Thread Number: 11264
To chestermikeuk, and anyone else that might know
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Post# 121646   1/16/2011 at 16:27 (5,143 days old) by chrisb32 ()        

chestermike, I was looking at your photos and I was wondering about that dialamatic (convertable to you) model 5032 in burgundy, pic # 5 I think. Where in the world did you ever find that? I have always been a dialamatic fan. I know they arent the best deep cleaners, but with clean fans, and a brushroll in good condition they arent bad. My grandmother had one too. Anyway, that burgundy one is just about the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Were they all in suce vibrant colors like that in the uk or that a special model or what. Over here they arent nearly that pretty looking. A colored front and thats about it. I would love to have something like that. It doesnt even look like an old vac with the color on the whole machine like that. Another favorite f yours that I have always liked is the ones you call the "pumpkin brown boys" I have always wanted a portable but never had one and I like the orange and brown. I also like that dam without the height adjustment, in the same color. I like "sets" like that. Anyway, I just mainly wanted to know about that burgundy one so I thought I would ask if it was rare or what. Thanks for any info, from you or anyone else who knows

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