Thread Number: 11276
My latest find: Electrolux automatic G with P/N
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Post# 121891   1/17/2011 at 17:28 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        

I found this mint Electrolux Automatic G at Goodwill yesterday for 6.50 in beautiful condition with the original cord, power nozzle and hose!What a find!

Post# 121893 , Reply# 1   1/17/2011 at 17:30 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
Hose pic


Post# 121894 , Reply# 2   1/17/2011 at 17:31 (5,048 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Nice machine! Good for you. You will love that Lux "G". Many people believe that it was Electrolux at it's best!

I see you have do I.

Thanks for sharing!


Post# 121896 , Reply# 3   1/17/2011 at 17:35 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        


Post# 121897 , Reply# 4   1/17/2011 at 17:37 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
Power Nozzle

Power Nozzle

Post# 121899 , Reply# 5   1/17/2011 at 17:40 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
rear end

rear end

Post# 121900 , Reply# 6   1/17/2011 at 17:42 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
Thanks Rick!

Ya Comcast is awesome,i cant imagine living with out it.

Post# 121905 , Reply# 7   1/17/2011 at 17:51 (5,048 days old) by arh1953 ( River Park, in Port St. Lucie, Florida)        

arh1953's profile picture
I have a G rebuilt by Electrolux, with the hose, sitting out in the car. I have Comcast too, for my tv, high speed internet, and telephone. Yours looks nice!

Post# 121913 , Reply# 8   1/17/2011 at 18:10 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        

Thanks! Yea we have the same thing lol with phone service too though.

Post# 121915 , Reply# 9   1/17/2011 at 18:12 (5,048 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        

funvacfan's profile picture
it looks to be in terrific shape! Nice colour too!


Post# 121920 , Reply# 10   1/17/2011 at 18:18 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        

Thanks,Guy! ya I was surprised when i found it!!

Post# 121934 , Reply# 11   1/17/2011 at 18:40 (5,048 days old) by twocvbloke ()        

Get a microfibre cloth to clean that camera lens... :P

Post# 121938 , Reply# 12   1/17/2011 at 18:46 (5,048 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        
Its clean!!

Haha I took it with my Droid so the quality is like 8 mega pixels haha

Post# 122101 , Reply# 13   1/18/2011 at 13:20 (5,048 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
What is the Bronze G's serial?

what is the bronze G''s serial number? Mine here is U59484H

The serial is on the left sidealuminum, one has the bag door open.

I am not looking for stolen vacs, just wondering how elecrolux's serial numbers work. ie like does my of your serial id it as a bronze one or whatever.

Post# 122118 , Reply# 14   1/18/2011 at 16:05 (5,047 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        
WOW! What a great find....

kirbylux77's profile picture
And in such great shape too! Our Goodwills up here in Canada never seem to turn up anything as nice as this...

You lucky devil! Well, enjoy your latest find, as it will be one of the best canisters you will ever use....


Post# 122133 , Reply# 15   1/18/2011 at 18:41 (5,047 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture
What a great find! I think the bronze G is more rare than the turquoise G too, though I'm not positive about that.

Post# 122139 , Reply# 16   1/18/2011 at 18:59 (5,047 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
Almost 10 million G's were made!

The bronze G with PN-1 and hose I got via ebay was 60 bucks with shipping a month ago. In turquoise I paid 20 for one 3 years ago at a thrift store with a decent hose.

Post# 122140 , Reply# 17   1/18/2011 at 19:00 (5,047 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
bronze maybe a few percent is my wild guess

My wild guess based on all the G's I have seen is only a few percent are bronze

Post# 122148 , Reply# 18   1/18/2011 at 20:00 (5,047 days old) by Air-WayCharlie (USA)        

air-waycharlie's profile picture
The Tan G is more rare than the turquoise G. It was made approx. 1967-1968 and then the 1205 came out after Consolidated Foods acquired Electrolux and wanted a complete, "make over". As far as I know, both vacs are identical with the difference being the visable colors.

Tan G's have sold on ebay and privately for a low of around $25 to over $300. A lot depends on condition, if all tools are complete, if it has the original box and owner's manual, etc.

They are a nice addition for any collector and as time marches on, I suspect we will see less and less of them. There was even a Tan G Hospital model. Charles Richard Lester has one and has pics on his web site of it. If you have not visited his web site and seen his pics and text, you should definately take a look.

Charlie W.

Post# 122152 , Reply# 19   1/18/2011 at 20:30 (5,047 days old) by compactelectra (Palm Springs)        
Charlie Ought To Know

compactelectra's profile picture
He sent me this pristine Tan G. Beautiful!

Post# 122179 , Reply# 20   1/18/2011 at 21:58 (5,047 days old) by electrolux~137 ()        

The tan G has a more powerful motor than the turquoise models. I =believe= it's the same motor used in the 1205 and Golden Jubilee. Then when the Super J came out, it had a more powerful motor yet. And boy does it scream.

