Thread Number: 11776
Difference between TriStar CLX and DLX
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Post# 126598   3/3/2011 at 21:35 (4,981 days old) by DKA-65 ()        

Using google I have found a lot of discussions about the CLX but when I look up DLX I find nothing. Why do you think this is?

Also, What are the differences between the CLX and DLX?

Post# 126602 , Reply# 1   3/3/2011 at 22:21 (4,981 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
I'm not positive about this, but I think they have the same exact vacuum motor. However, the difference is in the power nozzle. The CXL nozzle uses a flat belt and the DXL uses a geared belt. the DXL also uses a circuit board. The early DXL nozzle looks outwardly identical to the CXL nozzle. But at some point, Tristar updated its look. I have an early DXL nozzlewith the geared belt but I use it on my CXL (since I don't actually own a DXL).

Post# 126615 , Reply# 2   3/4/2011 at 09:23 (4,980 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

The motor in the DXL was replaced mid production with a weaker motor than had been previously used, in effect making it less powerful than it's predecessors...

As for the PNs, the easy way to tell the difference is the cream/grey base one is the one with the geared belt and electronic jam cutout, and the black based one is the flat belt one which can take an adapted 4-row Eureka VGII brushroll... :)

Post# 126753 , Reply# 3   3/6/2011 at 10:38 (4,978 days old) by DKA-65 ()        

So the differences were with the power head and not the actual machine canister unit?

...and thank you for the info.

Post# 126765 , Reply# 4   3/6/2011 at 11:55 (4,978 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Erm, no, not quite, as I already said, the cannister itself had the motor replaced with a weaker one mid-run of the DXL, so it was changed. Also, the paintwork was changed on the later CXLs to the speckled black & grey hammertone effect paint, which was continued on in the DXL series, and the Tristar logo was Silver on one and Gold on the other, though I can't recall which way round that was... :)

Post# 126784 , Reply# 5   3/6/2011 at 14:34 (4,978 days old) by DKA-65 ()        

twocvbloke...Sorry about that, I had the post up from a few days ago and never hit refresh before I posted...So I never saw your reply.

The one I have must not be the weaker motor.

Post# 126791 , Reply# 6   3/6/2011 at 16:21 (4,978 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

No worries... :)

If yours is an earlier one, then it'll have the better motor, I haven't any idea of the dates or serials relating to when they did the dirty and swapped the motors, but that said, they're still excellent cleaners, they were just made weaker... :)

That said, mine's stronger than a Standard CXL, cos the motor I fitted has tapered fins, generating more suction, so side-by-side comparison with an original CXL, mine would come out on top, even with an unmodified PN... :)

Post# 127734 , Reply# 7   3/17/2011 at 19:44 (4,967 days old) by DKA-65 ()        

Do you remember what motor you put in yours? or could the tapered fins be found/purchased and put on another motor?

Post# 127755 , Reply# 8   3/18/2011 at 05:48 (4,967 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

The motor I bought was made for a Henry, and after looking it over (well, my spare one, I bought two cos I was going to build myself a custom, home made vac), I think it's a chinese Ametek clone motor, there's no markings on it, and the "equivalent to" numbers don't appear on Ametek's site, but I would have thought that the fans and fancase were interchangeable, I just haven't the original motor to find out (that stayed behind in Texas)... :)

This is the motor I bought, not quite the same, but with a bit of silicone sealant, I "glued" it to the motor seal to hold it in place, cos the power of it meant that when I put my hand over the hose end, then suddenly pulled it off, the motor forced itself out of the mount and into the bag chamber!!!

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