Thread Number: 11462
Hoover Convertible Headlight Trim
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Post# 123756   2/2/2011 at 10:13 (5,061 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

Would anybody happen to know where I can find the chrome headlight trim for the early Hoover Convertibles? It's missing from my 65, 67 & 68. I guess vac shops didn't always put them back when servicing the machine. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

- Karl

Post# 123760 , Reply# 1   2/2/2011 at 10:45 (5,061 days old) by sanimatic ()        

I need two of them myself. I believe they are pretty hard to find these days. I think when the motor cover warped, as it always did on those early models, the trim did not want to stay on.

Post# 123793 , Reply# 2   2/2/2011 at 14:30 (5,061 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
they are few and far between

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
They didn't last very long. I always wondered about them.

Post# 123805 , Reply# 3   2/2/2011 at 16:25 (5,061 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

I guess they're about as hard to find as an original vinyl bag if it's not still on the machine. You would think there would still be a 65-68 in a trade-in pile somewhere that has it. The hoods on mine aren't warped, and the headlight lens has two studs which protrude through the hood to hold the chrome trim in place. I guess someone forgot to put it back....

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