Post# 122181 , Reply# 21   1/18/2011 at 22:07 (5,047 days old) by 1971ss15 ()        

Wow thanks guys!!I see now I have the plastic wand cover thing up instead of down! What a twit.That one is amazing! I'm going to my vacuum shop tomorrow to get the dusting/upholstery and floor tool.Thanks for the picture and all the replys!

Post# 122193 , Reply# 22   1/18/2011 at 23:41 (5,047 days old) by cleaningbuff (Quincy, IL)        
plastic cover

cleaningbuff's profile picture
You have the plastic cover on right. The "pristine" one here is a different wand set up than what u have. In that it is entirely a plastic wand from the power nozzle neck all the way up to the top. It is rare to find one of these because they cracked and were easily broken.
Great catch though, they are excellent vacuums.

Post# 122195 , Reply# 23   1/19/2011 at 01:19 (5,047 days old) by bimmer740 (Long Island, New York)        

bimmer740's profile picture
What an amazing find! Congratulations!! That is one beautiful machine and such an iconic model for Electrolux. You certainly are a very lucky guy!

I never really took notice of the original PN1 set up with the full length plastic wand, I was used to the metal bottom wand with the upper wand sheath. Its funny how now electrolux wands are completely plastic once again. Im not head over heals for the new plastic wands but I dont hate them either, its just a shame they couldnt find away to keep that extra set of light weight metal wands for bare/above floor cleaning. There is nothing easier to use than an older Lux with the two sets of wand, you can clean the carpet (PN wand is direct connect for most) and switch to bare floors with the slightest of ease and the wands are so very easy to use for above the floor cleaning. My Diamond Jubilee has this traditional set up and it really is nice having the two seperate dedicated sets. Who wants to be bothered with disconecting the power nozzle from the wands? Its kind of a shame that with most of the modern Lux canisters all we have are the heavy plastic ones. And we can only wish that the new units could be as quiet as the Model G or L canisters!

Post# 122219 , Reply# 24   1/19/2011 at 09:48 (5,047 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
Maybe not all bronze/tan G's use a bigger motor?

Interesting comment about tan and turq motors being different.

Here I have taken both color types apart, but really did not notice any difference, but in all fairness was not focused on subtle things.

*** Maybe not all bronze/tan G's use a bigger motor?

Here is a turq. G that was taken apart 4 years after Katrina, it got scrapped.

The bizzare thing is these vac's float. With some of my vacs during Katrina they did floated into other rooms, or just took on some water thus were repaired.

Post# 122220 , Reply# 25   1/19/2011 at 09:58 (5,047 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
Bearing on a G is either 8 or 9mm bore

Here is the motor from my moms 1966 turq/aqua Model G, with its new 8mm bore roller skate ball bearing at 8/22/8 bearing.

A Chicago vacuum parts house lists this bearing as an 8mm bore for Late G's and 1205 and later

A Chicago vacuum parts house lists this bearing as an 9mm bore for XXX, E, F and early G's

Post# 122221 , Reply# 26   1/19/2011 at 10:04 (5,047 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
internal rust

Many of these vacs are rusted internally, and sanding and painting makes them useable again

Post# 122223 , Reply# 27   1/19/2011 at 10:31 (5,047 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
What is the wattage of you bronze G? mine is the SAME old 53

Wattage on my bronze G is the same as my turq G's, ie 535 watts

Both of the turq G's in this shot look about the same from an outside appearance. But one must have take on more water thus the motor area got more corrosion.

The rusted "insides" of a tank unit can be subtle, one just has a rusty smell. Cleaning them out and painting the insides was done on every vac here that got flooded.

The Model G Vac by the door had a better outside, but was the horrible rusted motor pic already shown. The "new looking" Model G motor with new 8mm bearing was full of dried mud and just soaked and cleaned in water.

At some point it is easier to scrap out a unit if common, thus the model G by the door was just stripped of its wheels and other parts and scrapped.

Most normal folks threw everything out that went under water. 4 of these 6 vacs work today. The XXX body is re useable, its motor is a basketcase, but I have a spare!

**** As far as the bronze G having a bigger motor; MY bronze model G #U59484H says 115V 535 Watts, thus I wonder since it is the same as my turq G's and older F's.

A more modern model 1521 has a larger motor and it is marked 9 amps.

Mt model 1205 is at the house, I need to look at its nameplate

Post# 122233 , Reply# 28   1/19/2011 at 14:49 (5,047 days old) by kirbyvertibles (Independence, KS)        

kirbyvertibles's profile picture
All of the Pn1's came with the all plastic wand untill the 1205 and many of them were replaced? I believe that's what I read on here before. So if you have or have seen any PN1's with the plastic on the top only it was replaced.

correct me if I'm wrong.

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