Thread Number: 11275
Kenmore Duo-Power upright
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Post# 121863   1/17/2011 at 16:27 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        

funvacfan's profile picture
I picked up this one on the weekend. The outside is dusty and a bit scuffed.

Post# 121864 , Reply# 1   1/17/2011 at 16:29 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
The inside

funvacfan's profile picture
was remarkably clean! The foam filter still intact and not crumbling.

If you look to the inside right of the bag chamber, you will see the belt lifter still in place.

Post# 121865 , Reply# 2   1/17/2011 at 16:31 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
If you like shag

funvacfan's profile picture
settings, this one has three. Shag, Med, Deep Shag!

Post# 121867 , Reply# 3   1/17/2011 at 16:34 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
A view

funvacfan's profile picture
of the backside of the bag chamber. Instructions on bag changing, belt changing. Below that is a detailed description of the vacuum, reads like a catalouge advert.

Looks like my cat's ear has made into the shot!

Post# 121868 , Reply# 4   1/17/2011 at 16:37 (5,077 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

I had the next generation of that bought in 75. It was my first big vac purchase from Sears, cost a mint back then and it was my most important one. And if you already haven't heard my lament, when we moved back here in 06 from Alberta I unloaded all my vacs into this new house and it wasn't there. I have no idea to this day where it went. There is no way I left it in the old house, no way, no how. I'd have run thru the burning house to retrieve it.

Post# 121869 , Reply# 5   1/17/2011 at 16:41 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
I think it's great

funvacfan's profile picture
that the vacuum came with a pile of bags, but also the hose!

I do have to say that this vacuum is a lot quieter that I would imagine! Much quieter than a Dial a Matic for sure. Maybe more like a Panasonic Jet Flo.

The handle release system isn't working. I don't know if something is broken off or out of line. Perhaps someone else can advise me.

Post# 121871 , Reply# 6   1/17/2011 at 16:43 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
A view from the bottom...

funvacfan's profile picture
still some brush left on. All in all a unique upright! I wonder if you can still get brush strips?

Post# 121872 , Reply# 7   1/17/2011 at 16:44 (5,077 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
Last pic

funvacfan's profile picture
This one is of the two speed switch on top.

Thanks for looking!


Post# 122238 , Reply# 8   1/19/2011 at 16:11 (5,075 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
Hi Pete...

funvacfan's profile picture
Do you remember yours being quiet? What other attachments came with the hose? I've lost stuff in moves that I can never fiqure out where they went.


Post# 122240 , Reply# 9   1/19/2011 at 16:44 (5,075 days old) by shag (Ontario, Canada)        

shag's profile picture
Guy, you lucky bas%$#d. Where do you find this stuff?
I want one too. I think I have another picture somewhere, but here is a more deluxe version from 1977. I just love the way it looks. The tools listed are, floor/wall brush,wide mouth crevice tool,dusting and upholstery nozzel with brush strip.6'Dynaflex hose,2-20"chromed snap-lock wands.
This one has 3 push buttons. On,low,high.

Post# 122310 , Reply# 10   1/20/2011 at 10:15 (5,074 days old) by kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)        
Awsome find!

kenmore81's profile picture
I had the one speed version and the bags never fit.It was b/c the holder was gone! I thought there shoulda been something else there lol. Congrats on that one its very very rare you find one never mind one with the hose and bags to get you started.
I think you shouuld be able to find the brush strips at a vac shop or online. The replacments for the Kenmore PN shold fit, though the strip may need some trimming.

Post# 122317 , Reply# 11   1/20/2011 at 11:11 (5,074 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

Mine was the TOL self propelled model. 3 speed motor and 3 speed power drive (rare feature) and magic-cord. It was a little noisy but then you could put it on medium or low. The only negative was that it had a very very short cord on account of the magic cord I suppose, not enough room inside to store anything longer. You could cross a small room without having to re plug it in.

Post# 122357 , Reply# 12   1/20/2011 at 16:13 (5,074 days old) by myvacsrock (USA)        
Very Very nice find!

and thank you so much for that magazine scan. Here is my machine, it is the exact one in the magazine, along with my earlier Duo Power. And the far rarer Kenmore "Unknown model" very cheap budget machine.

I found my green one practically unused, and i have all the tools in storage, great machine, and very fun to use :)

Post# 122359 , Reply# 13   1/20/2011 at 16:14 (5,074 days old) by myvacsrock (USA)        


Post# 122360 , Reply# 14   1/20/2011 at 16:14 (5,074 days old) by myvacsrock (USA)        
Here is what the tools look like.


Post# 122361 , Reply# 15   1/20/2011 at 16:24 (5,074 days old) by petek (Ontario)        

So that's where my green Kemore stole it !!!! lol

Post# 122365 , Reply# 16   1/20/2011 at 16:39 (5,074 days old) by myvacsrock (USA)        

Nope, this one i found, it is just below top of the line because it is not self propelled =P :)

Nice machine though.

Post# 122380 , Reply# 17   1/20/2011 at 17:36 (5,074 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
Nice catalog scan!

funvacfan's profile picture
It's always neat to see the vintage catalogs!

Pete: Wow, I think I would have dived into a burning house for yours too! It sounds like it was fully tricked out!

Kyle: You have a nice trio there! You tried out for American Idol? Cool.


Post# 122381 , Reply# 18   1/20/2011 at 17:47 (5,074 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Reminds me of a kemore verision of a dial a matic.


Post# 122559 , Reply# 19   1/22/2011 at 02:23 (5,073 days old) by kenmore81 (Warwick, RI)        

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It was =) then came the Concept and they had to have one like that too(the Heavy Duty). Its funny though the things Sears copied wasn't untill the other manufatures were almost done with the design.

Post# 122566 , Reply# 20   1/22/2011 at 03:54 (5,073 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        

Well, in the case of the Duo-Power, I've seen examples as early as 1966, which means they were only 3 years behind Hoover developing a clean-air upright. Each had their advantages and disadvantages, but overall, I think Hoover built a more durable cleaner, which is why so many more DAM's survive today. It could well be that many Duo-Power's were put out at the curb when bags were no longer available. That's one of the drawbacks of Kenmore - you were always at the mercy of Sears to obtain replacement parts. When the Concept came out, even Eureka jumped on the bandwagon, and made their own version with the Precision.

- Karl

Post# 122601 , Reply# 21   1/22/2011 at 11:23 (5,072 days old) by shag (Ontario, Canada)        

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Would this be the forerunner of the Duo-Power?
From the Simpson-Sears catalouge, 1968.

Post# 122603 , Reply# 22   1/22/2011 at 11:42 (5,072 days old) by shag (Ontario, Canada)        

shag's profile picture
Sears, 1972

Post# 122608 , Reply# 23   1/22/2011 at 12:26 (5,072 days old) by vac_whisperer ()        

Kind of like how Oreck commercial vacuums are rip-offs of sanitaires design?


Post# 122624 , Reply# 24   1/22/2011 at 13:15 (5,072 days old) by funvacfan (Canada)        
Oh my

funvacfan's profile picture
Tom. Great scans! I used to have the lightweight vacuum (A)many years ago. I didn't know as much about motor bearings, so because it got so hot when running, I tossed it out.

Live and learn.


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