Thread Number: 11506
the great ESTATE.....
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Post# 124120   2/5/2011 at 13:59 (4,998 days old) by 1926700 ()        

hey there all....

yesterday i went to pick up a vacuum on the south was a Hoover Convertible Estate/Elite, well i got to the woman's house prepared to dish out $30.00 for this machine....come to find out it was a absolute rust i ended up getting the machine for $5.00....most of you are saying...."don't you already have a Estate?"....and the answer is yes....but mine is not all had a bojack bag...had being the key i changed out the hood on mine since the label on the other hood was better, and switched out bags....and there i have a all original Hoover Estate/Elite....hers a pic of what mine looked like before when i first got it...

Post# 124121 , Reply# 1   2/5/2011 at 14:00 (4,998 days old) by 1926700 ()        
and .......

hers the after.....the right bag makes such a difference..

Post# 124122 , Reply# 2   2/5/2011 at 14:02 (4,998 days old) by 1926700 ()        

another glamor shot....

Post# 124123 , Reply# 3   2/5/2011 at 14:04 (4,998 days old) by 1926700 ()        
give good face....

this hood is actually in better condition...

Post# 124129 , Reply# 4   2/5/2011 at 16:41 (4,998 days old) by Kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Hey Jason....please do show us pics of the underside of the Convertible. I am interested to see it, since we were talking about it this afternoon....if you could please & thanks.


Post# 124144 , Reply# 5   2/5/2011 at 20:22 (4,998 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
This is one of my favorite "later" COnvertibles (compared to the original). That's a purdy one. Congrats!

Post# 124145 , Reply# 6   2/5/2011 at 20:27 (4,998 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Hey John - nice pics but they need to be rotated. If you need a program to do it look up irfanview on the web. Its a free program and works very well for minor editing.

The machine looks much better with the right bag.

Post# 124146 , Reply# 7   2/5/2011 at 20:28 (4,998 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
A coupla great shots courtesy of Fred S.....

Post# 124147 , Reply# 8   2/5/2011 at 20:31 (4,998 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
and the 2nd one.....

Post# 124166 , Reply# 9   2/6/2011 at 00:54 (4,998 days old) by uprightman ()        
MANLY, yes...but I like it TOO!

Really diggin' the bag on the U1025. Thanks for the photos, Portable!

Post# 124167 , Reply# 10   2/6/2011 at 01:22 (4,998 days old) by 1926700 ()        
in the first....

hoover page posted i have all those models from the 1978 line...

Post# 124179 , Reply# 11   2/6/2011 at 12:14 (4,998 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

It's weird seeing Hoover Juniors with the wrong plug on the cable... :P

Not to mention that U1025 with a little brown bag topper, we never got that on our Juniors... :S

One other difference is that your Juniors appear to use spring hangers, where ours had a spring-loaded hook to hold the bag up and away from the handle, and the bags have a little metal spreader bar with a small loop to hook onto the hanger...

Amazing how what we perceive as being mostly the same ends up being quite different... :)

Post# 124180 , Reply# 12   2/6/2011 at 12:22 (4,998 days old) by 1926700 ()        

us damn Americans for you!! i agree only the not use to seeing British Hoover juniors with the spring loaded bag clips and the 220 volt cord.....i know precisely what you mean....

Post# 124186 , Reply# 13   2/6/2011 at 12:48 (4,998 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        
Not to mention the fact....

That some U.K. models of the junior had a headlight. Something that ours in the states never had. Why were they more popular on "the other side of the pond?" It's a great little vacuum to clean smaller areas.

- Karl

Post# 124189 , Reply# 14   2/6/2011 at 13:19 (4,998 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I think the fact that the Junior was popular here is because we live in tiny houses, big vacuums tend to get in the way or caught up on things, so, the small upright that was the Junior was the most popular of Hoover's line... :)

Heck, even I like them, and I'm not a Hoover person... :P

Post# 124191 , Reply# 15   2/6/2011 at 13:23 (4,998 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Ive always loved the later convertibles and early convertibles... Sad that i have only one hoover in my collection, a Dial a Matic.


Post# 124201 , Reply# 16   2/6/2011 at 19:06 (4,997 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
ONLY one?

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
Then, you must procure more of them, .....right away!

Post# 124221 , Reply# 17   2/6/2011 at 22:19 (4,997 days old) by kloveland (Tulsa)        
Nice Find!!!

kloveland's profile picture
Good find Jason,

Glad you were able to make an original machine. Really like the bag and color on the estate.


Post# 124223 , Reply# 18   2/6/2011 at 22:26 (4,997 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
There was, however, a 110-volt version of the Dirtsearcher Junior model 1354A sold in Canada.


Post# 124225 , Reply# 19   2/6/2011 at 22:29 (4,997 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I have 2 Estates and one Elite

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
Marvelous specimens

Post# 388488 , Reply# 20   3/19/2018 at 05:33 (2,400 days old) by TheSpiritOf76 ()        
Part II of the Great Estate.....

Lets fast forward 7 years now, oh my! I can't believe it has been 7 years! Wow!

I finally found an actual Hoover Convertible Estate! Model U4103 from 1977. This is a first edition model U4103, metal base, and no nub on the end of the handle grip. I needed a early Estate to match my U4101 in mint green, which is a also a early 1977 edition. As well as is my Celebrity II Estate as well.

In turn my Hoover Convertible Elite model U4103-030 was sold to another collector to recoup funds. He appreciates it and it has a nice home with that person.

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Post# 388489 , Reply# 21   3/19/2018 at 07:15 (2,400 days old) by crazykirbydude (Lexington, KY)        

crazykirbydude's profile picture
In that picture of the '78 lineup, was that a Hoover Junior? I had no idea those were released over here in the U.S.

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