Thread Number: 11100
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Post# 119828   1/1/2011 at 08:11 (5,088 days old) by chrisb32 ()        

Well, incase anyone would like to read it, i finally filled in some of my profile. I put in the vacs i have, and the ones I would like to have, aswell as some parts I need/want. Most of the vacs on my list are ones i have previously owned and sold for financial reasons, others are ones I have always wanted. Havent had work in a year so I wont be able to buy anything anytime soon. Going thru new vac withdrawls. Of course when I say new I mean old new, lol. Happy new year guys

Post# 120309 , Reply# 1   1/5/2011 at 21:40 (5,084 days old) by hygiene903 (Galion, OH)        
I Know What You Mean, Chris

hygiene903's profile picture
I was unemployed for about 7 months myself and although I'm working now, it's all I can do to keep the bills paid and food on the table. In less than a year I went from making a comfortable living to unemployed to working poor.
But try to stay positive, keep the faith, and maintain a sense of humor--these are the main things that got me through my ordeal.
wishing you the best in your job search, and welcome to the club.

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