Thread Number: 11353
A nice lady with a Hoover Convertible
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Post# 122848   1/23/2011 at 23:20 (5,106 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

Today Arlee and I drove up to Northridge to look at a little table he wanted that he saw on Craigslist. The lady selling it and her husband were very sweet people. We had a lovely chat together. When she mentioned she and her husband have been married 30 years, I kinda blurted out that Arlee and I have been together for 27 years. Well, both of them beamed sweetly. She clasped her palms to her cheeks and sighed, "That's so wonderful. You two are very fortunate to have found each other."

We did get the table. Just as we were about to leave, she mentioned her father had recently passed away and she had brought over a lot of stuff from his house. I tactfully (I hope) said, "I don't suppose he had any old vacuum cleaners..."

She said, "No, he didn't, but my mother did. Let me show you! She disappeared around the corner and returned wheeling a lovely blue and white Hoover Convertible down the hall on its rear wheels.

She said, "I don't suppose this is a 'priceless collectible' by anyone's standards but when my Mom passed away last year, I just had to have it. Because having it here makes me feel close to her. She loved this Hoover, and I love it too -- because of her, but also because it really is a wonderful vacuum cleaner! It's so easy to use, not a bunch of fancy electronic stuff to go bad. You just turn it on and it goes!"

I am not sure which model it was. The lower part of the base was a pretty periwinkle blue and the top hood part was white. It had a headlight, a white handle with a blue handle grip, a white bag with blue "HOOVER" lettering running down the front of it, and a white cord. It was the same basic model appearance-wise as the one in the link, except that the colors of the base were reversed and, as I said, it had a headlight and a handle grip.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electrolux~137's LINK on eBay

Post# 122857 , Reply# 1   1/24/2011 at 04:51 (5,106 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
I'm glad Arlee got his table, and the woman certainly has a good grasp on the reality of vacuum cleaners. Hers sounds like a beauty, hope it serves her well!

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