Thread Number: 11467
strange Kirby part
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Post# 123774   2/2/2011 at 12:25 (4,923 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Ok Curiosity has the best of me. Just came across this on ebay and, although I can see its definately a Kirby part, I have no clue what it is. Anyone know this one???


Post# 123784 , Reply# 1   2/2/2011 at 13:17 (4,923 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
I believe

compactelectra's profile picture
That it is a demonstration device. You would put a filter paper in the thing and run the machine. The dirt would go on the filter paper except where the "Kirby" was which would remain white. Quite clever and convincing.


Post# 123795 , Reply# 2   2/2/2011 at 14:58 (4,923 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Doug & dirt meter...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
Hello Doug.

Fred is correct, that is the dirt meter that was used for demoing the machine for customers.

That may be used on the Kirbys from the 516 thru the Legend II.

The filters for it, we buy in bulk lots of 5,000. However, years ago if we ran out of them while out in the 'field' & were a distance from the office, then we would sometimes stop by a store that carried farm products & pick up milk strainer pads to use.

There was a 90° adapter elbow that we used with them, before the 'new style' dirt meter came out for the "G" models.

Cheers & hagd all,


Post# 123798 , Reply# 3   2/2/2011 at 15:53 (4,923 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I have one of them, used to be my dad's from when he was a salesman, hardly ever use it though, but I just like to have it... :)

I used a cut up MicronMagic bag for filters when playing with it, which I last did a few years ago, still have a few of those home-made filters left actually, just shows how often I use my dirt meter... :P

Post# 123904 , Reply# 4   2/3/2011 at 06:41 (4,922 days old) by kirbymodel2c (Nottingham, England)        
I've just wondered...

kirbymodel2c's profile picture
Hi. I've just wondered has anyone ever seen a dirt meter for older kirbys from the Model C to kirby model 515??


Post# 124052 , Reply# 5   2/4/2011 at 18:47 (4,921 days old) by collector2 (Moose Jaw, Sk)        

collector2's profile picture
Nice one. Thanks guys. Mystery solved. I suspected it was something like that but have never seen one. (Kirby is very unpopular here - except for use as boat anchors ;) )


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