Thread Number: 3072
Where does one begin???
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Post# 34014   3/4/2008 at 14:49 (5,909 days old) by mattshaver ()        

I have a Kirby DS50 and a Tradition to start my collection off. They are both working but in need of some spa treatment. I've restored two Lincolns and usually when I start in a project, I have a shop manual to refer to as well as a shop parts book too. This helps me to know what parts I need when referring to Napa or eBay.

However, I'm in new territory here. I've never restored an appliance and never have worked on a vacuum before other than basic cleaning.

Are there books/resources out there that are like shop books that would help me or what would you all suggest?

Also, since I'm new to this are there tools I need that make the job easier? I have, as you can tell, a lot of automotive tools, multimeter, etc....but again different tasks need different tools. Also, I have a car buffer that I did use for buffing the chrome on Hella my G6. But what would you suggest I purchase that would buff the heck outta these Kirbys?

And in closing, does anyone have a vendor that would sell me parts for the Tradition and DS50? I know I'll need new wheels and a new bag for the DS50, but that's just what I know thus far. EBay didn't really give me much for the DS50 series and I fear parts will be harder to find than for the Tradition.

Then again, I guess I could contact Kirby and pay the $350.00 per machine for them to restore it. But that seems a little "un-fun" as I like to get my hands dirty and work with the metal and plastic.

We used to frown on people who would buy a 1960's Lincoln, ship it off and have it come back fully restored only to win the first place trophy. While my budget never allowed for that, it's fun to have the pride in knowing you did it yourself.

Matt :-)

Post# 34024 , Reply# 1   3/4/2008 at 15:54 (5,908 days old) by thunderhexed (Edmond, OK)        
you might try...

thunderhexed's profile picture I have ordered some parts for my older Kirby's from there. The only bad thing is that they don't post pictures for alot of the items, but I'm sure that if you email them for clarification, they could answer any questions you may have.

Post# 34026 , Reply# 2   3/4/2008 at 16:07 (5,908 days old) by danemodsandy ()        

The major difference between vac and car restoration is that vac restoration is a lot more straightforward. A vac runs well because its motor has a good armature, brushes and bearings- or it doesn't.

The rest of it is stuff you're already used to- cleaning and buffing parts back to new condition, plus replacement of parts damaged or worn beyond reconditioning. Authenticity is just as important as it is with cars- there are people who can spot the wrong plug on an eighty-year-old Hoover from across the room, just like there are people who know exactly which Lincolns should have cavalry twill vinyl on the roof and which should have Valino grain.

Parts are usually much more available for vacs, mainly because there are so many parts machines. People stick old vacs in basements, and while that does do some damage, it's better than letting cars sit in junkyards, barns, or back yards.

Good luck, and post pics when you're done (P.S.- both before and after pics are the best eye candy!).

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