nozzle.


Post# 127030 , Reply# 6   3/8/2011 at 18:15 (4,967 days old) by nick (Hastings, New Zealand)        
the big wheel job

i think there were 3 versions, the base, midline with cord winder, and deluxe with cord winder and large rear wheels. they have the same motor as the dial a matic

Post# 127037 , Reply# 7   3/8/2011 at 19:19 (4,967 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I've been told that white vinegar is a good degreaser, though I've yet to try it out properly, there's also citrus based cleaners that could work (and smell a lot nicer than vinegar!!), and of course there are other heavy chemical based things out there that might work...

Post# 127043 , Reply# 8   3/8/2011 at 20:05 (4,967 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        
The first step always.

aeoliandave's profile picture
Mr Clean Magic Eraser works wonders on all manner of scuffs, paint spatters and marker pen on metal, paint, rubber and vinyl surfaces (including permanent Sharpie types) before having to resort to other solutions.
Scrub under a running faucet and prepare to be astounded.


Post# 127044 , Reply# 9   3/8/2011 at 20:12 (4,967 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Thanks for the info! Im making a trip to get a haircut and go to wally world tomorrow so ill have to pick one up!


Post# 127077 , Reply# 10   3/9/2011 at 03:08 (4,967 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
You really "cleaned up" there

vacbear58's profile picture
The portable was not that popular over here so we did not have this model. Could I trouble you for a close up of the floor nozzle please, as we only had the earlier version here, I quite like the look of this one

Post# 127081 , Reply# 11   3/9/2011 at 03:54 (4,967 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
can't wait to see it cleaned up!!

Post# 127086 , Reply# 12   3/9/2011 at 05:54 (4,967 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        
Thanks for the input

arh1953's profile picture
I will work on some pics of the floor tool, and try Dawn Original, and see what that does for the grease problem. My cord winder won't click stop, hooked it with a clothespin.

Post# 127116 , Reply# 13   3/9/2011 at 16:04 (4,966 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        
As per requested

arh1953's profile picture
Here's the floor tool, the top view:

Post# 127118 , Reply# 14   3/9/2011 at 16:07 (4,966 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
The bottom view. I like this type, I think I have at least one other one of these. I need to go to the flea market and check the vacuum cleaner stall for more tools.

Post# 127120 , Reply# 15   3/9/2011 at 16:52 (4,966 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
Thank you

vacbear58's profile picture
For the extra pictures of the floor nozzle. Although I am a fan of the earlier version (both in style and operation) I like this updating of it. I wish our machines could have had this rather than the el cheapo plastic flipover that we had in the 1970s

Post# 127121 , Reply# 16   3/9/2011 at 17:05 (4,966 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
I like this one particularly also. The really ultra modern one with the wheels doesn't seem to pick up too well, but maybe it's just me.

Post# 127213 , Reply# 17   3/10/2011 at 20:17 (4,965 days old) by BBFvac76 ()        

Got mine on Ebay last month in shades of Blue

Post# 127214 , Reply# 18   3/10/2011 at 20:18 (4,965 days old) by BBFvac76 ()        

pic.2 notice the dusting brush is a replacement.

Post# 127248 , Reply# 19   3/11/2011 at 02:52 (4,965 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

vacbear58's profile picture
What year would that have been then, looks a late one due to the hose handle - and not for the tall either. Curious that they still supplied them without cord winders at this late stage

Post# 127249 , Reply# 20   3/11/2011 at 04:02 (4,965 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
Wow, your blue one is stunning!! I notice the spot the hose winds around is a bigger, round shape.

Post# 127251 , Reply# 21   3/11/2011 at 04:30 (4,965 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I have one of these cleaning centers-was given to me from one of the vac places here-sadly it has a blown motor.Did any of these Hoover cleaning centers have a powernozzle attachment?I have the tools with mine.Just need a motor for it.

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