Thread Number: 11425
And Now .....THE CONVERTIBLE LIST!!!!!!!
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Post# 123434   1/30/2011 at 14:45 (4,926 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
This is only for the METAL bases models. Again I apologize for the personal side notes to my self on what models I have. This isn't me showing off, I just wanted to document what I found and still need to find from a long time ago when I got this list. The Hoover Convertible Metal Based
August 29, 2008
As Told By Jeff Parker

1.Model 65- August 1957 to November 1959. Heather rose pink and pearl white. Flagship Convertible.
Earliest models (1957) have "Hoover Citation" printed on bag. As the Citation was the last model
before the introduction of the new Convertible cleaner.The 1957 models also have a one piece handle.
All models have painted handles and a silver trim around headlight. Approx. 351,214 units were made.
( I have a later model two peice handle 65)
( And an earlyer one with one peice handel but without original bag)

2.Model 65 Golden- 1958 only. Metallic gold painted base and white hood. These models were produced
for the 50th anniversary. approx. 20,000 units were made.

3.Model 31 Special- 1958-1961. Shades of Jade green and pearl white. Cheaper version of the 65, no
headlight, step on switch, snap bag. 58-60 models have green painted base and wide top 65 style bag.
60-61 models have pearl white painted base and narrow top bag. Both have green painted handle.
( I have both versions of the 31 Special)

4.Model 66- 1958-1960. Garland green and paerl white with Gold trim and green painted handle. This is
the official 50th anniversary model. 1958 models have the bag spring like the above. 1960 models
introduce the new spring loaded bag latch. Also intruduced on the 1958 model was the narrow top bag.
( I have the early version with the bag spring)

5.Model 67- 1960-1962. Fawn pink and pearl white. Eariest models have gold trim left over from the
model 66 later ones are back to the silver trim. Pink painted handle. Approx 150,000 units made
( I have a Convertible model 67)

6.Model 32 Special- 1969-1962. Clover pink and pearl white. Similar in styling as the model 31
Special,no headlight, snap bag, etc. The switch was moved up to handle & cord shortened to 16 feet.
( I Have This One )

7.Model 564 Limited Production Promotional Model- 1961 ONLY.Antique gold and pearl white with silver
trim. This model in production April- August of 1961 thus making it rather rare. Rounded hood like
Flagship models with headlight, but with short bumper, short cord and snap bag with Convertible
Special lettering. Only 55,504 units produced.
( I have one of these models)

8.Model 68- 1961 Only. Porcelain blue and pearl white with silver trim. Convertible Deluxe with
headlight. Introducing the vinyl hand grip. In production November 1960-December 1961 164,494 units.
( I have one of these models)

9.Model 574 Limited production Promotional Model- 1962 ONLY. Canton red and pearl white with silver
trim. This model in production April through May 1962 making it the RAREST Hoover Convertible.
Rounded hood with headlight, short bumper,longer cord,and snap bag with Convertible Special letters.
Only 26,243 units produced.
( I Have This One ) ( Not Yet Complete )

10.Model 69- 1961-1964. Neptune green and pearl white with silver trim. Convertible Deluxe ( first
Deluxe model to have white painted handle). earlier models have Hoover embossed on the handle grip
and plug. Most of these models will have speed switch under casting, the last models have it under
the hood. Production exceeds 525,000 units.
( I have one of the earlier models)

11.Model 33 Special- 1962-1964. Dusky Lavender and pearl white. Approximately 500,000 units made.
( I have one)

12.Model 34 Special- 1964-1966. Bittersweet Orange and Pealr white.
(I have one of these)

13.Model 584 Promotional/Semi-Commercial Model- 1964-1968. Garland green and pearl white.Later models
have Garland green and light Seal Griege. Earlier models have large Hoover medallion and later ones
have small stick on medallions. This model is billed in Hoover brochures as a Convertible Special.
No headlight, full bumper, zipper bag and short cord.
( I have both versions with small medallion And One Large Medallion Not Yet Complete )

14.Model 334 Commercial Convertible- 1963-1969. Porcelain blur and Pearl gray. Essentially a Convert
Special with a 30 foot cord and a cloth shake out bag. Early have large medallion later have small.

Production note!!!In Oct.1964 the speed switch wasrevised and moved from under the casting
to under the motor hood. Models affacted are 69,34,584, and 334...

15.Model 35 Special- 1964-1966. Light Venetian gold and pearl white. The bag was no longer lettered
Convertible Special. Early versions have large medallions later have small stick on.
( I have early model with large medallion)

16.Model 70- 1964-1966. Delft blue and Pearl white with silver trim. Most models have large medallion
last models have small stick on.
( I have early version with large Hoover medallion)

17.Model 36 Special- 1966-1968. Tropic Islanf green and Pearl white. Early models have large medallion
Most of these models have small stick on medallions.
( I have the later model with small stick on Medallion)

Production note!!!In May 1966 the large clip Medallion was discontinued and replaced with
the smaller stick on medallion that would remain for the rest of the metal based Convertibles.
Models affected are 584,334,35,70, and 36...

18.Model 1060- 1966-1968. Autumn gold and Seal Griege (medium and deep). Convertible Deluxe now with
new squared hood style and large headlight lens. Earlier models will have the deep brown bag with
large HOOVER lettering.
( I have one of these models)

19.Model 704 Promotional Model- 1967-1970. Persian gold and Seal Griege (light and medium) however
the first models were painted Peral white. Rounded hood with headlight, full bumper,long cord, and
snap bag.
( I have both of these models)

20.Model 704-01 Promotional Model- 1970 ONLY. SAME AS 704 BUT WITH An AUTOMATIC CORD REEL. The ONLY
CONVERTIBLE TO HAVE ONE ( besides the JC PENNEY and PENNCREST meodels) and is the only two position
height adjustment model carried over into the 1970's VERY RARE!!!

21.Model 714 Promotional Model- 1967-1969. Sunset Orange and Seal Griege ( light and medium). Head-
light,rounded hood, full bumper, zippered bag,short cord and a cheap rubber hand grip. Cheaper
alternative to the model 1060. ( SEMI RARE ???)

( I have one of these models)

22.Model 1010- 1967-1968. Spring green and Seal Griege ( medium and deep). This was a basic cheaper
Convertible. Square hood non headlight model. Mate to the 1060
( I have one of these models)

Production note!!! Towards the end of 1968 the silver patent plate with the model number on
it was dropped. New procedure had the model number stamped on to the base near where the
serial number was always stamped. Models affected are 584,704,704-01,1010 and possibly the
1060, although the 1060 is uncertian.

In 1969 Hoover began introducing its' new cleaners in sets designated A and B lines C lines
will come later. For the first part of the 1970's there would be two A-line cleaners, two B-
line cleaners and one promotional model. As the 1970's wore on the A and B lines remained, and
the C line was added, but the promotional models got crazy and there were way too many to keep
track of.

1969-1971 cleaners: Market introduction Febuary 3, 1969. Production began December 1968.

23.Model 1070 A line. Marine blue and Seal Griege (light and medium).Square hood Deluxe with head-
light and introducing the new 4 position height adjustment.
( I have this one)

24.Model 1020 A line. Spring green and Seal Griege ( light and medium).Sruare hood basic model with-
out headlight.
( I have this one)

25.Model 719 B line. Delft blue and Seal Griege ( light and medium). Rounded hood Deluxe with head-
light and cheaper piece of thin rubber for the handel grip ( like that of the 714).
( I have this one)

26.model 589 B line. Victorian rose and Seal Griege ( light and medium). Rounded hood basic with-
out headlight.
( I Have This One )

27.Model 706 Promotional Model- 1970 ONLY. Seal Griege ( light and medium) with Persian gold trim &
bag. Rounded hood Deluxe with headlight, full bumper, and zippered bag.
( I have this one)

28.Model 344 Commercial Convertible.Porcelain blue and Seal Griege light, which is changed to Taupe
in 1971. This model remains in production untill 1975. This is just the updated version of the 334
Commercial Convertible now with the new 4 position height adjustment.
( I Have This One )

29.Model 348 Commercial Convertible. Is the very same cleaner as the 344 but with a 3-wire gorunded

1971-1973 Cleaners: Market introduction March 1971.

30.Model 1030 A line. Bali green with light and meduim Taupe. Square hood basic without headlight.
( I have this one)

31.Model 1076 A line. Ceylon yellow with light and medium Taupe and attractive print bag. Square
hood Deluxe with headlight.
( I have this one)

32.Model 593 B line. Surf green and Taupe. Earliest models have green bumper, later ones have medium
Taupe. Rounded hood basic without headlight.
( I have later one with Taupe bumper)

33.Model 728 B line. Camilla pink with light and medium Taupe with attractive print bag. Rounded
hood Deluxe with headlight.
( I have this one)

34.Model 707 Promotional Model-1971-1975. Spring green with Garland green trim with attractive and
WILD yellow/green print bag. Rounded hood Deluxe with headlight,long cord, and full bumper. This
model is said to be the ugliest Convertible ever made with it's very groovy colors and design.
( I have this one)

1973-1975 Cleaners: Market introduction April 1973.We now will have multiple A, B,and promo lines

35.Model U4003 A line. Shades of Taupe with attractive Taupe print bag. Introducing new style full
hood Deluxe with wide headlight lens.
( I have this one)

36.Model U4005 A line. Steller blue with Taupe trim. Blue bag with decorative symbol on the front.
Basic full hood cleaner without headlight, snap bag, and short cord.
( I have this one)

37.Model U4007 A line. Goldtone with Taupe trim and Attractive print bag. Basic full hood with head-
light. ( I have this one)

38.Model U4009 A line. Copper with Taupe trim. Standard model Deluxe full hood without headlight,
snap bag, and decorative symbol on the front of bag.
( I have this one)

39.Model U4017 B line. Shades of Taupe with model 1076 attractive print bag. Rounded hood basic with-
out headlight.
( I have this one)

40.Model U4019 B line. Bali green and Taupe. Square hood Deluxe with headlight.

41.Model U4021 B line. Powder blue and Taupe. Square hood basic model without headlight.

42.Model U4001 Promotional Model-1972-1975. This model was exclusive to K-Mart. This model came in
three color schemes. One was Persian gold ans Taupe, the second was a Copper Orange painted base,
Taupe hood/bumper/handle and Copper snap bag, the third (I believe) was all shades of Taupe, just
very plain. Rounded hood basic without headlight. The first single speed Convertible model.
( I have the Copper Orange and Taupe model of this)

43.Model U4027 Promotional Model-1974-1975. Steller blue and Taupe. Rounded hood Deluxe with head-
light and snap bag.
( I have this one)

44.Model U4047 Promotional Model-1974-1976. This model came in two color schemes. 1974 model are
Sunset Orange and Taupe; 1975-76 models are Flame Orange and Taupe. Rounded hood basic without head-
light. This model was a single speed and introduced was the new high performance motor.
( I have both versions )

1975-1977 Cleaners: Market introduction June 1975. Now introducing the new C line of cleaners.

45.Model U4057 A line. Leichen green with Oyster white trim. Basic full hood without headlight. New
high peformance motor and introducing the new wide top bag ( this model had snap bag)
( I Have This One )

46.Model U4059 A line. Convertible Elite. Maple Sugar Tan and Oyster white. Full hood Deluxe with
headlight, high performance motor, and wide top bag with zipper.
( I Have This One )

47.Model U4061 A line. Poppy Red and Oyster white trim. Full hood Deluxe without headlight. Wide top
bag with snaps.

48.Model U4063 A line. Convertible Elite. Goldtone with Oyster white trim. Basic full hood with head-
light and wide top bag with attractive print.
( I Have This One )

49.Model U4037 B line. Goldtone and Oyster white trim. Intruducing new UK ranger hood without head-
light. Instead this model has a wide brown panel over where the lens would be. Wide top bag.

50.Model U4039 B line. Poppy Red with Oyster white trim. New UK ranger hood with headlight. Wide top
bag. This would be the last metal based Convertible to have the new UK ranger hood. This would be
the last of the B line of the metal based Convertibles.
( I have this one)

51.Model U4031 C line. Goldtone with Oyster white trim. Square hood basic without headlight.Zippered

52.Model U4033 C line. Poppy Red and Oyster white trim. Square hood Deluxe with headlight. Wide top
bag with zipper. This would be the last C line of the metal based Convertibles.
( I have this one)

53.Model U4089 Promotional Model-1976-1978. Goldtone and Oyster white trim.Rounded hood basic without
headlight. one speed high performance motor,and narrow top bag. The bag is goldtone with the very
top white. ( I have this one)

54.Model U4085 Promotional Model Bicentennial Commemorative Model-1976 ONLY! Sea blue with Oyster
white trim. Square hood Deluxe with headlight. Wide top zippered bag with attractive Liberty Bell
pattern printed on it. This model in production August 1975 to December 1976.
( I Have This One )

Here is a list of a few Promotional models that were later found. These models are believed to be
around 1975-1977

1.Model U4053. Red and Oyster white trim. Narrow top red bag with white top with snaps.Basic squared
hood without headlight.

2.Model U4075. Sea blue and Oyster white trim. Bottom of the line model with basic square hood with-
out headlight. White narrow top bag with blue top.

3.Model U4087. Forest green and Oyster white trim. Basic square hood without headlight. full bumper
narrow top bag with zipper.

4.Model U4091. Persian Gold with Oyster white trim. Basic squared hood without headlight. Narrow top

5.Model U4111 Denim Edition Convertible. Denim Blue and Oyster white trim. Basic squared hood without
headlight and attractive Blue Denim wide top bag.
( I Have This One )

6.Model U4095. Flame Orange and Oyster whte trim. Basic rounded hood without headlight. Wide top
Flame Orange zippered bag.
( I have this one)

7.Model U4163. Powder Blue and Oyster white trim with plain wide top powder blue type C bag and
denim blue bumper. Rounded hood without headlight.
( I Have This One )


1977-1980 Cleaners: Market Introduction May 1977.

