Thread Number: 34388  /  Tag: Brand New Vacuum Cleaners
Kirby Diamond vs. Maytage M1200 Tandem Air
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Post# 372269   5/17/2017 at 14:41 (2,547 days old) by Shrink1982 (Indianapolis)        

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While I know this isn't a scientific test I decided to try to determine which machine has more airflow - the Kirby Diamond or the Maytag M1200 Tandem. I used a toilet paper roll to see which vacuum it stuck to. It was a bit difficult because airflow depend on many things including the height of the nozzle. I tried to get them at the same height but it really wasn't possible. I decided to put each on the height level I use for my carpet as that would make the most sense when determining which models cleans more effectively in my home (at least when discussing airflow). Honestly, I couldn't detect much difference between the two. You would think the Maytag would have an advantage with the dual motor system but it didn't. The roll would either stick to the Kirby or Maytag without coming lose. It just depended on which one I stuck it to first. However, when putting my hands near the nozzles, the Kirby seems to have a bit more airflow around the nozzle than the Maytag. I am not sure if it is enough to make a fuss over. It just seems the suction motor on the Maytage really doesn't do much in carpet mode. When I turn the dirty fan off, there isn't much suction coming from the nozzle. I would imagine this is because the motor is 12.5 amps which has to be devided between the two motors, thus, reducing the power to the suction motor. However, the tools do seem to have very good suction so I really don't know what the deal is. I will say the Maytag does a very good job cleaning carpets and grooms the rug better than any vacuum I have owned. While both the Kirby and the Maytag vibrate the floor, the Maytag was about half an inch from a quarter lying on the floor and it was vibrating and pulling the quarter towards the nozzle.

By no means am I an engineer and there is a lot I don't understand when it comes to airflow, suction, etc. but I am sure the way the vacuum is designed makes a big difference. For example, I have always preferred vacuums that have a central airflow path, like the Kirby, versus airflow/suction that is to one side of the nozzle.

When comparing these two vacuums, I really think the tandem air is most beneficial with tools. Perhaps the suction helps to assure the dust and dirt gets into the bag more efficiently, I don't know, but I wonder if the tandem air is really necessary when vacuuming. Perhaps it would have been better if the suction motor could be turned off during carpet cleaning and the dirty fan motor could have more amps to increase the airflow and vice a versa. I am disappointed in my SEBO D4 Premium as the airflow is minimal at the nozzle and there is very little agitation compared to the Kirby and Maytag. I find that odd considering the SEBO has a really nice brush roll. I am not sure what it is about the Kirby and Maytag that gives them such good agitation but this should be the standard on vacuums given if you can't get the dirt to the surface of the carpet suction and airflow don't mean much.

Any thoughts on my reverie. I have used the Maytag for about a week now and I do like it quite a bit. It is heavy to push which wouldn't be a problem if I didn't have lower back problems but I think a back brace will do the trick. The Kirby glides with tech drive but I notice I vacuum slower with the Maytage which is going to produce better results as it gives the vacuum the time to really clean the carpet. It is easy to go fast with the Kirby as it is so easy to push. The same with my SEBO. I just don't vacuum as slowly as I should given the ease of pushing the power nozzle.

Overall, I am glad I purchased the Maytag as it has pulled a lot of dark dust and fluff from my carpet. More so than the Kirby. I am curious to see how the bag compares to others as it fills. For example, the Kirby states there is no loss of suction as long as you fill the bag only half full, however, I can tell a difference, especially on hard floors. I have to change the bags on the Kirby well before it gets to the halfway mark otherwise it doesn't draw in dirt and dust as well. Once I put a new bag it, you can really hear the difference in the pitch of the airflow This is with the cloth style bags. I have noticed this a little with the SEBO but not as much. I am hoping the Maytag lives up to its hype and the bag can really be packed full. I wish these companies would produce Miele style bags. They really can't be beat. For anyone who read this, thanks for making it through. Just needed to get my thoughts out there and I don't know anyone that actually gives a crap about vacuums.

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