Thread Number: 11357
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Post# 122896 , Reply# 1   1/24/2011 at 16:28 (5,105 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)   |   | |
I second that, Rick!
Imagine a futuristic and trend-setting vacuum of 1949 still in production 11 years later, with all the progress made on the technical and design front over that decade. I guess Singer could advertise the 1960 Magic Carpet as new because of the disposable inner bag? Everything else about it looks identical to the 1949 S1. It makes me hopeful that there are many more S-series Singers out there to be found and welcomed into collections. I want a pinkish taupe to put beside my grey S2. Dave Link goes to Thread 11178 a few weeks back when we discussed the Loewy SINGER twinfan upright. CLICK HERE TO GO TO aeoliandave's LINK |