Thread Number: 11304
Hoover Model 28 hose question
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Post# 122281   1/19/2011 at 21:24 (4,936 days old) by intv1980 (Tucson, Arizona)        

intv1980's profile picture
I was wondering how the suction is on the hose that you can use on the model 28? I was also wondering where you can get a model 28 hose and attachment set. Thanks

Post# 122326 , Reply# 1   1/20/2011 at 13:09 (4,936 days old) by akabent (LEFT Coast)        
hose suction on Model 28

Hello William

Well, even being a huge lover of most things Hoover including the iconic Hoover Model 28, I have to tell you the suction at the end of the hose (or even right off the converter) is pretty anemic! That said, it is still fun to have a comlete 'Ensemble' as Hoover called it. The really good news for you is this attachment set (Oops, sorry, Tom! DUSTING TOOLS) appear peridocially on E-bay. With a little patience, one should show up fairly soon! Best of luck!
Rick B

Post# 122345 , Reply# 2   1/20/2011 at 15:05 (4,936 days old) by portable (Corvallis, OR)        

portable's profile picture
Hi William -

Rick is right. The 28 had weak tool suction, though it was better than the later Convertible.

There were 2 basic tool kits made for the Model 28. The first one was a variation of a tool kit made for the Model 60: a hanging flat colored cardboard kit, with hanging tube-like slots for most of the tools. The second tool kit was typical for its time, because it looked similar to the later Models 62, 63 and some AeroDyne kits: it was essentially a hanging three-tiered box, where the tools could be placed in slots along shelves.

Here's a picture from the internet of the 2nd generation tool set, with a Model 28:

Post# 122401 , Reply# 3   1/20/2011 at 20:11 (4,935 days old) by intv1980 (Tucson, Arizona)        

intv1980's profile picture
Thanks for the info! I will look. I saw that pic on ebay and that model 28 has been relisted a few times now lol

Post# 122604 , Reply# 4   1/22/2011 at 11:56 (4,934 days old) by akabent (LEFT Coast)        
and that model 28 has been relisted a few times

Hi again, William

Just my input, but if you're serious about owning a 28, I would wait for a really nice one. They are out there if you are patient and you will love it forever! They are timeless, Iconic, and historically significant. Just like Bissells. (OK, ...bad Rick. Very bad Rick. :)
Rick B

Post# 122701 , Reply# 5   1/22/2011 at 23:34 (4,933 days old) by intv1980 (Tucson, Arizona)        

intv1980's profile picture
I have one. It's a great machine!

Post# 122764 , Reply# 6   1/23/2011 at 09:37 (4,933 days old) by gottahaveahoove (Pittston, Pennsylvania, 18640)        
I have 3.....(big surprise)

gottahaveahoove's profile picture
I need a new fan for one of them. They ARE a great machine, iconic... love it. And, one must have an ensemble. When I can get to them, I'll photograph them.

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