55.Model U4101 A line. Mint green and Oyster white trim. Full hood basic without hedlight. Intruducing
the new top filling type A paper bags, new front powerseal tool conversion, and new square handle
with contour grip. High speed now activated by handle position.
( I have this one)

56.Model U4103 A line. Convertible Estate ( Elite). Sea Blue and Oyster white trim. Full hood Deluxe
with headlight and attractive floral print wide top bag with top filling type A bags.Has all the
new features as the above model. Early model are designated as Estate, later model are Elite.
( I have the early Estate model)

57.Model U4107 A line. Camel Tan and Oyster white trim. Basic full hooded model without headlight.
Has all the new features as the above model.
( I have this one)

58.Model U4109 A line. Convertible Elite. Rust Brown and Oyster white trim. Deluxe full hood with
headlight. Wide top Tan plaid bag. Has all the new features as the above model. Tgis is the last A
line of the metal based Convertible. Also all of the A line Convertibles in th 1977-1980 line up
were also made with the new plastic base that wouls carry on untill the end of the Convertible
Model Cleaner in 1993.
( I have this one)

59.Model U4099 Promotional Model- 1977 ONLY! Sea Blue and Oyster white trim. Square hood Deluxe with
headlight. Attractive blue plaid wide top bag. I believe this model used the old style type C paper
bags. Did not have the new features as the rest in this line up. This was your basic Promotional.
( I Have This One )

60.Model U4123 Promotional Model- 1977-1978. Red and Oyster white trim. Rounded hood deluxe but
instead of having a headlight, this model had a deep red panel in place of where the headlight lens
should be. Earliest versions have narrow top bag with snaps. White with red narrow top. Later ones
have wide top zipper bags. White with very little red trimmings. This model took the type C paper
bags. This is the last known metal based Hoover Convertible.
( I have this one and I think it might be the earlier narrow top)


Post# 123436 , Reply# 1   1/30/2011 at 15:20 (4,926 days old) by sanimatic ()        
Great Information

And a long time in coming for such a comprehensive list that is all one one place. Thanks!

Post# 123439 , Reply# 2   1/30/2011 at 15:53 (4,926 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
Wow! That's amazing! I have a U4371. It has a white base with an orange hood. It has a plastic base and uses a Type C bag. The thing that strikes me as odd is that it doesn't have the usual beater bar brush roll. It simply has a two row brush roll.

Post# 123440 , Reply# 3   1/30/2011 at 15:55 (4,926 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
The other thing I find puzzling about my Convertible is the height adjuster. Is the peddle broken off or does this model simply float freely on the carpet?

Post# 123456 , Reply# 4   1/30/2011 at 19:15 (4,926 days old) by alexb1186 (Ferguson/St. Louis, MO)        

alexb1186's profile picture
I think some of the mid-80's "budget" Convertibles had no height adjuster until Hoover added the -042 suffix to the model number to make it a 2 pos height adjustment

Post# 123462 , Reply# 5   1/30/2011 at 21:29 (4,926 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        
@ Alex

eurekastar's profile picture
Yep, it's definitely a budget model. But the motor sounds good The bag is in good shape and it's actually in pretty shape cosmetically too. I've been thinking about getting it all cleaned up and buy some Type C bags and belts for it.

Post# 123469 , Reply# 6   1/31/2011 at 06:46 (4,925 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Now do a Hoover Senior list.... :P

Post# 123520 , Reply# 7   1/31/2011 at 21:12 (4,925 days old) by alexb1186 (Ferguson/St. Louis, MO)        
Some amendments to the list

alexb1186's profile picture
Phillip, the 4037/4039 were C line cleaners as well, not B-line, and the 4031 should have a snap bag like mine, not a zipper, and the bag on the 4033 is a narrow one.

Jeff forgot to mention in the 1977 A bag lineup

U4113 - Catalog model, Goldtone color with no headlight ranger hood, square handle w/contour grip, same 4.3/4.7 2sp motor

U4115 (model used on 1978 belt packaging) - Deluxe model, Light red headlight ranger hood with gray plaid outer bag, same new features as above model.

and some of the high performance C bag models had -001 added on to the model number to indicate front conversion

Post# 123780 , Reply# 8   2/2/2011 at 12:49 (4,923 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
as Jackie Kennedy would say while shopping,

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
"I'll have one in every color".

Post# 458133 , Reply# 9   11/22/2022 at 10:44 (612 days old) by Paul (USA)        

Here’s the METAL to PLASTIC chassis Convertibles List to add to Phillip's awesome metal base list using the model numbers on the Hesco, Inc. online schematics. This data comes both from observation and collection from Hesco, VL thread comments, online auction sites, et cetera.

Years are approximate and may in some cases indicate production starts but not necessarily the production spans. I continued the 3-year production cycle that was established in the ‘60s and have indicated model variations which I came across.

For those who collect color/design ensembles I included a partial cross-reference of color & bag jacket design matches – exact or similar – of Convertibles & other Hoover USA cleaners at the end of the model descriptions.

1. When was the 3-position handle release introduced?
2. When was the original Convertible 4A/5.5A motor discontinued?
3. What fans have been used, & when were they introduced?

First, here is some general data and categorization:

Convertible Model Number Suffixes (introduced in 1978) for updates, special features or inclusions. Note that some model numbers with suffixes, such as the U4169-9, only marked a feature – not a variation – so these are listed with a suffix. Most had a base version listed without a suffix but variations are identified at the end of the description.
-001: plastic chassis or top-fill bag assembly
-002: power switch on base
-021: dual voltage
-042: 2-height adjustment
-045: 2-height adjustment & 4.5A motor
-048: larger bag assembly?
-075: top-fill bag assembly?
-9 or -900: includes tool set
-935: 5.0A motor?
-948: 4-position height adjuster

Front Converter Tool Sets (1977-1993):

1977-80 cartons marked "Fits Hoover Convertible Cleaners with Front Conversion"

1980-88 cartons marked "Fits Decade 80 & Convertible Cleaners with Front Conversion"

1988-93 cartons marked "Fits Decade 80, Decade 800, & Convertible Cleaners with Front Conversion"

Model U4901. (5- or 6-piece: converter, hose, wand, crevice tool, all-purpose brush)
-1977: 2-ply Tufflex hose, 17-inch curved aluminum wand w/spring latch connection
-1980 change: 20-inch straight extension wand
-1982 changes: plastic wand w/ring lock (length unspecified), lightweight hose, wheel on pan converter is replaced with tab glide.
-1988 change: introduction of U4901-070 – 6-piece set w/dusting brush

Model U4903 Deluxe. (8- or 9-piece): converter, 2-ply Tufflex hose, 2-pc. wands, crevice tool, wall/floor brush, dusting brush, all-purpose nozzle, vinyl storage bag
-1977: 2 22-inch aluminum wands – straight & curved w/spring latches
-1980 change: 2 straight 20-inch extension wands
-1982 changes: plastic wands w/ring locks (lengths unspecified), lightweight hose, wheel on pan converter is replaced with tab glide.
-1984 change: vinyl storage bag discontinued
(Not sure if the Tufflex hose was discontinued and replaced with another at some point)

Trim Ratings for cleaners without trim labels:

[+] sans enhancements - typically … no headlight; partial bumper; no handle grip; +-9-foot cord, Single-speed 4.3A, 4.5A or 4.8A motor, height adjustment – none or 2-position; bottom-fill bag assembly, 9-quart bag jacket.

[++] slightly enhanced - typically … no headlight, partial or full bumper, handle grip, 9-foot cord, single-speed 4.3A, 4.8A or 5.0A motor, height adjustment 3- or 4-position; bottom-fill bag assembly, 9-quart bag jacket

[+++] somewhat enhanced - typically … sans headlight; full bumper, handle grip, +=16-foot cord, Single-speed 4.8A or 5.0A or 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A or 4.8A/5.0A motor, 4-position height adjustment, top-fill bag assembly, 9-quart bag jacket.

[++++] solidly enhanced - typically … headlight, full bumper, handle grip, +=16-foot cord, Single-speed 4.8A or 5.0A or 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A or 4.8A/5.0A motor, 4-position height adjustment, top-fill bag assembly, 9-quart or 13.5-quart bag jacket

[+++++] super enhanced - full & max features of a production period; including a 20-, 25-, or 30-foot cord; & 13.5-quart or 15-quart bag jacket

Hoover’s Trim Labels used on sales line models (with some exceptions):

‘Custom' (1980-82; 1984-86) – customarily-preferred features including higher motor amps, a pile eye (except exclusive models), a 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A or 1-speed 4.8A motor, top-fill bag assembly, 9-quart bag jacket; 20-foot cord, a handle grip, a full bumper and a headlight.
note: The ‘Custom’ trim level from 1973-75 indicated the best & most features; during 1977-80 it was surpassed by the ‘Estate’/’Elite’ level. It included a headlight, the standard 4A/5.5A motor, a full bumper, a 20-foot cord, pedal pads, and a 4-position height adjuster.
'Decade 80' (1980-88) & ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ (1988-93) – typically full & max features including the top-rated motor (4.8A-1980-82; 6.0A-1982-88; 6.5A-1988-93), Power-Surge (1984-93), dual headlights w/wrap-around lens, pile eye, top-fill bag assembly & 13.5-quart or 15-quart bag jacket; 25-foot cord.

‘Deluxe’ (1973-86) – more luxurious than the basic trim level including a higher amp motor, a handle grip, a 4-position height adjuster, pedal pads, a full bumper (w/ranger or full hoods) or partial bumper (w/squared hoods), bottom-fill bag assembly except model U4115; a 17-foot cord, 9-quart bag jacket, but no headlight except for the model U4115.
note: The ‘Deluxe’ label was used from 1969-73 to indicate full luxury features- including a headlight, 4-position height adjuster, a 16-foot cord, a zippered bag jacket, a handle grip, a full bumper, and pedal pads.

‘Estate’ (1977-78) – from the Latin ‘status’ … a status symbol of full & max features including the high performance 4.3A/4.7A motor, pile eye, metal base, new rectangular handle, and 25-foot cord, top-fill bag assembly; 13.5-quart bag jacket.
‘Elite’ (1978-80; 1986-88) – from the Latin ‘eligere' meaning ‘choice’ … full & max features (excluding the D80 & D800); including the high performance 4.3A/4.7A motor or 5.0A motor, pile eye, plastic base, rectangular handle, broad hood, 25-foot cord, top-fill bag assembly; 13.5-quart bag jacket.
note: The 1975-77 ‘Elite' label featured both the standard 4A/5.5A motor or new high performance 4.3A/4.7A motor, pile eye, metal base, round handle, full hood or broad hood, 17-foot cord, and bottom-fill bag. The label was dropped in 1977 and replaced with ‘Estate’, that highlighted the new rectangular handle. That new label apparently was unpopular, so ‘Elite’ was reinstated and ‘Estate’ discontinued in 1978. In 1980 the Decade 80 became the top line.

‘Heavy Duty’ 5.0A or 6.5A motor; 15-quart bag jacket; top-fill bag assembly; 20- to 30-foot cord; typically has a rectangular handle

‘High Performance’ 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge

The basic no-frills line had no trim label.


And now … the Hoover USA METAL to PLASTIC Base Convertibles - 1977-1993
Verified color names from Hoover literature are capitalized. Note: Schematics colors are incorrect at times.
>>>>1975-1977 (addition):
61. Model U4035. ceylon yellow & light taupe; rounded hood; dark taupe partial bumper & handle grip; height adjustment?; 1-speed 4A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket floral design; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Colors & bag scheme similar to the model 1076, ‘Celebrity’ S3005 in Goldtone, ‘Celebrity II’ model S3057 in Bright Gold, model 5300 ‘Rug Shampooer’ & ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer' model 5308 in Ceylon Yellow, & 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, & ‘Slimline’ model 1001. Promotional
• 1977 - front conversion by the handle lock switch & top-fill bag introduced
• 1978 – plastic chassis & fan introduced; the use of the new-style metallic w/black text manufacturer’s decal is implemented
62. Model U4101. [++++] Mint Green & Oyster White; full hood w/4-position height adjuster pile eye & decal w/bordered ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on front panel; full white bumper; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print – mini green & white check; rectangular handle w/green handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Mint Green Hoover cleaners of the period: S3013 ‘Portable Deluxe’, S3079-030 ‘Celebrity II’; and similar green-colored cleaners: ‘Dial-A-Matic’ U5017 in Spring Green, Shampoo-Polisher 5471 in Spring Green, and Polisher 5168 in Bali Green. Variation: -001
63. Model U4103. ‘Estate’ (1977-78- aluminum base)/’Elite’ (1978-79 - plastic base) Sea Blue Medium & Oyster White; broad hood w/4-position height adjuster pile eye; headlight w/plain lens; name decal w/’Hoover Convertible Estate (Elite)’ text on a floral print background; full white bumper; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print – blue & white floral design; rectangular handle w/blue handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Sea Blue Hoover cleaners of the period: U4121 Convertible, U6039-030 Dial-A-Matic, S3059-030 Celebrity II ‘Estate, S3073-030 Celebrity, S3033-030 ‘Slimline', 2120 ‘Portable’, 3614-01 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, 5168-01 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’. Variation: -001
64. Model U4107. [+++] Camel; Oyster White handle & full bumper; full hood w/4-position pile eye; full white bumper; 2-speed 4A/5.5A (?) motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print gold & brown houndstooth; rectangular handle w/Camel handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Camel Hoover cleaner of the period: S2031 Quik-Broom; complementary-colored models: U6041 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Luggage Brown, S3083-030 “Celebrity II” in Maple Sugar, S3123, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5488 ‘Deluxe Shampoo Polisher’ in Maple Sugar, 5158 & 5160 ‘Polisher’ in Taupe-Light. Variation: -001
65. Model U4109. ‘Elite’ - rust; Oyster White handle & bumper; broad hood w/4-position pile eye; full white bumper; headlight w/plain lens; name decal w/’Hoover Convertible Elite’ text on a silver background; 2-speed 4A/5.5A (?) motor; vinyl 15.5-quart bag jacket print tan & white houndstooth with large rust checks; rectangular handle w/rust handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Hoover models in exact or complementary colors: Rust Brown U5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’ & F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher'; F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown. Variation: -001
66. Model U4113. [+++] Goldtone Light & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye; gold plastic nameplate on front panel w/white ’Hoover Convertible’ text; full white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print – gold & yellow mini check; rectangular handle w/goldtone handle grip; toggle switch. Other Gold/Goldtone Hoover cleaners of the period: U4119 Convertible, S3015 ‘Portable Super’, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ (Rally Gold), ‘Floor-A-Matic’ model 3616 in Taupe Light with yellow separator cover; 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer, S1021 ‘Handivac II'; complementary-colored Maple Sugar model 5488 ‘Deluxe Shampoo Polisher’, Taupe Light models 5160 & F2003 ‘Floor Polisher’. Variation: -001
67. Model U4115. ‘Deluxe’ - Light Red & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye; headlight w/black ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text; white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print - gray & white houndstooth w/large red checks; rectangular handle w/red handle grip; toggle switch. upscale version of U4147-002. The other Light Red Hoover cleaner of the period was the model S1019 Handivac; also, the model S3081 Celebrity II ‘Air Ride’ in red monochrome was either the same or similar color. Variation-001
68. Model U4119. [+] Goldtone - hood & base & Oyster White - handle; squared hood w/gold ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on a brown background w/border; partial brown bumper; 2-position height adjuster; 1-speed motor 4.3A until 1982 then 4.8A); vinyl 9-quart jacket camel w/brown text; round handle; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; early version's fan chamber was metal; most were plastic. In 1984 the height adjustment lever and power switch plate were made in plastic. Other Gold/Goldtone Hoover cleaners of the period: U4107 Convertible, S3015 ‘Portable Super’, 5308 ‘Shampooer Deluxe, S1021 ‘Handivac II'; Complementary-colored models: U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold , S3083-030 “Celebrity II” in Maple Sugar, S3123, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5160 & F2003 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Taupe-Light. Promotional 6+ years.
69. Model U4121. ‘Custom' - Sea Blue Medium & Oyster White; ranger hood; full white bumper; headlight w/black ‘Custom Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; vinyl 9-quart jacket print light blue w/blue glen check pattern w/black text; top-fill bag assembly; round handle w/blue handle grip; toggle switch. Other Sea Blue Hoover cleaners of the period: U4103 Convertible, U6039-030 Dial-A-Matic, S3059-030 Celebrity II ‘Estate’, S3073-030 Celebrity, S3033-030 ‘Slimline', 2120 ‘Portable’, 3614-01 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, 5168-01 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’.
70. Model U4127. [++] Alpine Green & Oyster White; squared hood w/green ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on a white background w/border; partial green bumper; 1-speed motor 4.3A until 1982, then 4.8A; 4-position height adjuster; round handle w/green handle grip; white & light tan houndstooth vinyl 9-quart bag jacket w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Promotional 5+ year production
71. Model U4129. ?
72. Model U4131. ?
73. Model U4145. ‘Deluxe' – slate blue & almond beige – Oyster White handle; partial steel blue bumper & handle grip; squared hood w/white front panel bearing ‘Deluxe Convertible’ steel blue text; ?-position height adjuster; ?A motor; vinyl bag jacket light gray, dark gray & cream glen check w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The same or similar colors as the Slate Blue & Almond Beige ‘Spirit’ model S3257. Promotional
74. Model U4147-002. [+++] Light Red & Oyster White; ranger hood w/red plastic nameplate on front panel bearing white ‘Hoover' caps instead of lense; full bumper w/4-position pile eye; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print - gray & white houndstooth w/large red checks; round handle w/red handle grip. Very similar to the model U4115. Other Light Red Hoover cleaners of the period was the model S1019 Handivac; also, the model S3081 Celebrity II ‘Air Ride’ in red monochrome was either the same or similar color.

