Thread Number: 11356
How Not to Treat a Royal
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Post# 122865   1/24/2011 at 06:47 (5,105 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
These freaks just burned an old '70s-'80s Royal.

I'd think this is a pre-1987 commercial-duty model going by the dark blue bag on it, possibly either a model 606 or 611.



Post# 122872 , Reply# 1   1/24/2011 at 07:55 (5,105 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Somehow, I just knew it was going to be that video, I remember seeing it a few years ago and mistaking it for a Kirby (didn't even know about Royal vacs back then!!), such a waste... :(

But on the plus side, all it would have needed after that is a new bag and a polish, can't destroy a metal vacuum as easily as you can a plastic vacuum... :)

Post# 122873 , Reply# 2   1/24/2011 at 08:06 (5,105 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
Somehow I don't believe the bag was the only thing on this that was destroyed... I'd hint at the nameplate being burned, too, because by 1971 it took the form of a silver decal applied to the back view of the nozzle by the front wheels.

Prior to 1970 the nameplate appeared in the form of a riveted plate applied to the underside of the motor assembly.

Whatever its location, the nameplate was what had the model #, serial #, patents, amps, etc.


Post# 122879 , Reply# 3   1/24/2011 at 12:09 (5,105 days old) by scvacuumguy (SC)        

scvacuumguy's profile picture
This video is awesome!!! I just may have to post it on my facebook wall.

Post# 122884 , Reply# 4   1/24/2011 at 14:34 (5,105 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        
Some people's children...

djtaylor's profile picture
The over-grown children making this video should not be aloud out of the house with out being supervised by adults WITH BRAINS. I truly hope that bunch of 'children' don't breed.

Post# 122899 , Reply# 5   1/24/2011 at 17:14 (5,105 days old) by powertank ()        

The best part is that it doesn't even die. I can't believe they had to use a match to get it to light.

Post# 122900 , Reply# 6   1/24/2011 at 17:17 (5,105 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

It's funny reading the description, "We heard that if you put a vacuum into a pan of gasoline and turn it on, you can get it to explode.", yet they used something that doesn't have any air from the nozzle go through the motor, hence why it didn't work the way they expected...

Clean-air vacs on the other hand, they're the ones you want, so long as they're cheap, disposable, modern POS vacs... :P

Post# 122911 , Reply# 7   1/24/2011 at 18:02 (5,105 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Just goes to prove a good Royal or Kirby is hard to kill....

kirbylux77's profile picture
But it's still horrible what these kids did to that poor Royal! It's a shame that most people these days have no respect for a quality-made, good cleaning vintage vacuum like Royals or Kirbys.

Oh well, thats life nowadays living in a 'disposable' world....


Post# 122912 , Reply# 8   1/24/2011 at 18:06 (5,105 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"people these days have no respect"

I think that trimmed quote sums it up really, society as a whole is just messed up, not just those who treat decent appliances like crap, but it's a case of, we know better and they know nothing... :)

Post# 122914 , Reply# 9   1/24/2011 at 19:08 (5,105 days old) by thevacuumlover1 ()        

Im the one who sent you that video. It just proves royals... can handle the burning flames of hell.... when they all go there.

Post# 122915 , Reply# 10   1/24/2011 at 19:08 (5,105 days old) by animebsd ()        

personally i dont really care. royals are like a dime a dozen.

yes i feel bad for the thing but i am not pissed. now if he had done it with an airway or vintage eureka i will be pissed.

but its just a royal nothing special

Post# 122928 , Reply# 11   1/24/2011 at 21:08 (5,105 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
Everyone has their own opinion.

Brandon,of course you would say that because you like Eureka and Ben likes Royal,and Royal vacuums aren't a dime a dozen.He doesn't like the video because they burned a vacuum he liked,so if it was a Eureka then you would get pissed. Eurekas arn't anything special to him.just saying everyone has their own opinion on they vacuums they like.

Post# 122929 , Reply# 12   1/24/2011 at 21:09 (5,105 days old) by intv1980 (Tucson, Arizona)        

intv1980's profile picture
Poor Royal :(

Post# 122937 , Reply# 13   1/25/2011 at 00:42 (5,105 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

This video dates back when a lot of folks on YouTube posted videos about burning and smashing things-Remember a video of an AirWay upright vacuum being smashed-had the plain floor nozzle and "Airplane" logo bag.Was kinda sad to see that machine getting smashed-The smasher says-"It didn't sell at the yard sale-for $5.00-so instead of throwing it out we smashed it"That Royal vac for the most part just needs a new bag and polishing-should be fine.And that smasher that smashed the AirWay also loved to smash and burn out Kirbys and 'Luxes-He blew out a really nice blue "G" then dragged it with his ATV.That fellow is no longer on YouTube.

