Thread Number: 11333
The Anser Vacuum
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Post# 122609   1/22/2011 at 12:28 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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I finally got around to cleaning this up after over a year of having it sit in my "waiting room" for vacuums to be restored. The Anser. This is probably one of the neatest vacuums I own, and maybe possibly the rarest? But I have zero information on it, other than the serial number is only 5 digits long. And I have no idea what year it is. The vac shop owner I got it from said that his grandpa had named it, and it was made to compete with the Hoover 28, but it seems a lot newer. For one, it has a zipper on the bag. I didn't think they had zippers on bags back then, but I could be wrong. But last night I pulled this out and cleaned it up, washing the bag and all that jazz. Now it just needs polished, which I plan on doing next week. But if anyone has any info on this neat machine, please let me know. It has a Hoover Convertible brushroll, and uses the tab things on the ends of it to lock it into place. But it has a Royal handle release. So I am stumped. Unfortunately, the bag is pretty mangled, but it is original. But luckily, the original cord has no niks or rips in it. I also need to find a headlight lens for this, but I'm pretty sure that will be almost impossible.

Post# 122610 , Reply# 1   1/22/2011 at 12:29 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
The label-

Post# 122611 , Reply# 2   1/22/2011 at 12:33 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

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Post# 122612 , Reply# 3   1/22/2011 at 12:33 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

it looks like a sanitaire crossed with a hoover 28 wih a Kirby dual Sanitronic 50 handle. :P id love to have one.


Post# 122613 , Reply# 4   1/22/2011 at 12:34 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Manufacturing Label-

Post# 122614 , Reply# 5   1/22/2011 at 12:35 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture

Post# 122615 , Reply# 6   1/22/2011 at 12:36 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
Bag damage-

Post# 122616 , Reply# 7   1/22/2011 at 12:36 (5,013 days old) by vacman117 (Chicago, IL)        

vacman117's profile picture
The cord-

Post# 122618 , Reply# 8   1/22/2011 at 12:40 (5,013 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Oh my... That bag is thrashed. You might want to check ebay for another. If not, im sure theres some bag that will fit it.


Post# 122620 , Reply# 9   1/22/2011 at 13:09 (5,013 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
Love the

funvacfan's profile picture
unique ones! The shape is really timeless. Lucky you!


Post# 122627 , Reply# 10   1/22/2011 at 13:47 (5,012 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
Thats a good find you got there, Chase.....

kirbylux77's profile picture
Looks to me like that would be a rare vac. And especially in good shape too. Only thing that seems odd to me is the lack of a height adjuster....

About the bag...I have to wonder if that bag could be repaired by someone into knitting or quilting. If they took the bottom off the back & just knitted a new bottom for it, that might work.


Post# 122637 , Reply# 11   1/22/2011 at 14:45 (5,012 days old) by bisonian (Where the buffalo roamed! (Ocala, FL))        
A little info...

Here's part of the picture. See link.


Post# 122640 , Reply# 12   1/22/2011 at 15:01 (5,012 days old) by bisonian (Where the buffalo roamed! (Ocala, FL))        
And ...

... It looks like the family vacuum business Mr. Sobelman started is still around.


Post# 122647 , Reply# 13   1/22/2011 at 15:37 (5,012 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
That is very cool! And does look a little like a Hoover/Eureka/Sanitaire hybrid.

Post# 122657 , Reply# 14   1/22/2011 at 16:55 (5,012 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        
Looks to me that it's a Universal........

LF&C was manufacturing this machine in 1948. The article about Mr. Sobelman that Bisonian Rick posted, says he started manufacturing vacuums in the 1960's. LF&C went out of business in 1965. Perhaps he bought the tools/dies/patterns from them.

The below photo comes courtesy of John Lucia.

Post# 122699 , Reply# 15   1/22/2011 at 23:25 (5,012 days old) by vintagecanister ()        
Very cool..........

Never heard or seen of those before. That is one SHARP machine.

Love the U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L ad as well, Rick. Really cool suction regulator.

Post# 122768 , Reply# 16   1/23/2011 at 09:55 (5,012 days old) by MikeKLondon ()        

I love it, very coooooooooooooooool machine

Post# 122769 , Reply# 17   1/23/2011 at 10:04 (5,012 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        
Sobel Vacuums

I had one of these Ensors once upon a time. It was a very lovely machine, gleamed like chrome. I don't remember what became of it. It was just like the one posted above.

I wonder if anyone has ever visited the Sobel Vacuum Shop to see if there are any treasures down in that basement where Mr. Sobel began a rebuilding business during the War.......

Post# 249288 , Reply# 18   9/6/2013 at 18:15 (4,054 days old) by vacmo ()        

Hi, Dave from the Henry Company, a Northwest Indiana Vacuum Service and Sales Company, I say that not as a Promo, but to let you know I am not a jerk. I have very little if any info on this, but I do think I know a few things. Rumor in our company is Grandpa Henry helped in naming this vacuum. It was created and prototyped by a group of independents trying to solve the problems of vacuums of the day. I believe mostly through the 60's. I believe I found that the last Patent Renewal was in 1967 or 1969, I forget now. We have this Silver Answer in our store, and also have a Red Anser Complete with Attachments, which would explain to you why they named it the Anser if you saw them, AND A HUGE RED VINYL BAG that was used to transport the Anser from one place to the next, and keep it stored nicely... WOW... I believe it may have been a show model that was used by Door to Door Salesman but was given to our company by the makers... Now that I joined, I'll grab it down from the loft where it sits next to a Hoover Model 25 and photo it, and I will post a pic of it, it is quite amazing. You need vacs or parts, find us!

Post# 249290 , Reply# 19   9/6/2013 at 18:27 (4,054 days old) by vacmo ()        

By the way, it's not a Universal, everything was similar to early hoover designs as Hoover began to allow patents to run out, and... wrong hood

Post# 249291 , Reply# 20   9/6/2013 at 18:29 (4,054 days old) by caligula (Wallingford, Connecticut)        
Hi vacmo.

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I used to go to the Henry company in Valipariso, Indiana quite often. It was run by John Henry, and yes, it was his father who started the company, which was then in Chicago. I lost touch with John Henry over 20 years ago, and don't know if he's even still alive. But he was the one who told me about the Hoover Historical Center way back in 1980. If you have any info on the Henry company, please share it.


Alex Taber.

Post# 249330 , Reply# 21   9/7/2013 at 05:45 (4,054 days old) by kenkart ()        
I hate to say it..

But it is nothing more than a Universal with a Hoover brushroll, I wone one at a raffle in 96 at the vccc convention, I also owned a Universal, the motors were interchangeable.

Post# 249349 , Reply# 22   9/7/2013 at 10:56 (4,054 days old) by dysonman1 (the county)        

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Oh it's definitely a Universal. I remember the Anser that Hans won - it's identical to a Universal. Patents on inventions last 18 years, patents on design (what something looks like not how it works) last for 10 years. Hoover HAD to come up with the agitator in 1926 because their patent was expiring on the motor driven brush roll. All patents do expire, which is what makes America great I think. After the patent is up, people are free to copy and sometimes, improve existing designs.

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