Thread Number: 11323
Thrift Store find
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Post# 122490   1/21/2011 at 15:57 (4,935 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        

djtaylor's profile picture
I went to my local thrift store looking for vacuum gems and found a Handi-Butler from a Kirby Classic.
I can't wait to use it.

Post# 122492 , Reply# 1   1/21/2011 at 16:45 (4,935 days old) by intv1980 (Tucson, Arizona)        

intv1980's profile picture
Nice find! I love Handi-butlers! I have three: one for a kirby tradition, my kirby Dual-sanitronic 80, and one for a Kirby model 517. The dual-80 one is new in box!

Post# 122494 , Reply# 2   1/21/2011 at 16:55 (4,935 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Sweet, the HB is the best tool for the Kirby, well, the real one, not the later Sentria re-hash of the idea... :)

Just one thought, is it a 1CR version or 1CB (Omega) version?

Post# 122496 , Reply# 3   1/21/2011 at 17:05 (4,935 days old) by djtaylor (Salt Lake City, Utah)        
To David

djtaylor's profile picture
To David, that's my brother's name. Good name, David.
This HB is for the Classic 1CR. I'd like to add the Classic Omega 1CB to the collection someday.

Post# 122502 , Reply# 4   1/21/2011 at 17:33 (4,935 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Should be okay on the D50, D80 and of course 1CR... :)

Not sure which mode it activates though, Hose or Floor, I'd guess that it's Floor though...

Post# 122518 , Reply# 5   1/21/2011 at 19:38 (4,935 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Justin, thats a good find there! I'm surprised someone wouldn't have tried to sell that on Ebay....

Oh well, maybe they were uneducated or couldn't be bothered with the hassle. But thats good for you though. :)


Post# 122524 , Reply# 6   1/21/2011 at 20:36 (4,935 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
Let know how it works out for you! I have one for a Model 510 but I haven't gotten around to trying it out. It's already been well used, so I don't have a problem using it myself. Some day!

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