• The 1-speed 4.8A motor was introduced in 1980 with the D80. In 1982 it was used in higher-end Convertibles when the D80 motor was upgraded to the 6.0A motor.

75. Model U4151. ‘Deluxe' (1979-80) or ‘Decade 80' (1980-84); horizon blue & jamaican blue; jutted hood w/pile eye & cyan wrap-around decal on front panel w/blue 'Hoover Deluxe Convertible’ or ‘Hoover Decade 80' text; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; ‘Deluxe’--2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; ‘D80'—(1980-82) 1-speed 4.8A or (1982-84) 6.0A motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket shades of blue horizontal stripes pattern w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle. Colors & bag jacket similar to the models U4341 & U4345. Bag jacket pattern similar to the U4423. Colors are the same or similar to the ‘Concept One’ models U3101 & U4201, ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3131, S3135, S3139 & the ‘Spirit’ model S3205. This trim discontinued in 1984.

76. Model U4153. ‘Elite’ (1979-80) or ‘Decade 80’ (1980-84) Dark Gray & Pewter; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver decal on lower hood with a black & red border bearing ‘Hoover Convertible Elite‘ or ‘Hoover Decade 80’; wrap-around dual headlight; full dark gray bumper & handle grip; ‘Elite’--2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; ‘D80’—(1980-82) 1-speed 4.8A or (1982-84) 6.0A motor; 4-position height adjuster; dark gray 13.5-quart vinyl bag jacket patterns shiny vertical shades of gray horizontal stripes w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle; (colors & bag jacket similar to U4399). Succeeded by upgraded model U4385. Same or similar colors as the ‘Concept One’ model U3305, ‘Concept Two’ models U3301 & U4211, ‘Celebrity QS’ model S3239, and the ‘Spirit’ models S3207 & S3211.

77. Model U4159. [+++] (1981-84) ‘Decade 80’ - Frost Beige & Mahogany Brown; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver wrap-around decal on front panel bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full burgundy handle grip; 1-speed 4.8A motor; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket pattern frost beige w/shades of burgundy graded horizontal stripes & burgundy text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle. Same color scheme & bag jacket pattern as model U4331; other Frost Beige top housing colored models: ‘Celebrity IV’ S3133 & S3137, ‘Spirit’ model S3247. Kmart exclusive?
78. Model U4161-9. [+++++] (1981-84) ‘Decade 80’ - Jade Green Light & Teal Green; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver decal on lower hood bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full green bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 4.8A motor; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl 15-quart jacket pattern vertical stripes in shades of green; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Predecessor to the model U4381-9. Same colors and bag jacket design as the Concept One models U4205 & U3105; Complementary-colored models: ‘Celebrity II’ S3079-030 in Mint/Holly Green, ‘Spirit’ S3213 top housing in Jade Green Light.
79. Model U4165. [+++] goldtone & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight with plain lens; partial gold bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; 3-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Complementary-colored models: U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold , S3083-030 “Celebrity II” in Maple Sugar, S3123, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5140, 5146, 5148, 5150 & 5160 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Taupe-Light.
80. Model U4171. [++] Powder Blue & Oyster White rounded hood; partial light blue bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; 3-position height adjuster; baby blue vinyl 9-quart bag jacket; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Complementary-colored model: ‘Spirit’ S3205 in Mist Blue (top housing).
81. Model U4173. [++] deep rust brown & desert beige; rounded hood; partial bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; 3-position height adjuster; white & tan houndstooth vinyl 9-quart bag jacket; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Same colors & bag jacket design as the model U4193 & the Concept One model U4203. Similar color to the Rust Brown models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’ & F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher’, F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown; & Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ model S3243. Variation: -001
82. Model U4175. [++++] goldtone light & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/black text on the lens; full dark brown bumper & handle grip; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket gold glen check; handgrip; toggle switch. complementary-colored models: U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3123, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5158 & 5160 ‘Polisher’ in Taupe-Light
83. Model U4185. ranger hood;
84. Model U4187. ?
85. Model U4189. ‘Deluxe’ - orange & Oyster White; squared hood w/white front panel bearing orange ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text; partial orange bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket print – white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper
86. Model U4193. [++] rust brown & pale honey; Oyster White handle; squared hood w/white lower-right ‘Convertible’ text & panel outline; partial rust bumper & handle grip; 2-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.3A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket print – speckled beige; bottom-fill bag assembly; round handle; slide switch (?). Same colors & bag jacket design as the model U4173 & the Concept One model U4203. Same or similar colors as the model F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher' in Rust Brown; F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown; similar color to Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293.
87. Model U4195. [++++] ‘Custom’ - light blue & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/black ‘Custom Convertible’ text; full white bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket light blue & white floral pattern; light blue handgrip; slide switch. Same or similar colors to these Hoover cleaners’ top housings: Celebrity IV ‘Air Ride’ model S3131 & wheeled models S3135 & S3139, ‘QS’ model S3187 all in Olympic Blue, ‘Air Ride’ model S3159 in Sea Blue Medium; S3439 ‘Spirit’ in Camargue Blue & S3277 ‘Dimension 1000’ in Cashmere Blue; Variation: -001
88. Model U4199 ?
89. Model ? rust brown & pale honey; Oyster White handle; squared hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full rust bumper & handle grip; ?-position height adjuster; ?-speed ??A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket print – speckled beige; ?-fill bag assembly; round handle; slide switch ?. (I saw an old VL photo of this and thought it might be the U4199, because it’s so close in appearance to the pared down model U4193.) Same or similar colors as the Hoover cleaner models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher', F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & F3119 ‘Rug Shampooer’ in Rust Brown; similar to Rust Brown Celebrity models S3165, S3167, S3173, & S3233; Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293; and Helena Brown ‘Dimension 1000’ model S3231.
90. Model U4301-9. [+++] Jade Green Light & Oyster White; full hood w/headlight – white outline ‘Convertible’ text on lens; full green bumper & handle grip; ?-position height adjuster; ?A motor vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white w/graded stripes in 2-tone green & black text; toggle switch; top-fill bag assembly. ‘Celebrity QS’ model S3193 & ‘Spirit’ model S3213’s top housings are Jade Green Light. Kmart exclusive
91. Model U4303. [+++] Pale Persimmon & Pale Honey; squared hood; brown half-bumper and handle grip; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on lens; no adjuster; 1-speed 4.3A motor; Pale Persimmon vinyl 15-quart jacket with glen check pattern & black text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Promotional. The first square-hooded Convertible to have a 15-quart bag jacket. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Replaced by the model U4349.
92. Model U4305. ‘Custom’ - persimmon & Oyster White; squared hood; -position adjuster; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; partial persimmon bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; vinyl ?-quart white bag jacket with graded stripes design in 2-tone persimmon; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Sans handle grip. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Kmart exclusive
93. Model U4307. [++++] lime green & Oyster White; full hood w/pile eye – silver & dark green decal on lower edge w/’Hoover Convertible’ text; headlight w/plain lens; full white bumper; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket white with 2-tone green graded stripes w/green text; green handle grip; toggle switch. Kmart exclusive
94. Model U4309. [++++] Pale Honey & Rust Brown; full hood; headlight w/white outline text on the lens; full rust bumper & handle grip; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket southwestern in rust shades w/black text; toggle switch. Sans pile eye. Colors and bag design appear to be the same as the Concept One model U3109, ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3133 & S3137 in Frost Beige & Antique Copper Shadow, & ‘Spirit’ model S3245’s Honey Beige & Crimson Rust complement.

• 1-speed 4.8A motor introduced in 1982 on higher end Convertibles.
• Plastic fan chambers?
• The plastic switch plate was introduced during this period.
95. Model U4311. [++++] yellow & oyster white; ranger hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on lens; full white bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; toggle switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/black standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly; yellow handle grip; twin to U4319 but with more amps and bag jacket text color.

96. Model U4315. [++++] Deep Rust Brown & almond beige; squared hood; full rust bumper & handle grip; headlight w/red text on lens; 4-position adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket rust and brown horizontal barcode pattern w/white text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Same hood color as the ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293. Target exclusive

97. Model U4317. [+++++] Goldtone & Oyster White; full hood; headlight w/white outline ‘Convertible’ text on the lens; full white bumper; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket bag jacket white w/2 shades of gold graded stripes & black text; gold handle grip; toggle switch. Successor to U4309. ‘Celebrity III’ models S3123, S3125 & S3129 upper shells in Tahitian Gold are similar in color.

98. Model U4319-9. [+++] yellow & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ on the lens; full white bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; toggle switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly; yellow handle grip; twin to the U4311 but with less amps & different bag jacket text color. The upper shell of the ‘Celebrity II Air Ride’ in bright gold is complementary.

99. Model U4325 ?

100. Model U4327. Deep Rust Brown & Pale Honey; ?
101. Model U4329. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ – Desert White & Deep Rust Brown; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower front bearing burgundy ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor; vinyl dust jacket beige & white linen pattern w/burgundy rectangular ‘Hoover' label; smoky gray dust cup; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Hoover USA’s first bagless cleaner. The upper shells of ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3133 & S3137 & ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3181, S3191, S3195, S3217, & S3219 in Frost Beige & the ‘Spirit’ model S3259’s top housing in Oyster White are complementary in color. Predecessor to the model U4383.
102. Model U4331. [++++] desert beige & burgundy; squared hood; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; headlight w/burgundy ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket frost beige w/2-tone burgundy graded horizontal stripes & burgundy text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Same color scheme & bag jacket design as D80 U4159. The ‘Spirit’ model 3245’s Honey Beige & Crimson Rust & the upper shells of ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3133 & S3137 & ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3181, S3191, S3195, S3217, & S3219 in Frost Beige are complementary in color. Promotional

