Thread Number: 11555
My Electrolux PN Collection To Date
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Post# 124505   2/10/2011 at 03:05 (5,049 days old) by mercuryman ()        

I acquired a new PN-6A this week, for use with my Diamond Jubilee. I also never did post a picture of my PN-2 after I polished it up. Here is a pic! Note: I added the cute little lightning bolts to the pic, because they remind me of the lightning bolts that used to appear on the old school original Electrolux filter bags!

Post# 124506 , Reply# 1   2/10/2011 at 03:10 (5,049 days old) by mercuryman ()        

Here's a pic of the Diamond Jubilee, which I don't think I have shown before, either. The twins are in the pic as well. I couldn't leave them out!

Post# 124507 , Reply# 2   2/10/2011 at 03:41 (5,049 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

The Diamond Jubilee is a really nice vacuum cleaner. Great suction, very sleek and almost "retro" streamlined styling, not as noisy as a Model G but bearable. The only thing I'll say is, I like the heavier PN-2 and, if I had a DJ and carpeting, I'd use that combination. It's really just a personal preference - I'm sure the PN-6 is a great performer, but I've never cared for Electrolux's plastic-body PNs.

Post# 124509 , Reply# 3   2/10/2011 at 04:09 (5,049 days old) by mercuryman ()        
The PN-6A

The PN-6A has a very, VERY stiff brushroll inside, which "propels" the unit forward when vacuuming. I actually do prefer the PN-1 or PN-2.

Charlie, I did notice that your mother uses a plastic-housed PN (PN-5, perhaps?) when you posted pics of her with her repaired vacuum right after Christmas. Which model is the one she has?

The Diamond Jubilee is a good vacuum, and has great suction, although I know in comparison to its predecessors, the motor is inferior (as Electrolux began using cheaper parts with the advent of the DJ). I may one day list it on Craig's List and spring for a Silverado to replace it. But, then again, what's the difference? If the motor dies in the DJ, I can put a Super J motor in it as a replacement.

Post# 124515 , Reply# 4   2/10/2011 at 07:34 (5,048 days old) by kirbykid63 (Wilmington Delaware)        
Really love those lux's

I get many classic machines from the auctions in Tucson and I sell the used parts in my eBay store.I have a very nice 1967 hospital G that I will never sell,If you need any thing just let me know.

Post# 124518 , Reply# 5   2/10/2011 at 08:20 (5,048 days old) by luxg ()        

Brian, that is a beautiful Electrolux collection! I also have the Diamond machine and love it.

Post# 124532 , Reply# 6   2/10/2011 at 13:13 (5,048 days old) by vintagecanister ()        
Very nice collection, Brian........

Keep it going. =0)

Post# 124536 , Reply# 7   2/10/2011 at 14:15 (5,048 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

I'm not sure which model Mama's is, other than it is the L-shaped type. I got that one for her specifically because it is lighter-weight than the metal ones.

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