Post# 122943 , Reply# 14   1/25/2011 at 03:59 (5,105 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
I just immediately check my channel when I click on these links, I get no pleasure out of watching things get wrecked, even if I dislike them. I like Royals.

Post# 122946 , Reply# 15   1/25/2011 at 05:32 (5,105 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

The other day I saw a video of some twits abusing a Sanitaire SC-899, first being used to suck up a fire ant nest, then it was trashed, which kind of pisses me off cos I wouldn't mind a SC-899, seeing how they're not available here in the UK, and to see that was heartbreaking... :(

Post# 122955 , Reply# 16   1/25/2011 at 10:17 (5,104 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

They could have at least burned a crappy dirt devil or eureka- i saw that video a few months ago.


Post# 122982 , Reply# 17   1/25/2011 at 16:23 (5,104 days old) by KirbyClassicIII (Milwaukie, Oregon)        

kirbyclassiciii's profile picture
For Garrett and Brandon,

I'd say the same thing if they burned an old Kirby for that same matter. I do like Hoovers and Eurekas, but not to the same extent as the two of you. For me, all my vacs are going to be made of metal.

Of course, one YouTube channel I hate (along with 99.9% of the rest of you here at the VCCC) is the one marked "smashstuff30" (?). He is a threat to us vac collectors, but he is also a threat to lawn mower collectors, too (lawn mowers are my other favorite passion). I remember he destroyed two vintage Sunbeams (a 1970s era Value Champ twin-blade electric mower and a Value Champ rear-bag electric; I know for sure the latter was a CPSC-June 30, 1982-certified model going by the trigger-release switch).


Post# 123025 , Reply# 18   1/26/2011 at 02:20 (5,104 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

SmashStuff30-Yes, he smashed and burned several as pointed out-nice lawnmowers-they looked in nice condition.He has smashed and burned several Kirbys,and that AirWay upright That us collectors would have GLADLY paid $5.00 at his yard sale.He also smashed a nice WP DD washer.Last I checked he doesn't have smash videos anymore-but religous ones instead.and he smashed a really nice Sunger Canister vac.Same with aHoover Celebrity.glad he is no longer filming smash videos.Guess he offended too many YouTube fans.And I like lawnmowers too-have a small collection of them.At one time there was a swap shop here that had mowers-now its been bulldozed and just a bare lot.

Post# 123401 , Reply# 19   1/30/2011 at 03:11 (5,100 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        

hygiene903's profile picture
I remember seeing that video a couple years ago and thought it was just as awful then now. Sad to see a perfectly good vacuum get torched, especially a Royal. On the good side though, it does prove that Royals are built to last.

Post# 123421 , Reply# 20   1/30/2011 at 10:46 (5,099 days old) by kubvan1 ()        

I keep reading this thread, but I have not watched the video, since I know it will just make me angry, sad and depressed all at the same time. I can't stand seeing the wanton destruction of any device, no matter how little value it has. It's bad enough that most consumer devices have such short lifespans today and only contribute to the overabundance of waste that is created, Not to mention when people destroy things for juvenile entertainment, or because of ignorance.

I think the lack of respect (at least for physical goods) may be exacerbated due to the throwaway nature, and cheap cost of modern products. If people had to pay dearly for something that would last a lifetime, they may be more inclined to care about it's longevity. Why bother when you can go to Wal-Mart and buy another plastic vacuum for 40 bucks instead of trying to repair the vintage one?

GRRRR! Sorry for the rant.


Post# 123444 , Reply# 21   1/30/2011 at 17:06 (5,099 days old) by chrisb32 ()        

Well, sometimes the apple doesnt fall far from the tree so I bet anything that their parents (if they had any) bought some cheap $50.00 vacuum and were going to pitch this one, so thats probably how they got hold of it. If the parents are as stupid as the kids, then this one probably had a broken belt or something so they threw it out. I like so many of you have fixed the dumbest things over the years when people thought their vac was "burnt up" or "wont suck anymore". Mostly clogs, or belts, and once someone I knew couldnt figure hers out. It was one of the last singers (blue from walmart), I swear Im not making this up, all that was wrong was THE BAG WAS FULL! I guess on an upside, I have bought alot of old vacs over the years pretty cheap due to this kind of stupidity. When I get something thats just a little clog or belt or whatever I really have to hold my mouth shut, lol. I want to say to them "tell me how long will you be visiting our planet, and I will have it ready before you leave" I wish, but you have to be civil I guess, lol. Well thats my rant for the day.

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