103. Model U4335. [+++] Jade Green Medium & pale honey; Oyster White handle; squared hood w/green ‘Convertible’ text on lower right of front panel; full green bumper in dark green; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket design 3 graded stripes in green shades w/green text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The ‘Spirit’ model S3241 matches in Jade Green Medium. Kmart exclusive
104. Model U4337. ‘Custom' - Deep Rust Brown & pale honey; ranger hood; full pale honey bumper; headlight w/rust ‘Custom Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket pale honey w/3 graded stripes in shades of rust – rust text; bottom-fill bag assembly; rust handle grip; toggle switch. Same or similar colors as the Hoover cleaner models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher', F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & F3119 ‘Rug Shampooer’ in Rust Brown; similar to Rust Brown Celebrity models S3165, S3167, S3173, & S3233; Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293; and Helena Brown ‘Dimension 1000’ model S3231. Kmart exclusive
105. Model U4339. [+++++] beige & Oyster White; broad hood w/4-position pile eye & decal w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text underlined w/rust & brown stripes; headlight w/plain lens; brown full bumper & handle grip; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket (original unidentified) w/3 graded stripes in shades of ? w/? text; top-fill bag assembly; 2-speed ?A motor; rectangular handle; toggle switch. Has the same or similar color combo as the ‘Spirit’ model S3259 in Oyster White & Almond Beige . Kmart exclusive
106. Model U4341. [+++] ‘Deluxe’ - Oyster White & navy blue; squared hood w/navy blue front panel bearing white ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text & outline; partial navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket shades of blue & white horizontal barcode stripes w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The hood color matches ‘Spirit’ models S3397 & S3399. Target exclusive
107. Model U4343. [++++?] Burgundy & Oyster White; squared hood - plain; partial burgundy bumper;? -speed ? A motor; ? -position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart jacket gray & white horizontal barcode stripes pattern w/white text (replacement or original?); bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The Cranberry top housing of the ‘Spirit’ model S3431 complements. Target exclusive ?
108. Model U4345. [+++++] Oyster White w/navy blue bumper & handle grip; full hood; headlight w/plain lens; 4-position adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket shades of blue horizontal barcode stripes pattern w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The hood color matches ‘Spirit’ models S3397 & S3399. Target exclusive?
109. Model U4349. [+++++] Jamaican Blue & Oyster White; squared hood; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; headlight w/red text on lens; 4-position adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket white w/2-tone blue graded horizontal stripes design & red text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; red pedal pads. Successor to U4303. Sans Hoover logo. Other Jamaican Blue Hoover models: U4373 & U4449 ‘Convertible’s, model F4251 ‘Shampoo Polisher’, and the model S3279 ‘Dimension’’s Blue Shadow top housing. Promotional
110. Model U4353 – [+++++] 75th Anniversary Model (1983). metallic base (sans logo) & Oyster White squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover’ caps above red & blue lines on the lens; navy blue full bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; cloth dust jacket white & tan linen print w/patch sporting the Hoover logo “Celebrating 75 Years”; smoky gray dust cup; toggle switch. The Oyster White ‘Spirit’ models S3397 & S3399 complement.
• The plastic height adjuster was introduced in this period.
• 1984 saw the launch of the Power-Surge on the D80, 5.0A and 5.0A/4.8A motors on the higher-end Convertibles.
• The 6.5A motor made its debut in the successor of the D80—the D800 in 1988.
111. Model U4357-9 ?
112. Model U4359. Almond Beige; ?
113. Model # ? [++++?] “Advantage” – beige & rust; ranger hood sans Hoover logo; full rust bumper & handle grip; headlight w/black “Advantage” text on the lens; ?-position adjuster; ?-speed A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket vertical stripe design in rusts & browns w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Sans pile eye. Similar colors & bag design as the Concept One models U3103 & U3311.
114. Model U4361. [+++++] “Advantage" – High Performance, dealer exclusive; Almond Beige w/dark brown bumper & handle grip; broad hood w/4-position height adjuster pile eye & dark brown & silver “Advantage” decal w/orange stripe on the lower part - sans the Hoover logo; headlight w/plain lens; ? A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket pattern vertical stripes in shades of dark brown; top-fill bag assembly; rectangular chrome handle. Similar coloring and styling as the model U4397. Variation: -030
115. Model U4363. [++] Olympic Blue & Oyster White rounded hood; partial navy blue bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; sans height adjuster; steel agitator w/only brushes; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. 16-foot cord. Other Olympic Blue Hoover cleaners are: (upper shells) ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3135 & S3139, ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3183, S3185, & S3187. Variations: -042, -045
116. Model U4365. [++] antique copper shadow & Oyster White; squared hood w/white ‘Convertible’ text on the lower right of the front panel; no headlight; partial dark brown bumper; 2-position height adjuster; single-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Stripped down version of the same colored & styled model U4411-9. Complementary-colored models to the hood: ‘Dial-A-Matic’ U6007 in Antique Copper Shadow, ‘Spirit’ S3501’s Ebony Brown & Sable Brown, ‘Dimension’ S3231 in Helena Brown. Variation: -048
117. Model U4367. [+++ ?] rust & beige w/Oyster White handle; squared hood; full dark brown bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible” on the lens; ?-position adjuster; ?-speed A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket vertical stripe design in rusts & browns w/white text; bottom-fill bag assembly; rust handle grip; toggle switch. Similar color scheme & bag jacket colors & design as the ‘Advantage’ Model U? w/the ranger hood & the model U3103 Concept One. Same or similar colors as the Hoover cleaner models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, F4143 ‘Custom Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher', F4005 (& -101, -002) ‘Deluxe Shampoo Polisher’ & F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown; and is similar to or the same as the Crimson Rust & Honey Beige ‘Spirit’ model S3209 and the Crimson Rust & Almond Beige ‘Dimension’ model S3275.
118. Model U4369. [+++++] cashmere blue & blue shadow; full hood; navy blue full bumper & handle grip; headlight with white outline text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket design 2-tone blue horizontal bamboo w/2 broad solid dark gray racing stripes with thin center dark gray pinstripes in white stripes outlined in cyan (design matches U4379 & U4421); top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Colors are the same or similar to the Cashmere Blue & Blue Shadow ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219 - & ‘Spirit’ models S3265 & S3267 and ‘Dimension’ models S3277 & S3279--same colors reversed; also, the ‘Celebrity III Air Ride’ model S3159 in Sea Blue Medium may be a close or exact match.
119. Model U4371. [+] Deep Persimmon & Oyster White; dark brown half bumper; rounded hood; no height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar hood color to the model U4413. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Variations: -042, -045
120. Model U4373. [+] jamaican blue & Oyster White; dark blue half bumper; squared hood w/white ‘Convertible’ text in lower right corner of front panel; no height adjuster; 1-speed ?A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar colors to the Hoover models: U4349 ‘Convertible’ & F4251 ‘Shampoo Polisher’, and the model S3279 ‘Dimension’’s Blue Shadow top housing. Agitator only equipped with brushes. Variation: -048
121. Model U4375-9. [+++ ?] burgundy & Oyster White; squared hood w/white outlined name panel & lower-right ‘Convertible’ text; burgundy partial bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; ?A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket subtle white & off-white checkered pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch.
122. Model U4377-9. [++++] green & Oyster White; green full bumper & handle grip; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; ?-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket horizontal barcode striped pattern in shades of green w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Variation: -935 Target exclusive?
123. Model U4379. [+++++] beige & burgundy; full hood; burgundy full bumper & handle grip; headlight with white outline ‘Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket design horizontal bamboo w/2 broad solid scarlet racing stripes bearing center white stripes and tan outlines; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Very similar to U4421. The same or similar colors of the Honey Beige & Crimson Rust ‘Spirit’ model S3245 & the Almond Beige & Crimson Rust ‘Dimension’ model S3273. Service Merchandise?
124. Model U4381-9. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ - Jade Green Light & Teal Green; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower hood bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full green bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket pattern vertical stripes in shades of green; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Successor to the model U4161-9 in the same colors & bag design. Same colors and bag design as the Concept One models U3105 and U4205. Production ended in 1988. The ‘Spirit’ model S3213’s top housing color is Jade Green Light. Variation: -930
125. Model U4383. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ – Desert White & Mahogany Brown; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower front bearing burgundy ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; vinyl dust jacket beige & white linen pattern w/burgundy rectangular ‘Hoover' label; smoky gray dust cup; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Successor to the model U4329 in the same colors & dust bag design. The ‘Spirit’ model S3259’s top housing in Oyster White is complementary. Production ended in 1988.
126. Model U4385. [++++] ‘Decade 80’ Mist Gray & pewter; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver decal on lower hood with a black & red border bearing ‘Hoover Decade 80’; wrap-around dual headlight; full dark gray bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; 4-position height adjuster; dark gray vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket pattern vertical shades of gray horizontal stripes w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle; Colors & bag jacket similar to the predecessor model U4153 and the model U4399-9. Same colors as the Concept One model U3305 and the Concept Two models U3301 & U4211; and similar colors of the ‘Spirit’ models S3207 & S3211. Production ended in 1988.
127. Model U4387. [++++?] burgundy & Oyster White; squared hood; burgundy partial bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on lens; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed 5.0A/4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket design white with 2-tone burgundy graded stripes & red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Sans handle grip
128. Model U4389-9. jamaican blue & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight
129. U4391 ?
130. Model U4393. [+++] Jade Green Medium & Oyster White; squared hood; dark green full bumper; headlight w/green “Convertible with Headlight” text on lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket design white with 3 stripes in shades of green & dark green text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch; 16-foot cord; Variation: -048. The ‘Spirit’ models S3241 & S3291 color matches the hood color. Kmart exclusive
131. Model U4395. ‘Custom’ - Deep Rust Brown & Desert Beige; full hood; headlight with rust “Custom Convertible with Headlight" text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket design white with 3 stripes in shades of rust & dark brown lettering; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; 20-foot cord. The ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293’s lid & body colors are Deep Rust Brown. Kmart exclusive
132. Model U4397. [+++++] Honey Beige & Desert Beige; full hood w/pile eye; headlight w/plain lens; silver decal bearing ‘Hoover Convertible’ w/rust pinstripe and thick brown stripe below; 4-position height adjuster; High Performance 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge switch; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket design white with 3 stripes in shades of brown & dark brown lettering; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; 20-foot cord. Similar coloring & styling to the model U4361. Same styling & similar colors and bag jacket design to the model UH0-82-842 Montgomery Ward Convertible with squared hood. The ‘Spirit’ model S3245’s top housing color is Honey Beige, the ‘Spirit’ model S3295 is all in Honey Beige. Kmart exclusive
133. Model U4399-9. [++++ ?] light gray & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full dark gray bumper & handle grip; ?A motor; slide switch; ? -position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket pattern vertical shades of gray horizontal stripes w/white text; ?-fill bag assembly; switch type? metal bottom plate. Similar styling and coloring as the Model U4409-9. The ‘Spirit’ model S3427’s Platinum Gray & Light Gray complements the hood color. Target exclusive?
134. Model ? [++++ ?] red & Oyster White; ranger hood; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; ? -speed ?A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket horizontal barcode striped pattern in shades of red w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; red handle grip; switch type ? Target exclusive?
135. Model ? [+++ ?] pale yellow & Oyster White; squared hood; full white bumper; headlight w/plain lens; ‘JCPenney’ text on front right corner of base? -position height adjuster; ?-speed ?A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket horizontal barcode striped pattern in shades of yellow w/white text; ?-fill bag assembly. Sans handle grip. JCPenney exclusive.
136. Model U4401-9. [+++] olympic blue & oyster white; squared hood; headlight w/red text ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; deep blue partial bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 4.8A motor; slide switch; 2-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Other Olympic Blue Hoover cleaners are: (upper shells) ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3135 & S3139, ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3183, S3185, & S3187. Widely sold + -5 years. Variation: -948
137. Model U4403. [+++] Silver Sand & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; partial dark blue bumper (to match the bag stripe); 1-speed 4.8A motor; slide switch; 2-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket light gray with centered dark blue horizontal broad stripe outlined in narrow red stripes w/red standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly. Same coloring and bag jacket design as the model U4405. Same hood coloring as the ‘Dimension’ model S3283. JCPenney exclusive
138. Model U4405. [++++] Silver Sand & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ on the lens; full dark blue bumper & handle grip; 2-speed __A motor; slide switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket light gray with centered dark blue horizontal broad stripe outlined in narrow red stripes w/red standard text; top-fill bag assembly. sans pile eye. Same coloring and bag jacket design as the model U4403. Same hood coloring as the ‘Dimension’ model S3283. Sans pile eye. JCPenney exclusive

The plastic bottom plate debuted during this period.
139. Model U4407. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ - Slate Green & Oyster White; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower hood bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full Slate Green Dark bumper & handle grip; 2-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket speckled shades of slate green w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular white handle w/Slate Green handle grip. Same color scheme as the ‘Concept One’ models U3329 & U3307, ‘Concept Two’ models U3331, U3309, & U4217, & ‘Dimension’ model S3281. JCPenney exclusive
140. Model U4409-9. [++++] dark gray & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full dark gray bumper; 1-speed 5.0A motor; slide switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart dark gray bag jacket pattern vertical shades of gray horizontal barcode stripes w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; metal bottom plate. Similar styling & coloring as the model U4399. The ‘Spirit’ models S3627 & S3629’s top housing color is Thorn Gray. Target exclusive?
141. Model U4411-9. [+++] Antique Copper Shadow & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full brown bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; slide switch; 2-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket pattern white & tan houndstooth w/red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Enhanced version of the same colored & styled model U4365. Complementary-colored models to the hood: ‘Dial-A-Matic’ U6007 in Antique Copper Shadow, ‘Spirit’ S3501’s Ebony Brown & Sable Brown, ‘Dimension’ S3231 in Helena Brown..
142. Model U4413. [++] sunburst orange (?) & Oyster White; partial dark brown bumper; rounded hood; no height adjuster; 1-speed 4.3A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar color scheme to the model U4371. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Variations: -042, -045;
143. Model U4417. Olympic White & Platinum Gray; squared hood sans headlight. ?
144. Model U4421. [+++] beige & burgundy; full hood; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; headlight with white outline ‘Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 5.0A motor; vinyl?-quart bag jacket design horizontal bamboo w/2 broad solid scarlet racing stripes bearing center white stripes and tan outlines; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Very similar to U4379. The ‘Spirit’ model S3245’s Honey Beige & Crimson Rust colors are the same or similar. Service Merchandise
145. Model U4423. [++++] Olympic Blue Medium & Oyster White; ranger hood; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text; 1-speed 5.0A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket print - blue, gray & white horizontal barcode striped pattern w/red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; round handle w/dark blue handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Bag jacket is the same or similar to the ‘Convertible’ models U4341 & U4345 - & ‘Decade 80’ model U4151. Other Olympic Blue Hoover cleaners are: (upper shells) ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3135 & S3139, ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3183, S3185, & S3187.
146. Model U4425 ?
147. Model U4443 Burgundy & Commercial Gray; ranger hood; dust cup. Similar to the Montgomery Ward model 8855 ‘Power Plus’.
148. Model U4445-9. Burgundy & Oyster White; ?
149. Model U4447 ‘Decade 800’ Commercial?– Pastel Beige; air-freshener drawer; ?
150. Model U4449. ‘Elite' - jamaican blue & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible Elite’ text on the lens; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; ?-quart vinyl bag jacket white and tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar hood color as the Hoover models: U4349 & U4373 ‘Convertible’s & F4251 ‘Shampoo Polisher’. Variation: -048

