Thread Number: 11320
"To fit" bags...
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Post# 122473   1/21/2011 at 12:55 (5,108 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I know it's probably an utterly pointless thing to gripe about, but, I'm in a griping mood... :P

One of my pet peeves about aftermarket replacement bags are those that have "To fit" or "The H Cleaner" or "Vacuum Cleaner", or a Royal-style "K" (for Kirby) printed on them, it's completely superfluous to the bags, and spoils the looks, even modern versions have these silly screen-printed "logos" on them...

I have a Grey Hoover Junior bag, made for the later models that used the drainpipe filltube, and the grey bag has a Red logo on it, with "Vacuum Cleaner" in italics within a circle, trying to emulate the Hoover logo, and it looks awful, I used it once on my U1104 (see my youtube vids) and ended up going back to the Brown bag that came with the vac, I wanted to preserve it, but that replacement just looked wrong...

Why did they have to do that? Why not just make the bag, leave it plain or patterned and just be done with it?

My 1334-styled Junior has a decent looking blue-patterned bag, with no logo, and I like it, may not be genuine, but without the logo, it looks pretty good and despite it's bobbled and fluffed up appearance, I'm leaving it on there... :)

(I have since put a proper 1334 belt cover on it with a proper Hoover logo, rather than that generic aftermarket one which had a rubbish "logo" sticker in it that said "Quality Floor Products")

Post# 122536 , Reply# 1   1/21/2011 at 22:20 (5,108 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        
I guess

people in the vacuum-making industry dont relize that there are people out there who actually collect vacuums. I think what happens is the bag rips, people freak out and think that h=the dust is leaking out when theres already a thousand holes on h bag and get a new "to fit" bag with total disregard for people who collect such things. I bet if we had any say in it, everything would be original parts. Just my two cents.


Post# 122537 , Reply# 2   1/21/2011 at 22:21 (5,108 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Sorry for all the typos in that last post!!!


Post# 122548 , Reply# 3   1/21/2011 at 23:37 (5,108 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I'm okay with using generic bags if there's nothing else available, but it's those with useless non-logos printed on them that just make the bag look like it's a cheap replacement, if it was just plain without the printed text or logos, like my Junior above, then I'd be happy...

This one here (sold off ages ago) I despise, not cos of the vile colour, but because of the "state the obvious" thing printed on there:

Post# 122552 , Reply# 4   1/22/2011 at 00:34 (5,108 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
I guess we should be grateful that they spelled "Vacuum" correctly!

Post# 122575 , Reply# 5   1/22/2011 at 07:48 (5,107 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
Look wot it did to yer moggie!

Post# 122626 , Reply# 6   1/22/2011 at 13:19 (5,107 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
The other side of the coin; Stores have specs

It selling replacement items the spec can be dictated by one major vendor , and the maker thus makes the bags all the same so there are not two different line items.

Folks who work in retail are not often PH's or rocket scientists.

A replacement bag that comes in a wrapper can be opened and when it doesnt fit it might not go back into the same wrapper.

They the next customer gets the wrong bag. Thus to reduce returns the actual items name is marked with many industries replacement items. This is nothing new, it was done with Radio parts 70 years ago. Collectors whine that the new part looks different, or has a name one it.

The average person who wants a replacement bag is not a collector. He is an actual end user who uses the vac as a tool and not a trophy piece or hanger Queen. Collectors are a fringe lot; say less than 1 percent thus the market thus paltry.

Jim Bob the Janitor wants a new bag for Gomer's cleaning service, the bags "looks" have little bearing, FUNCTION does.

Having a name or a logo on the parts helps sell the replacement parts to Jim Bob the Janitor too. He is concerned on doing some cleaning and wants the proper fit, and has it deep in his brain how another repair/parts counter jock expert sold him the wrong bag 10 years ago. This lie told by the counter jock is etched in his soul, he had to work late before a Holiday because counter jock goofed up. Thus an Aftermarket Acme airfilter might say fits Briggs Quantum series right on the filter besides the bubble pack, to reduce goofs and build the buyers confidence.

Post# 122643 , Reply# 7   1/22/2011 at 15:17 (5,107 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"Having a name or a logo on the parts helps sell the rep

I'm not Jim Bob the Janitor though, I'm David the one who likes aesthetically pleasing looks, and there is no name or logo on the bag, just a bit of text that has no relation to the model or make. Yes it says it's for a "Vacuum Cleaner", but which one? Could be a Hoover, could be a Goblin, maybe even a Hotpoint (the joke there is, it'll fit all three!!!)...

"Vacuum Cleaner" is so generic that it relates to anything that uses suction to clean floors, aside from "hoover" term used here in the UK (which I hate aswell)....

Not to mention, cut out the screen printing and the manufacturers of cheap aftermarket bags could save a bit of money by cutting out that step... :)

Post# 122645 , Reply# 8   1/22/2011 at 15:19 (5,107 days old) by twocvbloke ()        
"Look wot it did to yer moggie!"

hehe, that's Squeaky, he's a heat-whore, he finds the nearest source of hot heat and flops down in front of it and refuses to move, even when I'm taking photos for eBay.... :P

In that case, he was infront of the gas fire, where that Stripy Cat ornament resides... :)

Post# 122650 , Reply# 9   1/22/2011 at 16:03 (5,107 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        
Stripy the Cat

arh1953's profile picture
Oh yes that fab cat ornament! My cats head for the sunbeam under the dining table.

AND, I don't blame you for wanting a more aestheticly pleasing bag decor, unfortunately manufacturers just seem to want to sell the product to do the job.

Post# 122772 , Reply# 10   1/23/2011 at 10:15 (5,106 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

The other thing is, "bojack" bags cannot legally run the manufacturer's name or logo on their replacement bags: Doing so would violate trademark protection laws.

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