Thread Number: 25449
My current Electrolux/Aerus collection
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Post# 285993   6/24/2014 at 05:39 (3,600 days old) by DJub85 (Virginia)        

Three months ago, I *thought* my Diamond Jubilee was going bad (it really just needed a bag... oops), and I began on the journey of purchasing and collecting Electrolux/Aerus vacuums. It started with an Epic 6000 which I purchased on Ebay that wound up having a bad motor. I traded that in on a new Aerus Lux Legacy 90th Anniversary Edition, but I missed the uniqueness of the blue 6000, so I bought another. It wasn't long before I realized the Diamond Jubilee just needed a new bag, but my addiction was in full-swing by this point. Here's what I've got now, in order of date of manufacture, with notes about each machine.


1. 1205 - Smooth body, purchased on Ebay with all matching turquoise accessories. Needed a new armature--repaired and working! Significant for being the first "rectangle" body Electrolux, a design that lives on today in the Lux Classic and Lux Legacy.


2. 1505 Silverado - Given to me for free with the UltraLux purchase. In rough shape, but runs great.


3. 1521 Diamond Jubilee - Purchased new by my grandparents, passed down to my parents, then to me. Still running strong! This is my favorite variant of the metal body 1205 family. The sturdy carrying handle and modern "top" make it stand apart from the older machines, and the glossy bag door and untextured chrome top make it classier than the newer 1521s.


4. 1521 UltraLux Classic - Purchased on Ebay. I bought this vac because it's significant for being the last metal body Electrolux, and it matches the blue Epic 6000.


5. Epic 6000 - Purchased on Ebay to replace the first 6000 that came with a bad motor. Runs like a champ.


6. Lux Legacy (white) - Purchased new from Aerus dealer to replace a used white Legacy that came from Ebay with a clogged motor. I felt I needed a new white body Legacy (for that classic look) before the supply went dry.


7. Lux Legacy 90th Anniversary Edition - Purchased new from Aerus dealer. I love the color. This was my first new vacuum purchase. It and the DJ are kindred spirits for being anniversary editions. I hope there's still a Legacy for sale when the 100th anniversary comes around (and I kind of hope they make it turquoise, like the 1205).


So yeah. That's where I'm at. I just wanted to share. It's crazy that I went from 1 vacuum to 7 in just a few months, and all because my DJ needed a new bag. Right now I really have no space for any additional vacuums unless I start storing them in the basement, but that seems like a poor decision since it could lead to funky smells and rusting bodies.


In the future, I would like to expand the collection though. Right now, I'm looking for an Aerus Guardian Ultra for the purpose of balancing out the ratio of metal body to plastic body vacuums. I'd also like to find a Golden Jubilee (Golden J--not Super J) at some point, just because I already have two other anniversary models in my collection, and the gold canisters seem to have been somewhat popular. And if I had to add another, it would probably be a white and blue Epic 6500, the very last canister sold with the Electrolux name prior to becoming the Aerus Lux 7000/Lux Legacy.


I've never really been a fan of the true vintage Electrolux canisters because I didn't grow up around them. I could see owning a XXX and a G at some point, but right now I just don't have the desire. I've always strongly disliked the Renaissance/Guardian models, partially because they replaced the 1521, partially because they're ugly and look nothing like the old Electroluxes. I'm trying to warm up to the Lux Guardian Platinum, but I'm just not fond of the styling. It's a bit too modern for me. Which brings me back to this: I hope Aerus doesn't ever stop selling the Legacy and the Classic.

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Post# 285998 , Reply# 1   6/24/2014 at 07:59 (3,600 days old) by Gr8DaneDad ()        

My story is similar. I inherited a 1205 and Olympia one from family members and used them for many years. Then one day I found the second version of the Oly sitting on the curb for trash collection with all it's tools, wands and hose. I snatched it mostly for spares, but then I started finding them in thrift stores and cheap on eBay and within a few months my collection grew from 2 machines to 13 Aerus/Electrolux models and 2 Kirby's.... plus a few boxes of extra tools. I can't seem to leave parts in any thrift shop any more. And then I got a job selling machines for Aerus and I've received a few more machines for reaching sales goals.


Thus far I have accumulated the following:

1939 XXX with all tools in excellent shape.

1953 XXX with cord winder tool caddy and all tools and original hose

1954 LX - all tools and hose

Automatic E with PN 1

Tan G with tools and hose

1205 - all tools and PN 2

Golden J - with replacement PN 4... looking for a PN 2 with 50th sticker

1980 Olympia One - 1401 with all tools and PN 4 in polished aluminum

1982 Olympia One - 1401-B with brown PN 4 ( had 2 but sold one on)

Silverado Deluxe with PN 5

Marquise all tools and PN 6a

Diamond Jubilee with PN 6b

UltraLux with lighted PN

Hi-Tech 2100 with PN 7

Lux Legacy in pale blue/blue complete - trash day find... just had a full bag and clogged hose

Lux Platinum - sales award x2, one given to my Mom (this is my only unused vacuum, still NIB mostly because I can use the one I gave to my mom so I don't have the urgency to open the other)


Epic 2500 upright with all tools, electric hose and sidekick

Lux Guardian 90th upright only - sales award


Floor Pro S105J with all pads and brushes... trash find


Kirby D50 complete all tools, rug renovator and floor polisher (tank for rr is new replacement)

Kirby Sentria II - Craigslist steal


Hoover constellation missing hose but otherwise complete

Hoover Platinum collection bagless canister


Dyson DC07

Dyson DC14


Non floor care but Aerus products:

Guardian Angel x 2 - sales awards

Laundry Pro - bought at discount but had to have the tech.


