Thread Number: 11566
The 1954 Kirby "Movie Star"
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Post# 124581   2/11/2011 at 03:49 (5,111 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

See link... So, I wonder what movies and TV shows this Kirby has appeared in. I emailed the seller to ask, but didn't get a reply.......

I also wonder what he means by "the motor has been detached."

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on Los Angeles Craigslist

Post# 124584 , Reply# 1   2/11/2011 at 06:37 (5,111 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I would have to guess the motor has been removed and the unit isn't functional-If thats the case I would not pay $90 for a non functioning Kirby.

Post# 124589 , Reply# 2   2/11/2011 at 07:59 (5,111 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
Am I guessing that the original box looks newer than 1954, and the vacuum too, for that matter?

Post# 124607 , Reply# 3   2/11/2011 at 13:04 (5,110 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

The box is a Sentria box. Why a prop person would go to all the trouble to remove a motor from an early-500-series Kirby is a mystery to me -- that's no easy job, especially for a "sweeper civilian."

Post# 124626 , Reply# 4   2/11/2011 at 16:26 (5,110 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Or maybe they meant that the brushroll assembly was removed at one time. Remember "Mr. Mom" - wasn't that a Kirby that the front had been altered? Maybe they constructed another front to fit where the correct one would be? Oh hell, I don't know!!

Post# 124628 , Reply# 5   2/11/2011 at 16:40 (5,110 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Why can't people spell this damn word??!!!!

Post# 124629 , Reply# 6   2/11/2011 at 16:51 (5,110 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        
Movie Star???

djtaylor's profile picture
I would INSIST on a letter of authenticity or other proof. It looks like it's been 'bojacked' and the box is from a Sentria, nothing else. I would not take the ad at face value. If you really want the vacuum offer $10 or $20, it's not worth anything more than than with out some proof of it being used in movies or tv.
Buyer beware.

Post# 124630 , Reply# 7   2/11/2011 at 17:09 (5,110 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Got a reply from the seller this afternoon--


This item was purchased from prop company and the inventory description mentions its previous use in films and television as well as several theatrical productions during the 70's and 80's.

"Detached" simply means that, while the motor is intact, it is disconnected so that it will not make a sound during filming or live production.

I hope this helps.

Post# 124652 , Reply# 8   2/11/2011 at 22:17 (5,110 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        
Remember "Mr. Mom" - wasn't that a Kirby that th

Yes, but that was a Classic 1CR. They altered the machine just enough so that they wouldn't be sued by Kirby, but the machine itself is unmistakeable. It had a beefier motor cover, cyclops headlight, and T-bar handle. For the vacuum cleaner "noise," it sounds like they used a Hoover Convertible. Why they would disable the motor on this 513-515 is a mystery.

- Karl

Post# 124663 , Reply# 9   2/12/2011 at 03:21 (5,110 days old) by jcste09 (Lubbock, TX)        

jcste09's profile picture
I wish I could find a Kirby made like the one in Mr. Mom!


Post# 124664 , Reply# 10   2/12/2011 at 04:46 (5,110 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Well, I was really curious to know what films and TV shows this Kirby was used in. I can't claim to have seen every one of them ever made, but the only show I ever remember seeing a pre-516 Kirby in was an episode of "Petticoat Junction" and that would have been in the mid 1960s. Every other vintage Kirby appearance I can think of was a later model.

The most recent film I can think of with an old Kirby was "Ed Wood," with Johnny Depp, Sarah Jessica Parker, Bill Murray and Martin Landau (who won an oscar for his portrayal of Bela Lugosi). There's a scene in Ed Wood's apartment where his wife is vacuuming with a ~516 Kirby. It has a replacement bag and is running on low power as the bag is only partially inflated.

Other than that...??

Post# 124677 , Reply# 11   2/12/2011 at 10:53 (5,109 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

Early on in the film "Burnt Offerings" we see Karen Black vacuuming the steps of her new house with a pre-516 Kirby. I recall it being beautifully polished. The film is from 1976, I thought they would have used a Classic Omega, or the then-new Classic III!

- Karl

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