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Post# 124274   2/7/2011 at 16:42 (5,094 days old) by Vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        

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These bags that cropped up on ebay sparked my curiosity - I am of course familiar with the Hoover 419/427/429 (Harlequin) and 507 (Conquest), but they are also suitable for a manufacturer called Zelmer. I have not seen these on sale here, and I was wonderig if any European members could tell me anything about them

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Vacbear58's LINK on eBay

Post# 124276 , Reply# 1   2/7/2011 at 17:13 (5,094 days old) by whirlpolf ()        
said to be "el cheapo" but...

hi there,

I do remember Zelmer vacs having been sold here in Western Germany during the time when the wall was still up through catalogue warehouses such as "Quelle / Neckermann" (being the two major ones) and Otto, Baur, et al as well).
They were rebranded "Elite (aka Karstadt)" or "Privileg (aka Quelle's electric goods)" or what have you.
Later when the wall had come down, you could see them in the BOL segment of the market being sold as Zelmer machines. By the first look, they may appear as an "el cheapo" brand, but on the second glance, you can see some very practical improvements that no major company has ever thought of.
See link below for some more details.

Too bad about all this: I cannot speak of "REAL" Zelmer machines, they must be really good, which results in the fact that the Zelmer vacs sold here were really simpler than the original ones or the top models which we couldn't get in the west. Zelmer seems to be a Polish or Czech company, I do not remember exactly. Apart from that somewhat "thin" thread link below, there has been a major photo trail or thread here from our Eastern co-collectors, it features his really nice canister vac and all its tools (something with "choose whether bag or cyclone" if I remember right) (Damn, I cannot find it now). It was really a good idea: Same basic machine and just some clicks and adjustments and you were just where you wanted to be: Bags or cyclone. Good thing!

Sorry for not being able to give you THAT link, it is really a sight.
Hope our friend pops up here with a reminder.
Cheers, Joe


Post# 124278 , Reply# 2   2/7/2011 at 17:34 (5,094 days old) by whirlpolf ()        

In my opinion: Anyone can see (once you have seen the top models) that the Zelmer company has so many ingenious ideas in stash that they could easily compete with any of the top brands (Lux, Kirby, Rainbow, Delfin, Miele etc.) but economy has it: They are an Eastern company and therefore not really trusted by the marketing trends (or: by way of fortune not trusted by the top selling western habits). I am afraid their good ideas are rotting in some dusty drawers. So they duck shyly and try to mass market to the big warehouses only under a tremendous pricing pressure. What a shame!
Unfortunately even now Germany has nothing else here to get hold of but of the 39,- € plastic bombers. F... "Media Markt" and "Saturn" (discount giants are a disgrace to the human mind if you ask me).
Apparently the final Zelmer flagship has not yet been composed at all.

Post# 124398 , Reply# 3   2/8/2011 at 22:15 (5,093 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

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We had Zelmer machines in Canada for a short time in the late 1970's or early 1980's sold in the Canadian Tire stores. If memory serves me right they were the same ones that were sold in England under the name Rotel.


Post# 124436 , Reply# 4   2/9/2011 at 07:02 (5,093 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Hi Doug

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi Doug, I just wondered where your website has gone as I can't find it. It just say "Site Temporarily Disabled"

Hope your ok.


Post# 124439 , Reply# 5   2/9/2011 at 07:29 (5,093 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hi James:

That message has been up for the last 6 months and I cant figure out why. No bandwidth has been used and it isnt anywhere near the size limit. I think its just a new scam to try to get me to pay for the site instead of using the free host, which I have no intention of doing. I need to find a new host but havnt had the time to do that, let alone move it.

Anyone have any suggestions for a new host?


Post# 124441 , Reply# 6   2/9/2011 at 11:06 (5,093 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
You might try contacting Robert over on the washer site....he just moved the site to a new host last week.


Post# 124634 , Reply# 7   2/11/2011 at 17:32 (5,090 days old) by tazcatsdad (Buffalo, NY)        
If anybody's interested ...

tazcatsdad's profile picture
... I have a recent model Zelmer cylinder that I bought brand new, in the original box, on eBay from a seller in Illinois! It's a model 4000 (aka "the Jupiter", according to Zelmer's website). I've attached a link to the video I posted on YouTube of it in action.

I also found out through the Internet that there's a vacuum cleaner shop in St. Catharines, Ontario which carries Zelmer machines as well as bags and other parts for them: I'll be paying them a visit in a week or two (just as soon as I get my new Enhanced Driver's License from the NYSDMV!).


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