Thread Number: 8517
anyone have this Eureka
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Post# 94773   3/28/2010 at 11:23 (5,154 days old) by vacuumfreeeke ()        

Hey guys... there is a modern Eureka model that I don't see discussed here very often and I wondered if any of you have it and what you think of it. I don't know what to call it.... I've seen labeled as the Boss and a Smart Vac, but every Eureka after a certain year was labled The Boss it seems and several were also called the Smart Vac, it was a whole series (remember the silver/grey speckled ones of the 90s?).

We sold it at Sears back in 2000/01 and I actually liked it. It was powerful and quiet... the brushroll didn't look like anything special, but it must have been because the vacuum picked up great and almost pulled itself. I know it was rated highly by CR, which may or may not mean anything. I thought the off center headlight was weird... very cool looking, but shined on the vacuum head itself instead of the floor. The hose and attachments were prone to falling off, and it's a VERY heavy machine. The switch is *almost* in a bad place... it's not right at finger tip or with in reach of foot... kind of on the body of the machine which I don't like. But, it's relatively high, and centrally located, so that's good. One of the few modern machines that still requires you to turn a dial to change between floor and tools. Think the wand is very narrow on this machine, but I may not be remembering right. The bare floor thing is hard to engage. The height adjust is easy to use. I like the clear part over the brushroll. I've often thought of adding one to my collection, but I'm kind of on the fence about it... I don't absolutely love it, and am running out of room to keep machines that don't melt my butter :o) They have made this model for a long time, so it must sell well. If someone stuck a gun to my head and told me to pick a bagged machine at Wal-mart (bagless would be Dyson), it would be a toss up between this one (they sell it everywhere... Lowes, Target, Wal-mart, gas stations... OK maybe not everywhere, but almost) and the bagged WindTunnel Platinum. One thing I didn't like on our floor model at Sears was that right on the inside of the handle where the plastic parts met, there was sharp ridge that actually slice into your hand as you tried push the machine. I did think the handle was comfortable otherwise. So, what do you think of this machine?

Post# 94777 , Reply# 1   3/28/2010 at 11:51 (5,154 days old) by eurekaprince (Montreal, Canada)        
A great machine, but....

eurekaprince's profile picture
Number One Issue: You have to follow the instruction manual to make sure you adjust the "Bare Floor/Carpet" brush selector switch without breaking it. I think you need to tilt the unit back while the handle is in the down position to do this with ease, but people try to move the switch while the vac is in the "stored" position and it seems to break. This is just what I have read.

Number Two Issue: Though Eureka provides a very good set of their 3 standard attachments on board, the clips for the upholstery nozzle are flimsy and it's not easy to get the nozzle properly stored.

Here's a great little clip from YouTube -

CLICK HERE TO GO TO eurekaprince's LINK

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