Thread Number: 11676
A Very Nice Hoover Deluxe Convertible U4005
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Post# 125672   2/21/2011 at 21:27 (5,012 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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I was at a thrift store on Saturday and saw this Hoover Deluxe Convertible in the back and one of the workers refused to sell it to me since it wasn't "tested". She told me to come back on Monday and get it. She was getting pretty rude with my dad and I. But I went back today and it wasn't in the back or on the floor, so I asked an employee where it was and she directed me to the guy that had tested it. (This lady was actually very nice). The man had said that he threw it in the dumpster because it made a weird "grumbling" noise. He said it should still be there though, and it was! Luckily it was not thrown in, it was set in, on top of a pile of clothes! He said he cut the cord off though, which isn't a problem. When I got home I replaced the cord with another Convertible cord, and threw a belt on it, to find that it runs absolutely great, with no flaws! It is also in amazing condition! Then I realized that my blue Hoover Handi-Vac has the same exact color scheme as this, and maybe they are from the same time? And then I realized that the star on the bag is the same star used on my 1978 Hoover Dial-A-Matic Power Drive, which also goes with my Convertible Estate.

So, my question is, does the Handi Vac and Deluxe Convertible go with the DAM and Estate? I am really curious about that. And sorry for rambling on, but I wanted to tell the extremely complicated story on how I got it.

Post# 125674 , Reply# 1   2/21/2011 at 21:29 (5,012 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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Here is the ones that I THINK go together. As you can clearly see, the DAM and Estate are VERY discolored..

Post# 125676 , Reply# 2   2/21/2011 at 21:54 (5,012 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        
the DAM and Estate are VERY discolored

No, that's actually their correct colors. The U4005 is more of a blue, The Estate and Dial-A-Matic are more of a turquoise. I always wondered why Hoover gave a different name to the same model (and model number) Hoover convertible. I actually like that color scheme best for the DAM, only wish it was offered that same color in a non powerdrive version. I notice the sliding handle has been replaced on yours.

As for the U4005, a convertible is only "Deluxe" if it has a headlight! (ducks and runs)

Post# 125678 , Reply# 3   2/21/2011 at 22:18 (5,012 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
It says "Deluxe Convertible" where the headlight would be. I don't know why it would then.

Post# 125679 , Reply# 4   2/21/2011 at 22:22 (5,012 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Sorry it's backwards, I used my webcam.

Post# 125680 , Reply# 5   2/21/2011 at 22:35 (5,012 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
a great convertible

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
I have 4! love it... but, I was always amazed thet it would be deluxe with no hadle grip, no light, and snaps on the bag. It matches the Handi-vsc (have 4 also), but, they never matched the DAM or Estate. Great find.

Post# 125702 , Reply# 6   2/22/2011 at 06:19 (5,011 days old) by 1926700 ()        
nice find!!!!

and btw john was right.....those machines (U4005 Convertible and Qickbroom)do not belong in the Estate set...the estate color is a lighter blue, the official Hoover color of the Estate was "sea blue".....and the color of the U4005 and qwick broom was called "steller blue" this shade of blue was what the model 70 Convertible was issued in..... plus the Estate was made sometime around 1978....the U4005 was made sometime around pre 1975, or right around that time....

hope this helps....

Post# 125733 , Reply# 7   2/22/2011 at 14:22 (5,011 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

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Hoover naming got very confusing around this time. They threw the terms "Custom", Deluxe" and "Estate" around pretty whilly-nilly. It gives you a headache to try and keep up with all the changes. I think they were smokin' crack over on Maple Street.....

Post# 125741 , Reply# 8   2/22/2011 at 15:23 (5,011 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Thanks for all the info everyone! I really appreciate it!

Post# 125742 , Reply# 9   2/22/2011 at 15:24 (5,011 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

Gotta agree with you John. I love how the early power drive DAM's are marked "Dial-A-Matic with automatic power drive," while the later ones (such as the U6039-030) are marked "Automatic Power Drive Dial-A-Matic (in small print)" as if the fact that it is a Dial-A-Matic isn't even important! I'm surprised they didn't make an economy model Convertible and try to pass it off as deluxe lol.

Post# 360729 , Reply# 10   10/11/2016 at 18:14 (2,953 days old) by ronni (USA)        

"They threw the terms "Custom", Deluxe" and "Estate" around pretty whilly-nilly."

Not so--some cursory research shows that Hoover's terms changed as new lines were introduced. Admittedly, from a researcher or collector's perspective it would have been less confusing if Hoover's vocabulary remained consistent, but most consumers are more interested in the trim rather than the term.

HOOVER-USA CONVERTIBLE TERMINOLOGY--1960s & 1970s (corrections/additions welcomed)

"Special" 1958-68--rounded hood; no headlight; snap-close bag, no handgrip, half bumper, 16-foot cord (Models: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36)

Promotional 1961-75--limited manufacture and/or sale priced; store exclusive (excluding rebrands). (Models: *564, *574, 584, 594, *704, *704-01 w/cord reel, *714, *706, *707) *w/headlight

Promotional 1972-78--rounded hood; 1-speed motor (Models: U4001, *U4027, U4047, U4053, U4089, U4123) *w/headlight

Promotional 1975-79--squared hood; 2-speed motor (Models: U4075, U4085, U4087, U4091, U4099, U4111, **U4113, ***U4115) *w/headlight, **ranger hood

"Deluxe" 1961-73--full trim; headlight, zip-close outer bag; full bumper; 20-foot cord; handgrip; toe-controlled power switch; 4-level adjustment (Models: 68, 69, 1060, 1070, 719, 1076, 728). 2- & 3-digit model IDs - rounded hood; 4-digit model IDs - squared hood

"Deluxe" 1973-75--full hood; 2-speed motor; no headlight; snap-close outer bag; (Models: U4005, U4009)

"Deluxe" 1975-78--ranger hood w/"pile eye"; full trim; 2-speed motor, zip-close outer bag; Power-Seal for attachments--introduced high speed handle position (Models: U4039, U4039--001)

"Custom" 1973-77--full hood; full trim; 2-speed motor; headlight, zip-close outer bag (Models: U4003, U4007, *U4033) *squared hood

"Elite" 1975-79--full hood introduced "pile eye"; full trim; 2-speed motor; zip close outer bag (Models: U4059, U4063, *U4103, *U4109) *square handle

"Estate" 1977-78--full hood with "pile eye"; full trim; 2-speed motor; introduced square handle; introduced front conversion tools; zip close outer bag; introduced Type A 13 1/2 qt. throw-away bags (Model: U4103)


Sources: (main) kirbyvertibles, Vacuumland thread 123434; various Vacuumland threads; eBay

Post# 360739 , Reply# 11   10/11/2016 at 20:20 (2,953 days old) by ronni (USA)        

Addition to above list:

"Custom" - U4121, ranger hood

Post# 360777 , Reply# 12   10/12/2016 at 12:07 (2,952 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
I'm loving this thread! I always enjoy good ol Convertible talk!

Post# 360787 , Reply# 13   10/12/2016 at 14:19 (2,952 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
Who doesn't?
Well, maybe a few...................................

Post# 360789 , Reply# 14   10/12/2016 at 14:34 (2,952 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        

kloveland's profile picture
Even if they do leak a little dust. I still love them! A secure bag ring / belt really helps!

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