151. Model U4453-9. Burgundy; ?
152. Model U4493-021. [+++++] Dual Voltage – dark gray & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red text on the lens; full dark gray bumper & handle grip. 6A-120V/3A-240V motor; dark gray 3-wire cord; 4-position height adjuster; cloth ?-quart medium gray bag jacket w/panorama weave pattern … The other Hoover USA dual voltage voltage upright was the model U4291-021 Guardsman manufactured in the late 1990s.
153. Model U4495 – Cranberry & Oyster White; ?
154. Model U4497-900. [+++++] ‘700 Heavy Duty’ - Cranberry & Oyster White; full hood; headlight w/plain lens; silver & black name decal w/’Hoover Convertible 700 Heavy Duty’ text; full white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth 15-quart bag jacket Platinum Gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text over a white bar w/red ‘Heavy Duty' text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; white rectangular handle w/dark gray handle grip; 20-foot cord. Other Cranberry Hoover cleaner models of the period: ‘Elite’ models U4471, U4471-9, U4471-960, & U4599-900, F5047 ‘Scrub ‘n’ Vac’, F4255 ‘Shampoo-Polisher', F2101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & top housing of the S3431 ‘Spirit’.
155. Model U4501. ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ - Blue Shadow; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & dark gray decal on lower hood with white text, a narrow red underline & thick white underline bearing ‘Hoover Decade 800 Heavy Duty ’; wrap-around dual headlight; full white bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth 15-quart bag jacket in the dark blue panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular white handle w/dark blue handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Same color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. Variation: -900
156. Model U4503-900. ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ - Thorn Gray; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & dark gray decal on lower hood with white text, a narrow red underline & thick white underline bearing ‘Hoover Decade 800 Heavy Duty ’; wrap-around dual headlight; full white bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; air freshener tab; cloth 15-quart bag jacket in the gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular chrome handle w/dark gray handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Same color as the ‘Convertible’ model U4525 & the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ models S3627 & S3629.
157. Model U4505. ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ – Desert White; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & dark gray decal on lower hood with white text, a narrow red underline & thick white underline bearing ‘Hoover Decade 800 Heavy Duty ’; wrap-around dual headlight; full white bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth 15-quart jacket in the gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; smoke gray dust cup; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular chrome-plated handle w/dark gray handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Same hood color as the model U4383 ‘Decade 80’. The ‘Spirit’ model S3259’s top housing in Oyster White is complementary.
158. Model U4513. ‘Heavy Duty’; rectangular handle
159. Model U4517 ?
160. Model U4519. ‘High Performance’ - blue & Oyster White; squared hood; full dark blue bumper & handle grip; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens (customary Hoover logo on the base); 5.0A High Performance motor w/Power-Surge; cloth ?-quart dust jacket in a blue panorama weave pattern w/white sideways ‘High Performance’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Similar to the model U4725. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. Sears exclusive
161. Model U4521. ‘High Performance’ deep blue & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye & white outlined Hoover logo on lower part ; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; deep blue handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; High Performance 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth ?-quart bag jacket blue panorama weave pattern w/white sideways ‘High Performance’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279.
162. Model U4523. ‘High Performance’ deep blue & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye & white outlined Hoover logo on lower part; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; deep blue handle grip; High Performance 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth ?-quart dust bag blue panorama weave pattern w/white sideways ‘High Performance’ text; slide switch; dust cup; plastic bottom plate. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279.
163. Model U4525. Thorn Gray; full hood; dust cup
164. Model U4531 Light Camargue; ?
165. Model U4595. ‘Heavy Duty Encore Limited Edition’ – black gloss & Oyster White; full hood w/dark gray name decal bearing light gray ‘Hoover Heavy Duty’ text underlined in red then a light gray stripe with dark gray ‘Encore Limited Edition’ text; headlight w/plain lens; full white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; 15-quart cloth bag jacket in the gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; round white handle w/black handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Other Hoover cleaners in Black Gloss are: the ‘Concept Two’ model U3345-900, the lid of the ‘Spirit’ model S3631, most of the ‘Dimension’ models, the ‘FloorMAX’ models F2300 ‘Hard Floor Machine’, F4300 ‘Supreme Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooèr' & F5300 ‘Deluxe Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooer featuring Wet Floor Pickup’ are the same or similar color.
166. Model U4597. [+++] ‘RS' – cranberry & Oyster White; rounded hood w/black ’Hoover’ caps & red scripted ‘RS' on the base – no Hoover logo; partial burgundy bumper; 2-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; ?-quart cloth bag jacket burgundy & white glen-check w/white text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Designed by Ron Stevens; last Convertible production model. Cranberry Hoover cleaner models: ‘Elite’ models U4471, U4471-9, U4471-960, & U4599-900, F5047 ‘Scrub ‘n’ Vacuum, F4255 ‘Shampoo-Polisher', F2101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & top housing of the S3431 ‘Spirit’.
167. Model U4719-900. [++++] ‘Supremacy’ – (Code ABB) burgundy & Black Gloss; full bumper, handle & handle grip; ranger hood w/pile eye; headlight w/black “Supremacy with headlight” text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; air freshener tab; ?-quart cloth bag jacket burgundy w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate.
168. Model U4721-900. [+++++] ‘Supremacy Heavy Duty’ – (Code ABB) burgundy & Black Gloss; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & black decal on lower hood bearing ‘Supremacy Heavy Duty ’ underlined w/ red & gray stripes; wrap-around dual headlight; full black bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; 15-quart cloth bag jacket burgundy w/ white ’Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; round chrome handle w/black handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Decade 800 styling & mechanics
169. Model U4725. [++++?] deep blue & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text & logo on the lens; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; ?-speed ?A motor; ?-quart cloth bag jacket in navy blue; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar to the model U4519. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. Sears exclusive
170. Model U4727-900. ‘High Performance’ – (Code AAY) deep blue & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye; white full bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge; ?-quart cloth bag jacket deep blue; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. The Kenmore rebrand, model 473.3977880, is identical to this model except for the red ‘Kenmore’ text on the headlight lens.
171. Model U4729-900 ‘Heavy Duty’ – black gloss & 2-tone gray; full hood w/ pile eye; headlight; 4-position height adjuster; 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; 15-quart cloth bag jacket alternating vertical stripes of 2 shades of gray w/small white ‘Hoover’ caps & large red vertical ‘Heavy Duty caps positioned sideways; top-fill bag; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Other Hoover cleaners in Black Gloss are: the ‘Concept Two’ model U3345-900, the lid of the ‘Spirit’ model S3631, most of the ‘Dimension’ models, ‘FloorMAX’ models F2300 ‘Hard Floor Machine’, F4300 ‘Supreme Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooer' & F5300 ‘Deluxe Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooer featuring Wet Pickup’ are the same or similar color.

Post# 458136 , Reply# 10   11/22/2022 at 16:45 (612 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
WOW! You

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

certainly did your homework!   Gold star for you!

  This pretty much sums it all up.


 no, sharpen your're gonna be quizzed on this! :)


Post# 458246 , Reply# 11   11/28/2022 at 08:16 (606 days old) by Paul (USA)        

John, a gold star is great, but a gold star from YOU regarding anything Hoover is AMAZING & makes my research worth the effort! Thank you!!!!!

Post# 458288 , Reply# 12   11/29/2022 at 09:30 (605 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
You are most welcome!

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

I have the 'list', too.  Mine came right from North Canton.  I'll have to see if I have any missing details. If I do,  this will 'fill them in'.


Post# 458312 , Reply# 13   11/30/2022 at 07:37 (604 days old) by Paul (USA)        

That would be great!

Post# 469907 , Reply# 14   2/29/2024 at 22:45 by SuckNorris (USA - Upper Midwest)        

I have a few questions regarding, the U4101 (and perhaps similar models)...

Were these manufactured in metal and plastic chassis versions concurrently? For example, as different tiers of quality or residential versus commercial versions? Or perhaps to meet different price/quality demands for different retailers?

Or, was there a fairly hard transition from metal to plastic with little-to-no overlap?

Outwardly, do the metal and plastic U4101 machines appear identical, or were there obvious styling differences? Pictures for comparison encouraged!

What about parts compatibility between the two?


Post# 469909 , Reply# 15   2/29/2024 at 23:39 by Paul (USA)        
List Update

1975-1977 addition: 

61. Model U4035. ceylon yellow & light taupe; rounded hood; dark taupe partial bumper & handle grip; height adjustment?; 1-speed 4A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket floral design; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Colors & bag scheme similar to the model 1076, ‘Celebrity’ S3005 in Goldtone, ‘Celebrity II’ model S3057 in Bright Gold, model 5300 ‘Rug Shampooer’ & ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer' model 5308 in Ceylon Yellow, & 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, & ‘Slimline’ model 1001. Promotional 
• 1977 - front conversion by the handle lock switch & top-fill bag introduced 
• 1978 – plastic chassis & fan introduced; the use of the new-style metallic w/black text manufacturer’s decal is implemented 
62. Model U4101. [++++] Mint Green & Oyster White; full hood w/4-position height adjuster pile eye & decal w/bordered ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on front panel; full white bumper; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print – mini green & white check; rectangular handle w/green handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Mint Green Hoover cleaners of the period: S3013 ‘Portable Deluxe’, S3079-030 ‘Celebrity II’; and similar green-colored cleaners: ‘Dial-A-Matic’ U5017 in Spring Green, Shampoo-Polisher 5471 in Spring Green, and Polisher 5168 in Bali Green. Variation: -001; 1977-80
63. Model U4103. ‘Estate’ (1977-78- aluminum base)/’Elite’ (1978-79 - plastic base) Sea Blue Medium & Oyster White; broad hood w/4-position height adjuster pile eye; headlight w/plain lens; name decal w/’Hoover Convertible Estate (Elite)’ text on a floral print background; full white bumper; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print – blue & white floral design; rectangular handle w/blue handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Sea Blue Hoover cleaners of the period: U4121 Convertible, U6039-030 Dial-A-Matic, S3059-030 Celebrity II ‘Estate, S3073-030 Celebrity, S3033-030 ‘Slimline', 2120 ‘Portable’, 3614-01 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, 5168-01 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’. Variation: -001; 1977-80 
64. Model U4107. [+++] Camel; Oyster White handle & full bumper; full hood w/4-position pile eye; full white bumper; 2-speed 4A/5.5A (?) motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print gold & brown houndstooth; rectangular handle w/Camel handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Camel Hoover cleaner of the period: Convertible model U4119; Quik-Broom models S2031 & S2039; complementary-colored models: U6041 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Luggage Brown, S3083-030 “Celebrity II” in Maple Sugar, S3123, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5488 ‘Deluxe Shampoo Polisher’ in Maple Sugar. Variation: -001; 1977-80
65. Model U4109. ‘Elite’ - rust; Oyster White handle & bumper; broad hood w/4-position pile eye; full white bumper; headlight w/plain lens; name decal w/’Hoover Convertible Elite’ text on a silver background; 2-speed 4A/5.5A (?) motor; vinyl 15.5-quart bag jacket print tan & white houndstooth with large rust checks; rectangular handle w/rust handle grip; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Other Hoover models in exact or complementary colors: Rust Brown U5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’ & F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher'; F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown. Variation: -001; 1977-80
66. Model U4113. [+++] Goldtone Light & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye; gold plastic nameplate on front panel w/white ’Hoover Convertible’ text; full white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print – gold & yellow mini check; rectangular handle w/goldtone handle grip; toggle switch. Other Gold/Goldtone Hoover cleaners of the period: U4119 Convertible, S3015 ‘Portable Super’, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ (Rally Gold), ‘Floor-A-Matic’ model 3616 in Taupe Light with yellow separator cover; 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer, S1021 ‘Handivac II'; complementary-colored Maple Sugar model 5488 ‘Deluxe Shampoo Polisher’, Taupe Light models 5160 & F2003 ‘Floor Polisher’. Variation: -001, 1978-79
67. Model U4115. ‘Deluxe’ - Light Red & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye; headlight w/black ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text; white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed HP 4.3A/4.7A motor; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print - gray & white houndstooth w/large red checks; rectangular handle w/red handle grip; toggle switch. upscale version of U4147-002. The other Light Red Hoover cleaner of the period was the model S1019 Handivac; also, the model S3081 Celebrity II ‘Air Ride’ in red monochrome was either the same or similar color. Variation-001, 1978-81 
68.Model U4117. squared hood; 2-speed motor; 4-position height adjuster; 18-foot cord; 1976-81 (Canadian)
68. Model U4119. [+] Camel - hood & base & Oyster White - handle; squared hood w/gold ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on a brown background w/border; partial brown bumper; 2-position height adjuster; 1-speed motor 4.3A until 1982 then 4.8A); vinyl 9-quart jacket camel w/brown text; round handle; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; early version's fan chamber was metal; most were plastic. In 1984 the height adjustment lever and power switch plate were made in plastic. Other Camel color Hoover models of the period: U4107 Convertible, S2031 & S2039 Quik-Brooms; similar color models: S3015 ‘Portable Super’, 5308 ‘Shampooer Deluxe, S1021 ‘Handivac II'; U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold , S3083-030 “Celebrity II” in Maple Sugar, S3123, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5160 & F2003. Promotional: Dec. 1977-Aug. 1984
69. Model U4121. ‘Custom' - Sea Blue Medium & Oyster White; ranger hood; full white bumper; headlight w/black ‘Custom Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; vinyl 9-quart jacket print light blue w/blue glen check pattern w/black text; top-fill bag assembly; round handle w/blue handle grip; toggle switch. Other Sea Blue Hoover cleaners of the period: U4103 Convertible, U6039-030 Dial-A-Matic, S3059-030 Celebrity II ‘Estate’, S3073-030 Celebrity, S3033-030 ‘Slimline', 2120 ‘Portable’, 3614-01 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, 5168-01 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’, 1979  
70.Model U4125 ‘Guardsman’ Light Red/Highly Polished Aluminum - squared hood with “Guardsman” on headlight lens; light red hand grip; chrome-plated steel handle; 13.5-qt. light red houndstooth pattern vinyl bag jacket w/top-fill assembly; 4.3A/4.7A 2-speed motor; 4-position height adjuster; metal switch cover; front tool conversion; 1979-82(?)
71. Model U4127. [++] Alpine Green & Oyster White; squared hood w/green ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on a white background w/border; partial green bumper; 1-speed motor 4.3A until 1982, then 4.8A; 4-position height adjuster; round handle w/green handle grip; white & light tan houndstooth vinyl 9-quart bag jacket w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Promotional: Dec. 1977-Dec. 1985 
72. Model U4129. [++] Blue Denim & Oyster White; squared hood with brown ‘Convertible’ text and border on front panel; wide-top denim bag with brown stitching and vertical Hoover brand patch; plastic base - U4111 is identical but with metal base; 1978
73. Model U4131. ? 
74. Model U4145. ‘Deluxe' – slate blue & almond beige – Oyster White handle; partial steel blue bumper & handle grip; squared hood w/white front panel bearing ‘Deluxe Convertible’ steel blue text; 4-position height adjuster; ?A motor; vinyl bag jacket light gray, dark gray & cream glen check w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The same or similar colors as the Slate Blue & Almond Beige ‘Spirit’ model S3257. Promotional: 1977-78
75. Model U4147-002. [+++] Light Red & Oyster White; ranger hood w/red plastic nameplate on front panel bearing white ‘Hoover' caps instead of lense; full bumper w/4-position pile eye; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket print - gray & white houndstooth w/large red checks; round handle w/red handle grip. Manufactured in the U.S.; marketed abroad. The step-down version of the model U4115. Other Light Red Hoover cleaners of the period was the model S1019 Handivac; also, the model S3081 Celebrity II ‘Air Ride’ in red monochrome was either the same or similar color.  1980

• The 1-speed 4.8A motor was introduced in 1980 with the D80. In 1982 it was used in higher-end Convertibles when the D80 motor was upgraded to the 6.0A motor. 

76. Model U4151. ‘Deluxe' (1979-80) or ‘Decade 80' (1980-85); horizon blue & jamaican blue; jutted hood w/pile eye & cyan wrap-around decal on front panel w/blue 'Hoover Deluxe Convertible’ or ‘Hoover Decade 80' text; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; ‘Deluxe’--2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; ‘D80'—(1980-82) 1-speed 4.8A or (1982-84) 6.0A motor; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket shades of blue horizontal stripes pattern w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle. Colors & bag jacket similar to the models U4341 & U4345. Bag jacket pattern similar to the U4423. Colors are the same or similar to the ‘Concept One’ models U3101 & U4201, ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3131, S3135, S3139 & the ‘Spirit’ model S3205. This trim discontinued in 1984. 

