Thread Number: 11301
My current Kirby collection
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Post# 122188   1/18/2011 at 22:53 (5,046 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        

Here are all my complete Kirby's.The Heritage II has a shake out bag.I have the attachments and boxes for the: Tradition, Classic 1-Cr,Sanitronic VII,Classic III Generation 3 and Heritage II.I am currently restoring a model 515 and a d50.

Post# 122189 , Reply# 1   1/18/2011 at 22:54 (5,046 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
The Heritage II with shakeout bag


Post# 122209 , Reply# 2   1/19/2011 at 07:55 (5,045 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
You have a very nice collection! I'd certainly hang onto that Heritage II with the shake out bag. I don't think you see too many of those today.

Post# 122214 , Reply# 3   1/19/2011 at 08:43 (5,045 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

I think the shake-out HeritageII is pretty neat, they're not seen very often, and finding a replacement bag is pretty much impossible, not to mentuin it's set up like a Heritage with the narrow rear axle and the Sani-Emtor... :)

I have a shakeout bag and a disposable bag setup for my Heritage84, so I have the best of both worlds, same for my Tradition, so if I want to I can swap between them... :)

And people think Bagless Vacuum Cleaners is a modern idea.... :P

Post# 122230 , Reply# 4   1/19/2011 at 12:42 (5,045 days old) by a007kirbyman (--->> Originally My Mom <<--- (now Wisconsin))        
Garrett & Kirbys...

a007kirbyman's profile picture
Hello Garrett.

You have a nice little group of Kirbys there.

And yes, the HII with a pocket bag & Sani-Emtor is a unique machine. It also L@@Ks like it is one of the early 'Trimline' nozzles, as it is without the BPI (Brushroll Performance Indicator) light.

I don't recall that we sold a lot of pocket/Sani setups; so, I would definitely hold onto that one.

Again, nice collection.

If I may assist you as a Genuine Kirby parts source, let me know.

Cheers & hagd all,


Post# 122232 , Reply# 5   1/19/2011 at 14:38 (5,045 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
did the Legend II have a shake out?

Post# 122234 , Reply# 6   1/19/2011 at 15:03 (5,045 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

It did, as an option. The Legend II was also the last model with an optional "granny head." I'm sure the smaller nozzle made it even more powerful. I'd love to find one of those....

- Karl

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