Thread Number: 11625
My Eureka model 259 Find
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Post# 125081   2/15/2011 at 18:56 (5,043 days old) by electroluxxxx (……)        

today i stopped in at the thrift store in Binghamton, and to my Surprise sat a nice eureka 259 upright the paint needs a little TLC but I plan on restoring this one. the motor runs really smooth, and quiet. does anyone have or know any info on this machine?

Post# 125180 , Reply# 1   2/16/2011 at 12:47 (5,042 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        

eurekaprince's profile picture
I'd give it a year of manufacture somewhere between 1958 and 1964 - not sure exactly. To attach an optional hose for use with attachments, you remove the nose cover at the front of the hood. The all-bristle brush roll was called a Disturbulator, and this upright took the famous top-filling Eureka F&G Bags.

The handle should have three positions: storage, regular use, and flat to the floor to vacuum under low tables.

Hope this helps!

Post# 125205 , Reply# 2   2/16/2011 at 19:45 (5,042 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Very nice! A real workhorse from Eureka. I remember that the Model 250 began appearing in ads about 1949. There was a 250-A in about 1950, and after that, I lose track of the uprights.

eurekaprince's guesstimate is probably correct.

Congratulations. I hope it cleans up well.

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