Thread Number: 11234
Vacs without casters
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Post# 121257   1/14/2011 at 07:19 (5,115 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
I've noticed that there seems to be a few vacs that did not have any casters (e.g. todays POD - the Jet), also Lewyt. Was the user expected to carry the vac or just drag it across the floor? What other models did not have casters?


Post# 121272 , Reply# 1   1/14/2011 at 09:10 (5,115 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
sled rails

In the electrolux XXX era my Grandmom called the vac's rails its sled or skis. Think skis or snowmobile!

Post# 121273 , Reply# 2   1/14/2011 at 09:13 (5,115 days old) by electroluxtank ()        
sleigh runners

sleigh runners

CLICK HERE TO GO TO electroluxtank's LINK

Post# 121274 , Reply# 3   1/14/2011 at 09:24 (5,115 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
I knew that Lux and some other models had the sleigh runners but some vacs seem to have no wheels or runners of any kind.


Post# 121291 , Reply# 4   1/14/2011 at 11:54 (5,115 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Compact, back in the 1940's & 1950's, had the rear wheels, but I believe it was the early 60's that they came out with the single caster wheel in the front, to be improved with two caster wheels on subsequent models. Prior to the 1960's, they just had two metal stumps in the front. Why they didn't think of incorporating the caster wheels in the first place, who knows....whats the point of having the rear wheels if you would still have to lift the vacuum by the hose or handle to move it on the rear wheels?!


Post# 121295 , Reply# 5   1/14/2011 at 14:01 (5,115 days old) by vac-o-matic (Saint Louis, Mo.)        

Early GE swiveltops, aka Reach-Easys, had no wheels, as the early Eureka Roto-Matics did not either, they just scooted on the rugs, not so well on bare floors! The early Rexairs I believe did not have a caster set, or it was an option, as I remember my aunts did not have it.


Post# 121296 , Reply# 6   1/14/2011 at 14:29 (5,115 days old) by countryguy (Astorville, ON, Canada)        

countryguy's profile picture
Oh yes the GE swiveltops....I forgot about them. Wouldn't they scratch the floors as they were being dragged?


Post# 121298 , Reply# 7   1/14/2011 at 14:52 (5,115 days old) by kenkart ()        

The idea behind the GE Swiveltop was to set it in the middle of the room and clean the whole room without moving it, then carry it to the next room, the first swiveltop had a hose about 8 or 9 feet long so it worked well.

Post# 121314 , Reply# 8   1/14/2011 at 17:54 (5,115 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
My 59 Compact has to replaceable plastic knobs it rides on in front, were gray and now are blue. They wore down many moons ago.

Post# 121318 , Reply# 9   1/14/2011 at 18:03 (5,115 days old) by Ohio_Tuec ()        
Hoover Constellation

Or how about the Hoover Constellation? The vacuum that "walks on air!" The very first, the model 82, didn't have that feature, so the user would place the canister in the middle of the room, and the ultraflex hose would stretch to everywhere that needed to be cleaned. I would love to add a model 87 to my collection, with a working switch in the hose!

- Karl

Post# 121319 , Reply# 10   1/14/2011 at 18:03 (5,115 days old) by Vacbear58 (Sutton In Ashfield. East Midlands)        
It was the same with the Constellation

vacbear58's profile picture
At least in UK. The first model 822 did not float, but like the GE was supposed to be placed in the middle of the room, with a long and stretching hose this worked quite well, especially in small UK homes. In Finland much later Connies stil did not float, even after the top fill hose connection was long gone

Post# 121339 , Reply# 11   1/14/2011 at 18:43 (5,115 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        
The Jet99 in the POD today -

was available with an optional cart that had the wheels and an additional bumper. It didn't have any "clips" to store tools though - that would have been a good idea.

Surprisingly, when LF&C built machines for private labeling - more often than not those machines came with wheels. They built a machine for Regina for a time and it had wheels. The Whirlwind (a private label) had wheels.

Again, later - when the Jet99 became a cheapened machine in construction, it had wheels.

The Atlas, which is nothing more than a glorified Jet99, had wheels. Black tire-looking ones with chrome-plated half-moon shaped covers that looked like fender wells to go along with the fins and chevron shaped trim to make it look even MORE like an automobile.

Post# 121340 , Reply# 12   1/14/2011 at 19:19 (5,115 days old) by alaskabob ()        

early filter queens
and lewits
were without canisters
they were a later option
for both

Post# 121360 , Reply# 13   1/14/2011 at 21:52 (5,115 days old) by aeoliandave (Stratford Ontario Canada)        

aeoliandave's profile picture
The four wheel Dolly being an options available at extra cost, this 1954 Lewyt ad trumpets that the basic Model 54 "Rotates even without Dolly! Turns in center of room on 'circular track' base, no 'swivel top' to lose suction."

Similar Tub Canisters such as the Filter Queen and Fairfax had perfectly flat bottoms that had full frictional contact with the floor; the Lewyt 54 has a slightly proud embossed circular rim that does indeed spin smoothly on carpet.

The previous 1949 Model 44 has two straight & parallel embossed 'blades' that lifts it a bit, allowing the 44 to be pulled easier in a straight line across carpet without tipping like a dolly-less top-heavy FQ. I remember my Mom was always complaining that her Filter Queen tipped over too easily; Dad eventually bought her an FQ dolly before the Electrolux 89 became our family vacuum.

Post# 121437 , Reply# 14   1/15/2011 at 17:56 (5,114 days old) by kirbylux77 (London, Ontario, Canada)        

kirbylux77's profile picture
Rick, that Atlas you have there is in BEAUTIFUL shape! You would think, from looking at that photo, that it wasn't even taken out of the box! How does it & the Jet 99 compare to a Compact from the same period?

Dave, thanks for posting the Lewyt ad. I had been keeping my eyes open for a full-size copy of this particular ad. Before I started collecting, I had obtained a brochure for Lewyt vacuums here in Canada, as I had seen a couple of their models in Walmart & Zellers that piqued my interest. The brochure had this & one other ad for the Lewyt Big Wheel in it. When I started seriously collecting, I had found info on the Web pertaining to the Filter Queen lawsuit, and that REALLY piqued my interest even more.

Ever since then, I have been looking for a Lewyt 44 or 54, & a Lewyt Big Wheel, to add to my collection. My ex did have one of the Model 44's, that he used on a regular basis, but when it died he threw it in the trash. And of course I found this out months later....oh how I wish he hadn't done that!

Oh, and by the way, I like your 1957 Lewyt Big Wheel powerteam model there. I wish I could find one of those, & if I do, it will NEVER leave my collection. The powerhead looks as if it might have been sourced by whomever made the Airway Rugmaster powerheads. You should make a video of it & post it on Youtube...


Post# 121445 , Reply# 15   1/15/2011 at 18:11 (5,114 days old) by Crevicetool (GA )        

Thanks Rob, and I'm curious now myself. When did Compact/Interstate debut? The Jet99 emerged starting in 1948. (I think) I'll have to go through my pile on that one.


Post# 121478 , Reply# 16   1/15/2011 at 21:31 (5,114 days old) by suckolux (Yuba City, CA)        

suckolux's profile picture
40's? Have to check with TWA!

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