77. Model U4153. ‘Elite’ (1979-80) or ‘Decade 80’ (1980-85) Dark Gray & Pewter; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver decal on lower hood with a black & red border bearing ‘Hoover Convertible Elite‘ or ‘Hoover Decade 80’; wrap-around dual headlight; full dark gray bumper & handle grip; ‘Elite’--2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; ‘D80’—(1980-82) 1-speed 4.8A or (1982-84) 6.0A motor; 4-position height adjuster; dark gray 13.5-quart vinyl bag jacket patterns shiny vertical shades of gray horizontal stripes w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle; (colors & bag jacket similar to U4399). Succeeded by upgraded model U4385. Same or similar colors as the ‘Concept One’ model U3305, ‘Concept Two’ models U3301 & U4211, ‘Celebrity QS’ model S3239, and the ‘Spirit’ models S3207 & S3211. 

78. Model U4159. [+++] (1981-85) ‘Decade 80’ - Frost Beige & Mahogany Brown; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver wrap-around decal on front panel bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full burgundy handle grip; 1-speed 4.8A motor; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket pattern frost beige w/shades of burgundy graded horizontal stripes & burgundy text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle. Same color scheme & bag jacket pattern as model U4331; other Frost Beige top housing colored models: ‘Celebrity IV’ S3133 & S3137, ‘Spirit’ model S3247. Kmart exclusive? 
79. Model U4161-9. [+++++] (1980-84) ‘Decade 80’ - Jade Green Light & Teal Green; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver decal on lower hood bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full green bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 4.8A motor; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl 15-quart jacket pattern vertical stripes in shades of green; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Predecessor to the model U4381-9. Same colors and bag jacket design as the Concept One models U4205 & U3105; Complementary-colored models: ‘Celebrity II’ S3079-030 in Mint/Holly Green, ‘Spirit’ S3213 top housing in Jade Green Light. Canadian
80. Model U4165. [+++] goldtone & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight with plain lens; partial gold bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; 3-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Complementary-colored models: U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold , S3083-030 “Celebrity II” in Maple Sugar, S3123, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5140, 5146, 5148, 5150 & 5160 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Taupe-Light. 1978
81. Model U4171. [++] Powder Blue & Oyster White rounded hood; partial light blue bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; 3-position height adjuster; baby blue vinyl 9-quart bag jacket; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Complementary-colored model: ‘Spirit’ S3205 in Mist Blue (top housing). 1980-84
82. Model U4173. [++] deep rust brown & desert beige; rounded hood; partial bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; 3-position height adjuster; white & tan houndstooth vinyl 9-quart bag jacket; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Same colors & bag jacket design as the model U4193 & the Concept One model U4203. Similar color to the Rust Brown models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’ & F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher’, F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown; & Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ model S3243. Variation: -001. 1979-85
83. Model U4175. [++++] goldtone light & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/black text on the lens; full dark brown bumper & handle grip; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket gold glen check; pedal switch. Successor of model U4175. complementary-colored models: U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3123, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5158 & 5160 ‘Polisher’ in Taupe-Light. 1979-80 
84. Model U4185. goldtone & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight; handle grip; 2-speed; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; white & tan houndstooth vinyl 9-quart bag jacket with horizontal black “Hoover Convertible” text; round handle with grip; pedal switch. Predecessor model of U4715. complementary-colored models: U5015 ‘Dial-A-Matic’ in Persian Gold, S3123, S3001 ‘Celebrity Custom’ in Rally Gold, S3125, & S3129 “Celebrity III” in Tahitian Gold, 5308-01 ‘Deluxe Rug Shampooer’ in Gold Tone Light, 5158 & 5160 ‘Polisher’ in Taupe-Light. 1978-79
85. Model U4187. ? 1979
86. Model U4189. ‘Deluxe’ - orange & Oyster White; squared hood w/white front panel bearing orange ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text; partial orange bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket print – white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Complementary-colored models:U4001 Convertible (copper base with taupe hood); F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper 1980-84
87. Model U4193. [++] rust brown & pale honey; Oyster White handle; squared hood w/white lower-right ‘Convertible’ text & panel outline; partial rust bumper & handle grip; 2-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.3A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket print – speckled beige; bottom-fill bag assembly; round handle; slide switch (?). Same colors & bag jacket design as the model U4173 & the Concept One model U4203. Same or similar colors as the model F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher' in Rust Brown; F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown; similar color to Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293. 1980-82
88. Model U4195. [++++] ‘Custom’ - light blue & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/black ‘Custom Convertible’ text; full white bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket light blue & white floral pattern; light blue handgrip; slide switch. Same or similar colors to these Hoover cleaners’ top housings: Celebrity IV ‘Air Ride’ model S3131 & wheeled models S3135 & S3139, ‘QS’ model S3187 all in Olympic Blue, ‘Air Ride’ model S3159 in Sea Blue Medium; S3439 ‘Spirit’ in Camargue Blue & S3277 ‘Dimension 1000’ in Cashmere Blue; Variation: -001. 1980-84 
89. Model U4199 squared hood sans headlight; 9.5-quart bag jacket. 1981
90. Model ? rust brown & pale honey; Oyster White handle; squared hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full rust bumper & handle grip; ?-position height adjuster; ?-speed ??A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket print – speckled beige; ?-fill bag assembly; round handle; slide switch ?. close in appearance to the model U4193.) Same or similar colors as the Hoover cleaner models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher', F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & F3119 ‘Rug Shampooer’ in Rust Brown; similar to Rust Brown Celebrity models S3165, S3167, S3173, & S3233; Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293; and Helena Brown ‘Dimension 1000’ model S3231. 
91. Model U4301-9. [+++] Jade Green Light & Oyster White; full hood w/headlight – white outline ‘Convertible’ text on lens; full green bumper & handle grip; ?-position height adjuster; ?A motor vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white w/graded stripes in 2-tone green & black text; toggle switch; top-fill bag assembly. ‘Celebrity QS’ model S3193 & ‘Spirit’ model S3213’s top housings are Jade Green Light. 1981-82. Kmart exclusive 
92. Model U4303. [+++] Pale Persimmon & Pale Honey; squared hood; brown half-bumper and handle grip; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on lens; no adjuster; 1-speed 4.3A motor; Pale Persimmon vinyl 15-quart jacket with glen check pattern & black text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Promotional. The first square-hooded Convertible to have a 15-quart bag jacket. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Replaced by the model U4349. 1980-84
93. Model U4305. ‘Custom’ - persimmon & Oyster White; squared hood; -position adjuster; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; partial persimmon bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; vinyl ?-quart white bag jacket with graded stripes design in 2-tone persimmon; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Sans handle grip. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. 1980-81. Kmart exclusive 
94. Model U4307. [++++] lime green & Oyster White; full hood w/pile eye – silver & dark green decal on lower edge w/’Hoover Convertible’ text; headlight w/plain lens; full white bumper; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket white with 2-tone green graded stripes w/green text; green handle grip; toggle switch. 1981-85. Kmart exclusive 
95. Model U4309. [++++] Pale Honey & Rust Brown; full hood; headlight w/white outline text on the lens; full rust bumper & handle grip; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; bottom-fill bag assembly; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket vertical brush strokes in rust shades w/black text; toggle switch. Sans pile eye. Colors and bag design appear to be the same as the Concept One model U3109, ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3133 & S3137 in Frost Beige & Antique Copper Shadow, & ‘Spirit’ model S3245’s Honey Beige & Crimson Rust complement. 1980-82
• 1-speed 4.8A motor introduced in 1982 on higher end Convertibles. 
• Plastic fan chambers? 
• The plastic switch plate was introduced during this period. 
96. Model U4311. [++++] yellow & oyster white; ranger hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on lens; full white bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; toggle switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/black standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly; yellow handle grip; twin to U4319 but with more amps and bag jacket text color. 1981-84
96.Model U4313. ‘Guardsman’ Light Red/Highly Polished Aluminum (sans Hoover decal) - squared hood with “Hoover Guardsman” on headlight lens; light red hand grip; chrome-plated steel handle; 13.5-qt. light red houndstooth pattern vinyl bag jacket w/top-fill assembly; 4.3A/4.7A 2-speed motor; 4-position height adjuster; plastic switch cover; front tool conversion; 1982-1990
97. Model U4315. [++++] Deep Rust Brown & almond beige; squared hood; full rust bumper & handle grip; headlight w/red text on lens; 4-position adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 16-quart bag jacket rust and brown horizontal brush strokes pattern w/white text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Same hood color as the ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293. 1981-83.  
98. Model U4317. [+++++] Goldtone & Oyster White; full hood; headlight w/white outline ‘Convertible’ text on the lens; full white bumper; 2-speed 4.3A/4.7A motor; 4-position height adjuster; top-fill bag assembly; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket bag jacket white w/2 shades of gold graded stripes & black text; gold handle grip; toggle switch. Successor to U4309. ‘Celebrity III’ models S3123, S3125 & S3129 upper shells in Tahitian Gold are similar in color. 1981-84
99. Model U4319-9. [+++] yellow & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ on the lens; full white bumper; 1-speed 4.3A motor; toggle switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly; yellow handle grip; twin to the U4311 but with less amps & different bag jacket text color. The upper shell of the ‘Celebrity II Air Ride’ in bright gold is complementary. 
100. Model U4325. squared hood sans headlight; 4-position height adjustment; horizontal brush strokes pattern on 9.5-quart bag jacket. 1981-82. Sold at Woolco
101. Model U4327. Deep Rust Brown & Pale Honey; ranger hood; headlight w/’Hoover Convertible’ on the lens; hand grip; finger-tip switch; top-fill bag; 15-quart bag jacket in horizontal brush strokes pattern. 1981-1982. Sold at Woolco 
102. Model U4329. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ – Desert White & Deep Rust Brown; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower front bearing burgundy ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor; vinyl dust jacket beige & white linen pattern w/burgundy rectangular ‘Hoover' label; smoky gray dust cup; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Hoover USA’s first bagless cleaner. The upper shells of ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3133 & S3137 & ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3181, S3191, S3195, S3217, & S3219 in Frost Beige & the ‘Spirit’ model S3259’s top housing in Oyster White are complementary in color. Predecessor to the model U4383. 1982-86
103. Model U4331. [++++] desert beige & burgundy; squared hood; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; headlight w/burgundy ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket frost beige w/2-tone burgundy graded horizontal stripes & burgundy text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Same color scheme & bag jacket design as D80 U4159. The ‘Spirit’ model 3245’s Honey Beige & Crimson Rust & the upper shells of ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3133 & S3137 & ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3181, S3191, S3195, S3217, & S3219 in Frost Beige are complementary in color. Promotional: 1981-87 
104. Model U4335. [+++] Jade Green Medium & pale honey; Oyster White handle; squared hood w/green ‘Convertible’ text on lower right of front panel; full green bumper in dark green; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket design 3 graded stripes in green shades w/green text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The ‘Spirit’ model S3241 matches in Jade Green Medium. 1982-84. Kmart exclusive 
105. Model U4337. ‘Custom' - Deep Rust Brown & pale honey; ranger hood; full pale honey bumper; headlight w/rust ‘Custom Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket pale honey w/3 graded stripes in shades of rust – rust text; bottom-fill bag assembly; rust handle grip; toggle switch. Same or similar colors as the Hoover cleaner models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, F4143 ‘Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher', F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & F3119 ‘Rug Shampooer’ in Rust Brown; similar to Rust Brown Celebrity models S3165, S3167, S3173, & S3233; Deep Rust Brown ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293; and Helena Brown ‘Dimension 1000’ model S3231. 1983-84. Kmart exclusive 
106. Model U4339. [+++++] beige & Oyster White; broad hood w/4-position pile eye & decal w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text underlined w/rust & brown stripes; headlight w/plain lens; brown full bumper & handle grip; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket (original unidentified) w/3 graded stripes in shades of ? w/? text; top-fill bag assembly; 2-speed ?A motor; rectangular handle; toggle switch. Has the same or similar color combo as the ‘Spirit’ model S3259 in Oyster White & Almond Beige . 1981-84. Kmart exclusive 
107. Model U4341. [+++] ‘Deluxe’ - Oyster White & navy blue; squared hood w/navy blue front panel bearing white ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text & outline; partial navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket shades of blue & white horizontal brush strokes stripes w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The hood color matches ‘Spirit’ models S3397 & S3399. 1982-84 
108. Model U4343. [++++?] “Deluxe” Burgundy & Oyster White; squared hood w/white front panel bearing burgundy ‘Deluxe Convertible’ text & outline; partial burgundy bumper; 1-speed ? A motor; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart jacket gray & white horizontal brush strokes stripes pattern w/white text (replacement or original?); bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The Cranberry top housing of the ‘Spirit’ model S3431 complements. 1983-84
109. Model U4345. [+++++] Oyster White w/navy blue bumper & handle grip; full hood; headlight w/plain lens; 4-position adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket shades of blue horizontal brush strokes stripes pattern w/black text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. The hood color matches ‘Spirit’ models S3397 & S3399. 1982-84 
110. Model U4349. [+++++] Jamaican Blue & Oyster White; squared hood; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; headlight w/red text on lens; 4-position adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket white w/2-tone blue graded horizontal stripes design & red text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; red pedal pads. Successor to U4303. Sans Hoover logo. Other Jamaican Blue Hoover models: U4373 & U4449 ‘Convertible’s, model F4251 ‘Shampoo Polisher’, and the model S3279 ‘Dimension’’s Blue Shadow top housing. Promotional: 1982-84 
111. Model U4353 – [+++++] 75th Anniversary Model. metallic base (sans logo) & Oyster White squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover’ caps above red & blue lines on the lens; navy blue full bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; cloth dust jacket white & tan linen print w/patch sporting the Hoover logo “Celebrating 75 Years”; smoky gray dust cup; toggle switch. The Oyster White ‘Spirit’ models S3397 & S3399 complement. 1983-85

