Thread Number: 11393
They knew back then....
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Post# 123139   1/27/2011 at 08:50 (5,062 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        

Today's P.O.D. summed it up, "Hoover is built, not for planned obsolescence, but virtually a lifetime of service". That applies to most vacuums of the era back then, and only a handful these days that might be around twenty years from now. It's a shame that TTI has discontinued so many Hoover parts for older machines to keep them useful, I guess they figure you'll have to buy new if you can't get replacement parts for the older models. I guess that can be said about many things these days, appliances, etc. I remember refrigerators from years ago lasting thirty, forty years, but now whether you spend six hundred or sixteen hundred for one, they pretty much tell you to expect ten to twelve years of service, and probably lucky if you get that without service calls of some kind. Oh well, the way of the world these days.

Post# 123145 , Reply# 1   1/27/2011 at 12:22 (5,062 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

Everything you say is true. Sad, but true. Last year, my 1947 Frigidaire finally conked out after 63 years of service! I still have it, but the piston inside the compressor wore out. If that's the mentality of TTI, it's for sure I won't be buying one of their "Dirt Devil" Hoovers. You don't see hardly any older Dirt Devils, because their motors burn out after a year or so. This crop of new "Hoovers" will be no different. IMHO, it would have been better for Hoover to have just closed their doors and kept their good name than be "dragged through the dirt" by TTI. So many good things were starting to happen (like the re-release of the Constellation) before TTI screwed it up. As long as their are vintage Hoovers out there (and donor machines for parts) Hoover will continue to live on "as we knew it." F*CK YOU TTI!!! I won't buy your garbage!

Post# 123147 , Reply# 2   1/27/2011 at 13:06 (5,062 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
Don't hold back, Karl

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
How do you REALLY feel? Nobody ,(well, my friend in Ohio) could agree more. You'd think when they took over HOOVER, they's want MORE than the logo. One can't coast on that forever. Look at all of the model 28s that are STILL running... it's not just "luck".

Post# 123148 , Reply# 3   1/27/2011 at 13:27 (5,062 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
loved this, all so true!!!

Post# 123153 , Reply# 4   1/27/2011 at 15:00 (5,062 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

TTI soiled a great names... @#$& them! I hated TTI even before i came to Vacuum Land because they ruined two good names, Hoover and Royal


Post# 123165 , Reply# 5   1/27/2011 at 16:47 (5,062 days old) by nick (Hastings, New Zealand)        
but virtually a lifetime of service

anyone know how often hoover brought out or changed models? seems every trip to the big box there are new names, models and colors on the vacs they sell

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