Thread Number: 11753
Anyone know anything about this Ho...
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Post# 126423   3/2/2011 at 08:58 (4,973 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi, Does anyone know any info on this Hoover s4002??
I've just been givern this from a customer. They gave me the original box to:o) Its sounds ok and I'm sure it wil clean up ok:o)


Post# 127264 , Reply# 1   3/11/2011 at 07:36 (4,964 days old) by hoovermanmick ()        

james is that the very first hoover freedom that was made

CLICK HERE TO GO TO hoovermanmick's LINK

Post# 127280 , Reply# 2   3/11/2011 at 12:59 (4,963 days old) by HooverCelebrity (Germany)        

Cool machine!

So different than anything that was ever produced here.. I want one of those flip floor tools! Very cool..

Looks almost like it's the same color as the 1100 Dial A Matic. What's the vintage of this machine?

Post# 127284 , Reply# 3   3/11/2011 at 13:26 (4,963 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
ein Sauglöwe ;-)))

Cool to see them reappear again! They sold as "Sauglöwe" series (literally "suction lion") in Germany and they came in several colours and 3 or 4 levels of luxury (from this basic model to the cable winder model up to the one with different power settings). I remember crab orange (like this one), curry coloured, cappucino and lavender.

I still remember the TV commercial:

In black and white, some very lively and careless animated dust particles were having a party deep down in the carpet pile. Then some sort of earthquake interrupted them, they started screaming.

Zoom back, the "Sauglöwe" hose and wand would magically stand up straight like cobra, the nozzle underneath having a horrible angry monster face instead of a bottom plate and sharp teeth and fangs, you would hear a loud roar and the sinister eyes focused the dust particles. In a whirlwind they were all swallowed up and away.

Yet another zoom back, now slowly shifting to colour TV and the machine stands on the floor, the hose and the wand effortlessly draped around a ABBA type lady.
"Hoover Sauglöwe, nothing can resist it - nor can you".

Cute, isn't it? ;-))

Nice machine, good to see one of them again.

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