• The plastic height adjuster was introduced in this period. 
• 1984 saw the launch of the Power-Surge on the D80, 5.0A and 5.0A/4.8A motors on the higher-end Convertibles. 
• The 6.5A motor made its debut in the successor of the D80—the D800 in 1988. 
112. Model U4357-9 ? 
113. Model U4359. Almond Beige & rust; “Advantage” – beige & rust; ranger hood sans Hoover logo; full rust bumper & handle grip; white handle; headlight w/black “Advantage” text on the lens; 4-position adjuster; 2-speed 6.0A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket vertical stripe design in rusts & browns w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; 30-ft. cord; toggle switch. Sans pile eye. Similar colors & bag design as the Concept One models U3103 & U3311. Low-end mate to Model U4361. 1984-87
114. Model U4361. [+++++] “Advantage" – High Performance, dealer exclusive; Almond Beige w/dark brown bumper & handle grip; chrome square handle; broad hood w/4-position height adjuster pile eye & dark brown & silver “Advantage” decal w/orange stripe on the lower part - sans the Hoover logo; headlight w/plain lens; 6.0A motor with Power Surge; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket pattern vertical stripes in shades of dark brown; top-fill bag assembly; 30-foot cord;. Similar coloring and styling as the model U4397. Variation: -030; High-end mate to Model U4359, 1984-87
115. Model U4363. [++] Olympic Blue & Oyster White rounded hood; partial navy blue bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; sans height adjuster; steel agitator w/only brushes; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. 16-foot cord. Other Olympic Blue Hoover cleaners are: (upper shells) ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3135 & S3139, ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3183, S3185, & S3187. Variations: -042, -045,  1984-88
116. Model U4365. [++] antique copper shadow & Oyster White; squared hood w/white ‘Convertible’ text on the lower right of the front panel; no headlight; partial dark brown bumper; 2-position height adjuster; single-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; toggle switch. Stripped down version of the same colored & styled model U4411-9. Complementary-colored models to the hood: ‘Dial-A-Matic’ U6007 in Antique Copper Shadow, ‘Spirit’ S3501’s Ebony Brown & Sable Brown, ‘Dimension’ S3231 in Helena Brown. Variation: -048, 1984-87
117. Model U4367. [+++ ?] rust & beige w/Oyster White handle; squared hood; full dark brown bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible” on the lens; ?-position adjuster; ?-speed A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket vertical stripe design in rusts & browns w/white text; bottom-fill bag assembly; rust handle grip; toggle switch. Similar color scheme & bag jacket colors & design as the ‘Advantage’ Model U? w/the ranger hood & the model U3103 Concept One. Same or similar colors as the Hoover cleaner models F5019 ‘Floor-A-Matic’, F4143 ‘Custom Deluxe Shampoo-Polisher', F4005 (& -101, -002) ‘Deluxe Shampoo Polisher’ & F2003-101 ‘Floor Polisher’ in Rust Brown; and is similar to or the same as the Crimson Rust & Honey Beige ‘Spirit’ model S3209 and the Crimson Rust & Almond Beige ‘Dimension’ model S3275. 1984-87
118. Model U4369. [+++++] cashmere blue & blue shadow; full hood; navy blue full bumper & handle grip; headlight with white outline text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket design 2-tone blue horizontal bamboo w/2 broad solid dark gray racing stripes with thin center dark gray pinstripes in white stripes outlined in cyan (design matches U4379 & U4421); top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Colors are the same or similar to the Cashmere Blue & Blue Shadow ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219 - & ‘Spirit’ models S3265 & S3267 and ‘Dimension’ models S3277 & S3279--same colors reversed; also, the ‘Celebrity III Air Ride’ model S3159 in Sea Blue Medium may be a close or exact match. 1985-86
119. Model U4371. [+] Deep Persimmon & Oyster White; dark brown half bumper; rounded hood; no height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar hood color to the model U4413. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Variations: -042, -045, 1984-88
120. Model U4373. [+] jamaican blue & Oyster White; dark blue half bumper; squared hood w/white ‘Convertible’ text in lower right corner of front panel; no height adjuster; 1-speed ?A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar colors to the Hoover models: U4349 ‘Convertible’ & F4251 ‘Shampoo Polisher’, and the model S3279 ‘Dimension’’s Blue Shadow top housing. Agitator only equipped with brushes. Variation: -048, 1984-88
121. Model U4375-9. [+++ ?] burgundy & Oyster White; squared hood w/white outlined name panel & lower-right ‘Convertible’ text; burgundy partial bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; ?A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket subtle white & off-white checkered pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. 
122. Model U4377-9. [++++] green & Oyster White; green full bumper & handle grip; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; ?-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket horizontal brush strokes striped pattern in shades of green w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Variation: -935, 1984-88
123. Model U4379. [+++++] beige & burgundy; full hood; burgundy full bumper & handle grip; headlight with white outline ‘Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket design horizontal bamboo w/2 broad solid scarlet racing stripes bearing center white stripes and tan outlines; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Very similar to U4421. The same or similar colors of the Honey Beige & Crimson Rust ‘Spirit’ model S3245 & the Almond Beige & Crimson Rust ‘Dimension’ model S3273. 1984-85
124. Model U4381-9. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ - Jade Green Light & Teal Green; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower hood bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full green bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket pattern vertical stripes in shades of green; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Successor to the model U4161-9 in the same colors & bag design. Same colors and bag design as the Concept One models U3105 and U4205. Production ended in 1988. The ‘Spirit’ model S3213’s top housing color is Jade Green Light. Variation: -930, 1984-88 
125. Model U4383. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ – Desert White & Mahogany Brown; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower front bearing burgundy ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; vinyl dust jacket beige & white linen pattern w/burgundy rectangular ‘Hoover' label; smoky gray dust cup; toggle switch; round chrome handle. Successor to the model U4329 in the same colors & dust bag design. The ‘Spirit’ model S3259’s top housing in Oyster White is complementary. 1984-91. 
126. Model U4385. [++++] ‘Decade 80’ Mist Gray & pewter; jutted hood w/pile eye & silver decal on lower hood with a black & red border bearing ‘Hoover Decade 80’; wrap-around dual headlight; full dark gray bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; 4-position height adjuster; dark gray vinyl 13.5-quart bag jacket pattern vertical shades of gray horizontal stripes w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; toggle switch; rectangular handle; Colors & bag jacket similar to the predecessor model U4153 and the model U4399-9. Same colors as the Concept One model U3305 and the Concept Two models U3301 & U4211; and similar colors of the ‘Spirit’ models S3207 & S3211. 1984-88. 
127. Model U4387. [++++?] Crimson Rust & Oyster White; squared hood; burgundy partial bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on lens; 4-position height adjuster; 2-speed 5.0A/4.8A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket design white with 2-tone burgundy graded stripes & red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Sans handle grip; 1984-87.
128. Model U4389-9. jamaican blue & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight; 1984
129. U4391. squared hood; headlight; 3-quart dust cup; 4-position height adjuster; square chrome plated steel handle; 5.0A motor; 1984-87.
130. Model U4393. [+++] Jade Green Medium & Oyster White; squared hood; dark green full bumper; headlight w/green “Convertible with Headlight” text on lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket design white with 3 stripes in shades of green & dark green text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch; 16-foot cord; Variation: -048. The ‘Spirit’ models S3241 & S3291 color matches the hood color. Kmart exclusive; 1984-88
131. Model U4395. ‘Custom’ - Deep Rust Brown & Desert Beige; full hood; headlight with rust “Custom Convertible with Headlight" text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket design white with 3 stripes in shades of rust & dark brown lettering; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; 20-foot cord. The ‘Spirit’ models S3243 & S3293’s lid & body colors are Deep Rust Brown. Kmart exclusive; 1984-88
132. Model U4397. [+++++] Honey Beige & Desert Beige; full hood w/pile eye; headlight w/plain lens; silver decal bearing ‘Hoover Convertible’ w/rust pinstripe and thick brown stripe below; 4-position height adjuster; High Performance 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge switch; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket design white with 3 stripes in shades of brown & dark brown lettering; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; 20-foot cord. Similar coloring & styling to the model U4361. Same styling & similar colors and bag jacket design to the model UH0-82-842 Montgomery Ward Convertible with squared hood. The ‘Spirit’ model S3245’s top housing color is Honey Beige, the ‘Spirit’ model S3295 is all in Honey Beige. Kmart exclusive; 1985-88
133. Model U4399-9. [++++ ?] light gray & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/black ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full dark gray bumper & handle grip; 5.0A motor; slide switch; ? -position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket pattern vertical shades of gray horizontal stripes w/white text; ?-fill bag assembly; switch type? metal bottom plate. Similar styling and coloring as the Model U4409-9. The ‘Spirit’ model S3427’s Platinum Gray & Light Gray complements the hood color. Target exclusive? 
134. Model ? [++++ ?] red & Oyster White; ranger hood; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; ? -speed ?A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket horizontal brush strokes striped pattern in shades of red w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; red handle grip; switch type; similar colors and bag jacket pattern as U4343 
135. Model ? [+++ ?] pale yellow & Oyster White; squared hood; full white bumper; headlight w/plain lens; ‘JCPenney’ text on front right corner of base? -position height adjuster; ?-speed ?A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket horizontal brush strokes striped pattern in shades of yellow w/white text; ?-fill bag assembly. Sans handle grip. JCPenney exclusive.  
The plastic bottom plate debuted during this period. 
136. Model U4401-9. [+++] olympic blue & oyster white; squared hood; headlight w/red text ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; deep blue partial bumper & handle grip; 1-speed 4.8A motor; slide switch; 2-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Other Olympic Blue Hoover cleaners are: (upper shells) ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3135 & S3139, ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3183, S3185, & S3187. Widely sold + -5 years. Variation: -948; 1984-88
137. Model U4403. [+++] Silver Sand & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; partial dark blue bumper (to match the bag stripe); 1-speed 4.8A motor; slide switch; 2-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket light gray with centered dark blue horizontal broad stripe outlined in narrow red stripes w/red standard text; bottom-fill bag assembly. Same coloring and bag jacket design as the model U4405. Same hood coloring as the ‘Dimension’ model S3283. JCPenney exclusive 
138. Model U4405. [++++] Silver Sand & Oyster White; ranger hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ on the lens; full dark blue bumper & handle grip; 2-speed __A motor; slide switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket light gray with centered dark blue horizontal broad stripe outlined in narrow red stripes w/red standard text; top-fill bag assembly. sans pile eye. Same coloring and bag jacket design as the model U4403. Same hood coloring as the ‘Dimension’ model S3283. Sans pile eye. JCPenney exclusive 
139. Model U4407. [+++++] ‘Decade 80’ - Slate Green & Oyster White; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & silver decal on lower hood bearing black ‘Hoover Decade 80’ text; wrap-around dual headlight; full Slate Green Dark bumper & handle grip; 2-speed 6.0A motor w/Power-Surge; vinyl 15-quart bag jacket speckled shades of slate green w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular white handle w/Slate Green handle grip. Same color scheme as the ‘Concept One’ models U3329 & U3307, ‘Concept Two’ models U3331, U3309, & U4217, & ‘Dimension’ model S3281. JCPenney exclusive 
140. Model U4409-9. [++++] dark gray & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full dark gray bumper; 1-speed 5.0A motor; slide switch; 4-position height adjuster; vinyl ?-quart dark gray bag jacket pattern vertical shades of gray horizontal brush strokes stripes w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; metal bottom plate. Similar styling & coloring as the model U4399. The ‘Spirit’ models S3627 & S3629’s top housing color is Thorn Gray. 1986
141. Model U4411-9. [+++] Antique Copper Shadow & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; full brown bumper; 1-speed 4.8A motor; slide switch; 2-position height adjuster; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket pattern white & tan houndstooth w/red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Enhanced version of the same colored & styled model U4365. Complementary-colored models to the hood: ‘Dial-A-Matic’ U6007 in Antique Copper Shadow, ‘Spirit’ S3501’s Ebony Brown & Sable Brown, ‘Dimension’ S3231 in Helena Brown. 1985-88 
142. Model U4413. [++] sunburst orange (?) & Oyster White; partial dark brown bumper; rounded hood; no height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; vinyl 9-quart bag jacket white & tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar color scheme to the model U4371. Complementary-colored models: F4323 ‘Shampoo-Polisher’ in Cinnamon; ‘Celebrity Deluxe’ S3003-030 top shell in Cinnamon, ‘Spirit’ S3203 & S3289 (housing lid) in Poppy Red Medium, ‘Polisher’ F2003-01 in Copper. Variations: -042, -045; 1985-88
143. Model U4417. Olympic White & Platinum Gray; squared hood sans headlight. ? 
144. Model U4421. [+++] beige & burgundy; full hood; full burgundy bumper & handle grip; headlight with white outline ‘Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 5.0A motor; vinyl?-quart bag jacket design horizontal bamboo w/2 broad solid scarlet racing stripes bearing center white stripes and tan outlines; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Very similar to U4379. The ‘Spirit’ model S3245’s Honey Beige & Crimson Rust colors are the same or similar. Service Merchandise 1986
145. Model U4423. [++++] Olympic Blue Medium & Oyster White; ranger hood; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text; 1-speed 5.0A motor; vinyl ?-quart bag jacket print - blue, gray & white horizontal brush strokes striped pattern w/red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; round handle w/dark blue handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Bag jacket is the same or similar to the ‘Convertible’ models U4341 & U4345 - & ‘Decade 80’ model U4151. Other Olympic Blue Hoover cleaners are: (upper shells) ‘Celebrity IV’ models S3135 & S3139, ‘Celebrity QS’ models S3183, S3185, & S3187. 1986-88
146. Model U4425 ? 
147. Model U4443 Burgundy & Commercial Gray; ranger hood; 6.0A Power Surge; beige linen pattern bag with “Hoover Quick and Easy Dust Cup” insignia; smoke gray dust cup. Similar to the Montgomery Ward model 8855 ‘Power Plus’. 1989
148. Model U4445-9. Burgundy & Oyster White; ? 
149. Model U4447 ‘Decade 800’ Commercial?– Pastel Beige; air-freshener drawer; ? 
150. Model U4449. ‘Elite' - jamaican blue & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible Elite’ text on the lens; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; ?-quart vinyl bag jacket white and tan houndstooth pattern w/red text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar hood color as the Hoover models: U4349 & U4373 ‘Convertible’s & F4251 ‘Shampoo Polisher’. Variation: -048; 1987
151. Model U4453-9. Burgundy; ? 1987-88
152. Model U4493-021. [+++++] Dual Voltage – dark gray & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red text on the lens; full dark gray bumper & handle grip. 6A-120V/3A-240V motor; dark gray 3-wire cord; 4-position height adjuster; cloth ?-quart medium gray bag jacket w/panorama weave pattern … The other Hoover USA dual voltage voltage upright was the model U4291-021 Guardsman manufactured in the late 1990s. 
153. Model U4495 – Cranberry & Oyster White; ? 
154. Model U4497-900. [+++++] ‘700 Heavy Duty’ - Cranberry & Oyster White; full hood; headlight w/plain lens; silver & black name decal w/’Hoover Convertible 700 Heavy Duty’ text; full white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth 15-quart bag jacket Platinum Gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text over a white bar w/red ‘Heavy Duty' text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; white rectangular handle w/dark gray handle grip; 20-foot cord. Other Cranberry Hoover cleaner models of the period: ‘Elite’ models U4471, U4471-9, U4471-960, & U4599-900, F5047 ‘Scrub ‘n’ Vac’, F4255 ‘Shampoo-Polisher', F2101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & top housing of the S3431 ‘Spirit’. 1988-91
155. Model U4501. ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ - Blue Shadow; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & dark gray decal on lower hood with white text, a narrow red underline & thick white underline bearing ‘Hoover Decade 800 Heavy Duty ’; wrap-around dual headlight; full white bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth 15-quart bag jacket in the dark blue panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular white handle w/dark blue handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Same color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. Variation: -900 
156. Model U4503-900. ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ - Thorn Gray; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & dark gray decal on lower hood with white text, a narrow red underline & thick white underline bearing ‘Hoover Decade 800 Heavy Duty ’; wrap-around dual headlight; full white bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; air freshener tab; cloth 15-quart bag jacket in the gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular chrome handle w/dark gray handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Same color as the ‘Convertible’ model U4525 & the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ models S3627 & S3629. 
157. Model U4505. ‘Decade 800 Heavy Duty’ – Desert White; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & dark gray decal on lower hood with white text, a narrow red underline & thick white underline bearing ‘Hoover Decade 800 Heavy Duty ’; wrap-around dual headlight; full white bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth 15-quart jacket in the gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; smoke gray dust cup; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; rectangular chrome-plated handle w/dark gray handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Same hood color as the model U4383 ‘Decade 80’. The ‘Spirit’ model S3259’s top housing in Oyster White is complementary. 
158. Model U4513. ‘Heavy Duty’; rectangular handle 
159. Model U4515. ‘Guardsman’
160. Model U4517 ? 
161. Model U4519. ‘High Performance’ - blue & Oyster White; squared hood; full dark blue bumper & handle grip; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens (customary Hoover logo on the base); 5.0A High Performance motor w/Power-Surge; cloth ?-quart dust jacket in a blue panorama weave pattern w/white sideways ‘High Performance’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Similar to the model U4725. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. Sears exclusive 
162. Model U4521. ‘High Performance’ deep blue & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye & white outlined Hoover logo on lower part ; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; deep blue handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; High Performance 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth ?-quart bag jacket blue panorama weave pattern w/white sideways ‘High Performance’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. 
163. Model U4523. ‘High Performance’ deep blue & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye & white outlined Hoover logo on lower part; full white bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; deep blue handle grip; High Performance 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge; cloth ?-quart dust bag blue panorama weave pattern w/white sideways ‘High Performance’ text; slide switch; dust cup; plastic bottom plate. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. 
164. Model U4525. Thorn Gray; full hood; dust cup  
165. Model U4531 Light Camargue; ? 
166. Model U4595. ‘Heavy Duty Encore Limited Edition’ – black gloss & Oyster White; full hood w/dark gray name decal bearing light gray ‘Hoover Heavy Duty’ text underlined in red then a light gray stripe with dark gray ‘Encore Limited Edition’ text; headlight w/plain lens; full white bumper; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; 15-quart cloth bag jacket in the gray panorama weave pattern w/white ‘Hoover’ text above a solid white rectangle w/red ‘Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; round white handle w/black handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Other Hoover cleaners in Black Gloss are: the ‘Concept Two’ model U3345-900, the lid of the ‘Spirit’ model S3631, most of the ‘Dimension’ models, the ‘FloorMAX’ models F2300 ‘Hard Floor Machine’, F4300 ‘Supreme Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooèr' & F5300 ‘Deluxe Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooer featuring Wet Floor Pickup’ are the same or similar color. 
167. Model U4597. [+++] ‘RS' – cranberry & Oyster White; rounded hood w/black ’Hoover’ caps & red scripted ‘RS' on the base – no Hoover logo; partial burgundy bumper; 2-position height adjuster; 1-speed 4.8A motor; ?-quart cloth bag jacket burgundy & white glen-check w/white text; bottom-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Designed by Ron Stevens; last Convertible production model. Cranberry Hoover cleaner models: ‘Elite’ models U4471, U4471-9, U4471-960, & U4599-900, F5047 ‘Scrub ‘n’ Vacuum, F4255 ‘Shampoo-Polisher', F2101 ‘Floor Polisher’ & top housing of the S3431 ‘Spirit’. 
168. Model U4719-900. [++++] ‘Supremacy’ – (Code ABB) burgundy & Black Gloss; full bumper, handle & handle grip; ranger hood w/pile eye; headlight w/black “Supremacy with headlight” text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 1-speed 5.0A motor; air freshener tab; ?-quart cloth bag jacket burgundy w/white text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. 
169. Model U4721-900. [+++++] ‘Supremacy Heavy Duty’ – (Code ABB) burgundy & Black Gloss; jutted hood w/4-position pile eye & black decal on lower hood bearing ‘Supremacy Heavy Duty ’ underlined w/ red & gray stripes; wrap-around dual headlight; full black bumper; 1-speed 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; 15-quart cloth bag jacket burgundy w/ white ’Heavy Duty’ text; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; round chrome handle w/black handle grip; plastic bottom plate. Decade 800 styling & mechanics 
170.. Model U4725. [++++?] deep blue & Oyster White; squared hood; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text & logo on the lens; full navy blue bumper & handle grip; 4-position height adjuster; ?-speed ?A motor; ?-quart cloth bag jacket in navy blue; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch. Similar to the model U4519. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. Sears exclusive 
171. Model U4727-900. ‘High Performance’ – (Code AAY) deep blue & Oyster White; ranger hood w/pile eye; white full bumper; headlight w/red ‘Hoover Convertible’ text on the lens; 4-position height adjuster; 5.0A motor w/Power-Surge; ?-quart cloth bag jacket deep blue; top-fill bag assembly; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Same or similar color as the ‘Concept One’ models U3319-900 & U4219, the ‘Concept Two’ model U3323, the ‘Elite’ models U4459, U4459-940, & U4469, and the top housings of the ‘Spirit’ model S3299 the ‘Dimension’ model S3279. The Kenmore rebrand, model 473.3977880, is identical to this model except for the red ‘Kenmore’ text on the headlight lens. 
172. Model U4729-900 ‘Heavy Duty’ – black gloss & 2-tone gray; full hood w/ pile eye; headlight; 4-position height adjuster; 6.5A motor w/Power-Surge; 15-quart cloth bag jacket alternating vertical stripes of 2 shades of gray w/small white ‘Hoover’ caps & large red vertical ‘Heavy Duty caps positioned sideways; top-fill bag; slide switch; plastic bottom plate. Other Hoover cleaners in Black Gloss are: the ‘Concept Two’ model U3345-900, the lid of the ‘Spirit’ model S3631, most of the ‘Dimension’ models, ‘FloorMAX’ models F2300 ‘Hard Floor Machine’, F4300 ‘Supreme Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooer' & F5300 ‘Deluxe Hard Floor Machine & Carpet Shampooer featuring Wet Pickup’ are the same or similar color. 