I admit this has become an obsession. I now grab them when I see them if the price is right... found a rainbow last week, but it was just too rough for me and missing too many parts.


I am glad to have the space to store them all and each and every one gets used several times a year, some more than others.

Post# 286064 , Reply# 2   6/24/2014 at 15:36 (3,600 days old) by luxman107 (USA )        

Great pictures Dave. Love it

Post# 286130 , Reply# 3   6/24/2014 at 23:38 (3,600 days old) by DJub85 (Virginia)        

Thanks for the compliments! And AWESOME collection Gr8Dane! Wow... makes me want to buy a larger house to add to my collection lol tongue-out


I always hear people trashing the rectangle body canisters, and particularly the plastic ones. But by this point, Electrolux/Aerus has made rectangle body canisters for 46 years, or half of their total years in the business. While the XXX and G (and other vintage machines) are classics, the 1205 and 2100 series rectangle body canisters have visually represented the brand for a very long time with minimal styling changes. Some people criticize that, but I think it's retro-chic at this point (something that Aerus marketing needs to realize and capitalize on). I don't know about anyone else, but I'd be devastated if Aerus killed off the rectangle machines after 46 years. If they ever do replace the Legacy and Classic, I hope that it's with an all-new rectangle body C-style machine that still looks relatively the same (protruding hose connector, wrap-around trim across the midsection of the machine, exposed rear wheels 3/4 down the machine, rounded rectangle shape, etc.).


But really, I don't even know that an all-new machine is even required. If they can find a way to squeeze a HEPA filter into the bag compartment while keeping C bags, add a more powerful variable speed motor, add some sound insulation, and maybe create some improved wands, then I'd say they'd really squash most of the criticism people have about Aerus using the same body for 30 years. I have no problem with the Legacy/Classic series as they are (clearly, since I have 2 new ones), but a few minor updates would hush the naysayers.


The more modern Luxes... the out-of-production Renaissance/Guardian and the relatively new Platinum just aren't retro enough (or at all) for me. If Aerus had killed off the Legacy and Classic for 2014 leaving only the Platinum behind, I'd never have started my collection.

Post# 286158 , Reply# 4   6/25/2014 at 07:32 (3,599 days old) by s31463221 (Frenchburg, KY)        

s31463221's profile picture
You have an awesome collection there! I grew up with a brown Olympia One (which I still have to this day) so Electrolux was kind of a staple in our family. My mom and two of her sisters had them so naturally I assumed as a kid that EVERY home had an Electrolux in them! I have always liked the stylings of the metal body Luxes (1205 through 1521) and I have many, many machines. I do hope you will at some point however give some of the more vintage Electrolux vacs a shot as well.

I remember when I first saw a model 30 (XXX) and I absolutely fell in love with the design. I have no idea if that first one run or not, or even if it had a cord/attachments/or bag with it. A buddy of mine and I were rummaging through his aunt's storage building and we came across it. For a long time after that, when we came back to visit I would sneak off to the building just to play with that old vac. I would have never got up the nerve at that age to plug it in, but knowing how tough those old machines were, it may very well have still run! Anyway, it finally disappeared and I remember when I bought my first XXX, I felt that twinge of excitement I felt all those years ago when I saw that first machine!

With that said, there is something very satisfying about running one of those old vintage Electrolux vacuums. The motors (if properly maintained) are so quiet that the most sound you hear is the air rushing through the nozzle on the floor! The Model G is a GREAT example and if you take a look on eBay and places like that, you'll see a good running/looking example of a Model G will still command a decent price! Obviously, the XXX is my all-time favorite and I have close, if not over 100 of that model in my collection, along with many others. In fact while I use a Silverado as a "daily driver" I still pull out one of my better running XXX's and use it from time to time to clean our 3000 sq foot house and it honestly cleans as good as any modern vac I own (and I have a new Platinum and a 90th anniv legacy)!

Anyway, now that I've typed a novel here, good luck with your collection and if you ever get a chance to try out a vintage lux, let us know what you think of it! Here are some (a very small portion) of my Lux collection:

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Post# 286184 , Reply# 5   6/25/2014 at 12:35 (3,599 days old) by DJub85 (Virginia)        

Nice preview of the collection! I'm most fond of your commemorative edition 1521... wow. I've never seen one of those on Ebay, and I probably never will. Very nice! I know they were only given to employees, so I doubt they often show up.


