Thread Number: 11523
Kirby Model C bag question
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Post# 124261   2/7/2011 at 13:07 (5,091 days old) by tom519 (Long Island, New York )        

Pictured below are two sani-emtors, one from a Kirby Model C and the other from a 505. If you notice, the diameter of the throat openings where you attach the bag are different. The Model C is smaller. I was wondering then if the first black bags that were made had smaller openings at the bottom, and if that was the case they probably wouldn't fit the newer machines. I would think Kirby would have made different black bags for the Model C and 2C which had the smaller emtors, and then different sized black bags for the Model 3C and up, which had the large emtors, but I am not sure. Reason I ask is if a black bag were to appear on EBAY, how would you know if it came from a Model C, 2C or later, unless you asked? I don't think the smaller opening would stretch enough to fit the larger emtors.

Post# 124264 , Reply# 1   2/7/2011 at 13:51 (5,091 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Yes, the opening is smaller on all the models prior to the 505. However, the springs on later replacement bags are tight enough that they will fit the smaller opening.

Post# 124265 , Reply# 2   2/7/2011 at 13:53 (5,091 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

P.S. The larger emptor isn't from a 505: It has the "Sweet-Aire" port in the back. That feature was introduced on the Model 510. Also, the bottom cover on the 505 is black.

Post# 124270 , Reply# 3   2/7/2011 at 16:06 (5,091 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
Thanks for posting the photo. I never knew the Emtors were smaller.

Post# 124271 , Reply# 4   2/7/2011 at 16:18 (5,091 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        
Same thing..

I ran into this problem on recently acquired 2C, 505 and a Scott and Fetzer. The 2C and S&F both had original black Kirby bags, the 505 didn't. Since the 505 is my childhood training vac, I wanted to put one of the originals on it, but low and behold, discovered the same thing, they do not fit the 505 emtor. The S&F should've had a bag with the S&F name but has a later Kirby bag, so it will stay, at least it's from the era and the same company. So, I ordered one of the new Kirby black replacement bags for the if I could get someone to put a Kirby circle logo on it, I'd be set!

Post# 124285 , Reply# 5   2/7/2011 at 18:49 (5,091 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 124311 , Reply# 6   2/8/2011 at 05:18 (5,091 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
Hi Tom

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi Tom, I noticed the same thing a few years ago,

Also the Kirby models C and 2C have smaller type emp-tors but
the larger type Emptors was introduced with the 3C and 4C but had metal trays/trap doors at the bottom.
The 505 had the same emptor as the 3C and 4C but had a black plastic type material trap door/tray.

Hope this is of some help to you.


Post# 124345 , Reply# 7   2/8/2011 at 14:45 (5,090 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        
"I wanted to put one of the originals on it"

Where does one find an original? They're as rare as hen's teeth. I do hope at some point somebody can fabricate the red & gold logo for the new black Kirby bags.

- Karl

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