Thread Number: 11133
Brush-roll bristle length.....
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Post# 120214   1/5/2011 at 03:34 (5,125 days old) by uprightman ()        

Does anyone have a suggested brush roll length?

When I've ordered parts or supplies from KIRBY, sometimes they include a brochure promoting brush roll replacement. The flyers recommend a bristle length on the newer models of 1/8"; my Kirby Omega and Kirby Classic III manuals suggest a length of 1/16" of wear (before adusting or replacing).

Now my Royal 880 has a really solid 1/16" of brush hanging out from the bottom plate.

So, considering that the older Kirby's and the Royal "lifted" the rug or carpet up to the nozzle to clean, as opposed to sending the "newer" setting of 1/8" DOWN to the carpet -- what have you all found to be effective?

I still listen for the brush roll to hit the carpet/rug and then try to judge the "suction factor", but, I have been thinking that I need to give more bristle.

That's one of the reasons that I really like the Electrolux flip-over carpet/floor nozzle. Never have to worry about not having it adusted too far down or not down far enough (no brush roll to think about). However, it's those blasted "well traveled" areas that get me to thinking...

Post# 120217 , Reply# 1   1/5/2011 at 04:19 (5,125 days old) by tolivac (Greenville,NC)        

I like the about one eighth in brush protrusion from the floor shoe.Gives a better deep clean action.
The main problem with the non powered bush roll carpet nozzles-they just get the surface litter.they are great for going over areas where long hair pets sleep or people comb and brush out long hair.Then you go over the area again with the powered brush nozzle.

Post# 120265 , Reply# 2   1/5/2011 at 13:30 (5,125 days old) by BrianKirbyClass (Eudora Kansas)        

briankirbyclass's profile picture
I agree. It also depends on the nap and depth of the carpet being cleaned. Ive found 1/8th to be the most effective on my deep napped carpet. On very low or no nap carpet, i prefer a rug nozzle with a standard brush,,my favorite is the standard Filter Queen Carpet Nozzle. The Electrolux nozzle does fine too.

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