I think if I were to own any of the vintage vacs, I'd have to get a XXX, a G, and maybe a golden colored L. Some day I'll add those, but I may wait until I have a bigger house. I only have 1,000 square feet and four rooms, so there just isn't space for a collection. And I don't want to store them in the basement, like I said.


But very nice... I also love how your vacs aren't faded. My Diamond Jubilee is so faded that it looks 2-toned! I don't know how you've kept yours so nice. I have my canisters in a closet and my hoses in a dresser to prevent further fading, but most everything I own (minus the new Legacy models) was faded when I got it.

Post# 361768 , Reply# 6   11/1/2016 at 06:40 (2,739 days old) by KirbyCollector (Columbus Ohio USA)        

kirbycollector's profile picture
I want every single Electrolux and Aerus!
You got a great collection there!

I just have a Golden J
I'm getting a Super J
Maybe a Model 30
Maybe a Lux Classic

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Post# 361776 , Reply# 7   11/1/2016 at 09:21 (2,739 days old) by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        
my collection and a couple questions

Well, my collection of these is still very few, but hoping to get more, I have an Electrolux 1205 and Olympia 1 that both run great, also have the Aerus classic 90th anniversary version, bought that brand new. Wondering what the difference is between the classic and the legacy, I think they use the same motor. Also, which models took a different bag than the C bag that is so common? I actually have no interest in getting the guardian platinum, mainly because the hose end is very nonstandard.

Post# 361799 , Reply# 8   11/1/2016 at 17:55 (2,739 days old) by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
Classic vs Legacy

panasonicvac's profile picture
There's more detail on the brochures at Aerus's website that tells the differences between the two. They both do indeed use the same motors on the unit and the PN. There's type R bags for the renaissance series and there's type P bags for the Platinum model.

Post# 361811 , Reply# 9   11/1/2016 at 20:59 (2,739 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture

Personally, I'm most partial to the 1205, of which I have two. One has been in my family since about 1980 or 81 when Dad picked it up off a neighbor's trash pile. It had the combo floor nozzle and non-powered hose, which leaked like a sieve. I thought my parents had gotten rid of it when they moved in 1997, but then I found it in their attic this summer. It was filthy and the handle was broken, so I thought I'd just throw it in the barn and keep it as a parts donor but then I found a replacement handle for next to nothing, so I installed it, cleaned the thing up and now it's running better than ever with an OEM vinyl electrified hose, teal one-piece wand and Silverado gray PN4A.

The second 1205 I got in 2004 after I separated from my wife. I was in need of a vacuum (this was before I had become obsessed) and didn't have much money. The machine came with a full set of accessories including a PN1, teal telescoping wand and a rare teal pistol grip electrified hose.

A couple of years ago, I adopted a Super J with no hose or accessories and initially paired that up with a vinyl hose, wand and PN5. Later, I swapped out the PN5 for a PN2, which is my favorite power nozzle.

Last spring, I added an Electrolux upright to the collection--a Discovery Plus with holders for onboard tool storage. It's great for storing the tools but a little ungainly to actually use with them onboard.

Tonight, I rounded out the collection with a nice Diamond Jubilee with a PN5, wand and a practically new generic hose. I think I've bagged my limit for the foreseeable future.

Post# 361818 , Reply# 10   11/1/2016 at 21:35 (2,739 days old) by vacuumlad1650 (Wauponsee, IL)        

vacuumlad1650's profile picture
Funny how the Pn5 made its way from you, to me, and now you have another! I think you didn't like it because the brushroll I. It was shot. I replaced it and it's a whole new power nozzle. Just order e generic pn5 brushroll from

Post# 361848 , Reply# 11   11/2/2016 at 11:33 (2,738 days old) by human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
Yeah, I certainly wasn't looking for another PN5--nor the machine it was attached to, for that matter. But the whole thing was just so cheap and in such good shape, I just couldn't bring myself to walk away from it, although I did try. And I did have a little chuckle about the irony of acquiring another PN5 as I was carrying the machine up to the checkout. Sometimes fate just has a way of stepping in, I guess.

But you're right, the brush roll on the one I sold you had definitely seen better days. The one that came with the DJ I bought last night is in far nicer shape and performs much better. That said, I still prefer the more compact design of the PN2 and PN4, not to mention their metal construction. I'm always getting that little outrigger on the PN5 caught on furniture legs.

Post# 361869 , Reply# 12   11/2/2016 at 18:41 (2,738 days old) by n0oxy (Saint Louis Missouri, United States)        
an opportunity to expand my collection

I may have an opportunity to get several more models, wondering what anyone might know about these, the 2100, the 6500, the lux 7000 and the ambassador 3. Since I'm a blind person, what the vacuums look like does not matter as much as obtaining vacuums that use different motors. So, since I already have an olympia, I would not be interested in a super j, they both use the same motor, and thus the same performance. Does anyone know how many different motors were used? I remember reading that around 1984, the company switched to a cheaper motor that had problems, does anyone know which models have different motors and which ones use the same motor even though they look different?

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