Thread Number: 11544
Electrolux Model 1205
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Post# 124388   2/8/2011 at 20:49 (5,050 days old) by ClaytonG ()        

I am restoring a model 1205. Does anyone know where I can get blue paint to match the original color? It started with replacing the motor and I figured while it was apart, I'd paint it. Thanks.

Post# 124395 , Reply# 1   2/8/2011 at 21:43 (5,050 days old) by mercuryman ()        
Here's a Link:

Hi Clayton,

I happened upon this site (called "") awhile ago, and I know this guy restores vintage Electroluxes. Perhaps you could give him a buzz, and ask him what the paint specs are for the 1205?

Hope this helps!



Post# 124451 , Reply# 2   2/9/2011 at 16:11 (5,049 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
I have a friend who owns an auto body repair shop. He's been very helpful in helping to find matching paints, prep tips, etc. You might try taking the main vacuum body to a body shop and ask for help/suggestions regarding paint if the above tip doesn't pan out.

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