Thread Number: 46032  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
6 year old me is sqealing in joy right now!
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Post# 475081   1/11/2025 at 00:33 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

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After 16 years, I finally got one... and only days after getting that Lift Off. I now have a late 2000s-early 2010s Dirt Devil Breeze bagless upright vacuum!

This is a machine that I've been wanting to get my hands on for a long time now, ever since I saw them un stores, at one of my old babysitters' houses, etc. To me, this machine is what I think of when someone says the term "bagless vacuum". It's just such a generic bagless design that I love so much!

As for how I got it, that's a bit of a doozie. Basically, I saw one day that my neighbors had this machine in their garage. I thought at the time that it was cool that he just so happened to have this dream machine of mine, but I thought I wouldn't be able to get my hands on it from him, and even if I did, it'd probably be in poor shape. Well, fast forward to a last week, and I saw it again. The day after that, it was at the curb. Not bearing the sight of seeing this machine get thrown into a dump and destroyed, I grabbed it and threw it into my mom's shed. She was pretty steamed at me for doing so, but eventually I moved it over to my dad's. I asked my neighbor why he threw it out, and he said that he just did it to clear up space, and that he wasn't aware of anything wrong with it.

Upon opening it up, it was gross and dusty... The head was packed with all kinds of debris and such, and the belt was snapped (suprising, I know). It had all of it's attachments except for the wand (the one on it right now is a Hoover wand from my stash of extra tools). In general, it was just gross. I speculate that it was being used as a dry-only Shop-Vac, hense why it was in the garage, but I could be wrong. 40 or so disinfecting wipes and a cleaning off with my Kirby G7 later, and it looks more or less new.

I just turned it on for the first time. The headlight works, the suction's good, and the motor sounds fine (aside from the small amount of arching, or whatever the term is, coming from the carbon brushes). All it seems to need is a new filter and belt (or should I say, belts), a matching wand, and possibly a new brushroll (the one that's in it doesn't spin the most freely, and I don't know if the end-caps come off).

Finally, as I was cleaning it out, I found how easy and simple it was to do so. All of the screws in it are the same size, all of the electrical components are in the base, and said base easily comes off with 4 screws. I guess I shouldn't be super suprised, considering this was a budget machine back in the day, but it's still appreciated nonetheless (especially for someone not as skilled in servicing vacuums like me).

Also, ignore the creature that may show up in some of the photos. I think our house is haunted by some class 6 entity, and it only shows up in pictures sometimes. We gotta call the Ghostbusters to flush it out! ;]

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Post# 475088 , Reply# 1   1/11/2025 at 13:25 by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Congratulations, Anonymous! ;)
I love when people find one of their dream machines!

Post# 475091 , Reply# 2   1/11/2025 at 16:18 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
Basically me right now:

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Post# 475092 , Reply# 3   1/12/2025 at 02:08 by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
I had this exact one when I was like 12. Yanked(literally) from overgrown grass in front of a barn at a yard sale. The handle release was busted so it was laying down for years, the motor I remember was completely rust covered and seized. I remember a a tiny plant growing in the headlight lens. lol

Later I had the featherlite branded one with the black handle. Powerful unit.

Post# 475094 , Reply# 4   1/12/2025 at 13:08 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
Yeah, there were a ton of variations, name changes, and feature additions to this type of machine. Some of the ones I've found are the DD Swivel Glide variants, some called the DD Swift, a rebadged Regina variet, some called the Jaguar, and some Vax variants from across the pond. It's so surreal, because for the longest time I thought the only versions of this cleaner were the Breeze and Featherlite. The more you know, I guess.

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Post# 475103 , Reply# 5   1/13/2025 at 13:14 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
My grandparents had the Jaguar version, from my understanding that one was only exclusively sold through Target. I still remember the day when we first bought it from Target and assembled it together back in 2004. It was the best vacuum they've ever owned despite it's flaws. I should've replaced the motor when it died 10 years later. I think my favorite version they've sold is this Featherlite which from my understanding was also exclusively sold through Target. I also liked the blue Breeze version, from my understanding that one was only exclusively sold through Sears. And there was a purple Extra Light I liked that may have been a Walmart model.

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Post# 475112 , Reply# 6   1/13/2025 at 18:21 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
I know. Part of me wants to get a few other variations of this machine (i.e., a Swivel Glide model, a blur and/or yellow model, and a bagged model), but I'm pretty sure that's going to happen. At most, I'd want to get a blue bagged model, and the dark red one with the orange and yellow "Breeze" logo on the bin, since my babysitter had both.

By the way, what exactly is the history on this model. I've heard it goes as far back as the early 2000s.

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Post# 475120 , Reply# 7   1/14/2025 at 12:36 by Human (Pines of Carolina)        

human's profile picture
I can't say that's a machine I'd walk across the street for, but then everybody has different tastes. I'm truly glad you're happy with your latest vacquisition and that's what truly matters. From an environmental standpoint, I'll offer you sincerest thanks, on behalf of the earth and myself, for saving what would otherwise be a big hunk of non-recyclable plastic from the landfill. Enjoy!

Post# 475121 , Reply# 8   1/14/2025 at 13:48 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
You're welcome, I suppose. Though, it was a minuscule amount of help to the environment, and I pretty much only saved it because it was a machine that I really liked. If it were something like a modern Bissell, A Rainbow D4, or another machine that I either dislike or don't care much for. I'd probably say "well that blows that it's going to a landfill", and went along with my day. The only other time I've trashed picked machines was when someone in the neighborhood behind me was throwing out four vintage machines: A low-end F&G Eureka, A private labeled M. Wards Eureka canister, a vintage Kenmore Power mate canister of some kind, and a Panasonic Jet-Flo MC658U. Of the four, I took the two Eurekas to a local vacuum shop to be recycled, and kept the other two. I get that those two were rare, but the Eureka canister was disgusting, and I believe its cord was frayed badly, and I didn't have an interest in either of them. The only F&Gs I'd want to get at the moment are A commercial Sanitare with a disposable bag, and a 5071D.

Post# 475147 , Reply# 9   1/16/2025 at 11:28 by Hoover300 (Kentucky)        

hoover300's profile picture
There was also one in red called the Scorpion

Post# 475148 , Reply# 10   1/16/2025 at 12:27 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
Yeah, I put an image of one in my reply to you. It was pretty blurry though (sorry about that, BTW).

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