Thread Number: 11543
hand pump vacume
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Post# 124387   2/8/2011 at 20:48 (4,916 days old) by samaustin ()        

I have a vacume that was made in 1911- pat. in 1907, hand pump, original bag still in place. Curious if anyone would know what something like this might be worth? I just got back from getting someone at the antique road show to look at it- in the 10 years he said he's been doing that job he said he had never seen anything like it, took my pic with it and wanted to buy it on the spot. That has sparked my interest to find out more about it or what I can get for it. Anyone who has a clue, please let me know :)

Post# 124415 , Reply# 1   2/8/2011 at 23:49 (4,916 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

I would suggest you contact the "VacHunter" at the link below, taking particular note of the "Plunger" page of his web site. He has a huge collection of pre-electric vacuum cleaners and is probably the most informed expert about them.

I will say, this plunger type of mechanical vacuum cleaner does not seem all that rare. They turn up in one form or another on eBay pretty frequently, and collectors who specialize in pre-electric vacuum cleaners typically have dozens of them from various manufacturers. There are pre-electric vacuum cleaners that are much, much rarer than this.

I'm surprised to hear that someone at the Antiques Roadshow was so interested in it. I've been watching the show for years and have never seen a single vacuum cleaner on it.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK

Post# 124434 , Reply# 2   2/9/2011 at 03:40 (4,916 days old) by vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield & London)        
And in the UK too

vacbear58's profile picture
CRL has it right, these things show up here with amazing regularity too, I was even given one for free when I got my Lux model V. Yep, tried it for two plunges and gave it up as a bad job, I really dont see how they are an improvement on a dustpan and brush


Post# 125061 , Reply# 3   2/15/2011 at 15:44 (4,910 days old) by samaustin ()        

Thanx for the info guys- ya I didnt figure it was worth much. The antique roadshow guy wanted it but he had been dealing with mostly coins all day- mabye thats why! ha ha- but he seemed enthusiastic so I figured I'd ask some questions- as I have no idea, so thank you again for replying- I appreciate it :)

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