Convertible-Style Commercial Uprights

173. Model C1065. 
174. Model C1067. Beige Frost jutted hood with pile-eye and a front edge label consisting of sunset stripes, white “Industrial Upright” text outlined in black and the Hoover logo; black bumper & handle; cream hand grip; light red shake-out bag with with silk-screened “Hoover Heavy-Duty” text superimposed on sunset stripes in upper right corner and black clip; 3-position height adjuster. 1986
175. Model C1069. 
176. Model C1085.
177. Model C1091. Beige Frost jutted hood with pile eye, “Hoover” caps and multiple gray & black underscores decal on front panel and a front edge label consisting of sunset stripes, white “Industrial Upright” text outlined in black and the Hoover logo; black bumper & handle; cream hand grip; light red cloth bag with silk-screened “Hoover Heavy-Duty” text superimposed on sunset stripes in upper right corner and black clip; smoke gray dirt cup;
178. Model C1099. light red full hood with pile-eye; 4-position height adjuster; chrome handle with grip; 5.0A; 35-foot cord; 1987
179. Model C1111.
180. Model C1119, -080.
181. Model C1121. 
182. Model C1123. 
183. Model C1125. jutted hood, orange; dust cup
184. Model C1126. 
185. Model C1320. 
186. Model C1403. Elite hood, orange hood & bag
187. Model C1404.
188. Model C1405.
189. Model C1407.
190. Model C1431. black squared hood/black glass-filled Lexan base; dark gray Micro-Tex outer bag/allergen filtration disposable bag; orange capital “Hoover” text on front hood panel; 4-position height adjuster; clear handle grip & furniture guard; orange 35-foot 2-wire cord; fingertip switch; ; variation: -010
191. Model C1433. black squared hood/glass-filled Lexan polycarbonate base; dark gray Micro-Tex triple-layered bag/E-Z Empty dirt cup; 4-position height adjuster; clear handle grip & furniture guard; orange 35-foot 2-wire cord; fingertip switch; variation: -010
192. Model C1439.
193. Model C1498 , -020. 
194. Model C1499 , -020. 
195. Model C1515.
196. Model C1529.
197. Model C1627.
198. Model C1629.
199. Model C1631. 2 versions - black jutting hood with pile eye 1) with “Guardsman Commercial” and “Steel Lined Fan Chamber” labeled on front of base, black outer bag with red Hoover logo and white “Allergen Filtration System” text; 2) with orange capital “Hoover” text on front hood panel & silver tag on front with “Commercial Upright” and “Steel-Lined Fan Chamber”; 6.0A; 4-position height adjuster; orange 50-foot 3-wire cord; clear handle grip & furniture guard;2-brush steel agitator; tiptoe switch
200. Model C1633. 2 versions - black jutting hood with pile eye: 1) with “Guardsman Commercial” and “Steel Lined Fan Chamber” labeled on front of base 2) with orange capital “Hoover” text on front hood panel & “Steel Lined Fan Chamber” labeled on front of base; Lexan polycarbonate & steel base; dark gray Micro-Tex triple-layered outer bag/E-Z Empty dirt cup; 6.0A; 4-position height adjuster; orange 50-foot 3-wire cord; clear handle grip & furniture guard; 2-brush steel agitator; tiptoe switch
201. Model C1703. Wind Tunnel-style - black
202. Model C1800-020. Conquest
203. Model C1805. Professional
204. Model C1810-010. Conquest, 18” path L-shaped nozzle; bagless
205. Model C1810-020. Conquest, 18” path L-shaped nozzle; shake-out bag
206. Model C1815. Conquest, L-shaped nozzle; bagless
207. Model C1820. Conquest - Dual - L-shaped nozzle; bagless

Professional Series
208. Model CH50000. black squared hood with white “Professional Series” text on front panel; red outer bag with horizontal white “HEPA Media” and specs text on upper left and vertical “Professional Series” with Hoover logo on upper right;
209. Model CH50010. Wind Tunnel-type; red
210. Model CH50015. Conquest-style, black hood
211. Model CH50020. black jutted hood with pile eye and “Professional Series” and “Steel Lined Fan Chamber” labeled on front of base; LED headlights; red outer bag with horizontal white “HEPA Media” and specs text on upper left and vertical “Professional Series” with Hoover logo on upper right;
212. Model CH50100. Insight, black; 10A
213. Model U4264-930. “Soft & Light Supreme” Elite-style, green
214. Model U4266-930. “Soft & Light Supreme” Elite-style, black

215. Model U7019. 
216. Model U7021.
217. Model U7033. ‘Guardsman’ Light Red/Highly Polished Aluminum - squared hood with “Guardsman” on headlight lens; light red hand grip; chrome-plated steel handle; 9-qt. gray shake-out bag; 4.3A/4.7A 2-speed motor; 4-position height adjuster; metal switch cover; rear tool conversion; 1975-78
218. Model U7039. 
219. Model U7041. 
220. Model U7043. 
221. Model U7045. 
222. Model U7047. medium gray squared hood with “Hoover Commercial” on the front panel; black handle; dark gray shake-out bag with vertical orange “Hoover” letters in a black stripe & black clip; orange pedal caps; 1975-79
223. Model U7053. 
224. Model U7055. ‘Commercial’;
225. Model U7057. ‘Commercial’; light red squared hood with “Hoover COMMERCIAL” badge on front panel; 23-quart gray bag - patch contains Hoover logo & “Hoover Commercial’; 4.3A; 4-position height adjuster; 50-foot 3-wire cord
226. Model U7057. light red squared hood with “Hoover Commercial” on front panel; 4.3A; gray herringbone 23-quart bag with white patch bearing Hoover logo and black “Hoover Commercial” text; black clip; black handle & grip; 50-foot/3-wire cord; pedal switch. 1979-
227. Model U7059. ‘Commercial’; equipped with 4-brush carpet groomer brush roll
228. Model U7063. squared hood; dirt cup
229. Model U7067. 
230. Model U7069, -080. Conquest-type, light red
231. Model U7071 -040, -070, -080. Conquest-type, light red
232. Model U7073.
233. Model U7075. light red squared hood with “Hoover Commercial” on front panel;
234. Model U7077. 
235. Model U7079. 


Heavy-Duty Uprights

-Model 90 - 1940-42
-Model 91 - 1946-61
-Model 913 - 1961-72
-Model 918 - 1972-78; variation: -01
-Model 925 -
-Model U7037. 32-quart gray bag - patch contains Hoover logo & “Hoover Heavy Duty”; 3.0A; 50-foot 3-wire cord; 3-position height adjuster; succeeded Model 918. 1978-83

Post# 469910 , Reply# 16   3/1/2024 at 07:44 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Hey Paul.
Another impressive compilation!
I noticed, for the model U4145, you have a question mark for motor amps.
If you're interested, here's the tag from one that I "fostered" a while back.

  View Full Size
Post# 469912 , Reply# 17   3/1/2024 at 09:26 by Gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Impressive, YES

gottahaveahoove's profile picture

Like the books in north canton.THIS should be copied.

Post# 469915 , Reply# 18   3/1/2024 at 15:44 by Paul (USA)        

Thanks, Barry & John!

Since my teens I have enjoyed compiling and organizing data. Also, I like to have a ready reference.

Barry, I appreciate the photo of the ratings decal of the U4145 and will add the data to the record. I hope others will follow suit, so the list can be as accurate and complete as possible.

John, Feel free to use the information any way you wish—I'm honored by such a complimentary response by the great Hoover Hobbyist!

Post# 469916 , Reply# 19   3/1/2024 at 18:54 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, Indiana)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Wow that certainly is a lot of information. Next would be to put the photos of the vacuums with the info below into a binder, 1 page for each vacuum. Would be the ultimate flip guide.

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