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Bought a Host, and an experiment
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Post# 474994   1/3/2025 at 20:09 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
I've been looking for a certified pile brush for a while and I almost had one but the seller informed me of a crushed spot on the brush, which according to what i've read would require another $140 in parts.
So I decided to buy this host machine figuring I can use it for dry pile lifting as well as a prespray agitator.
I'm also thinking of adding a vacuum shoe to it like the host freestyle so that it can also pickup dirt during a pile lifting session with an attached vacuum of some sort of course.

Anyways the experiment was checking whether or not a brush like this would actually make a difference in loosening soil from carpeting. I first vacuumed my bedroom with an Amway Cleartrak, used the host, then vacuumed again.
While vacuuming an area a 2nd time will always find more dirt I think that this was a pretty significant amount of grittier debris that would not have been found if not for the brush treatment.

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Post# 474998 , Reply# 1   1/3/2025 at 21:03 by Lesinutah (Utah)        

lesinutah's profile picture
I like how u implement your ideas into tests.
Emerge so you find pi l e lifters?

Post# 475001 , Reply# 2   1/3/2025 at 21:17 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Congratulations on your Host!

I hope you love yours just as much as I love mine. I found a model M and a Freestyle 8 years ago that were part of a storage unit clean out. The Storage manager had put them on the curb for trash pickup. I took them and ran like hell in case he might’ve figured out what he had just thrown away. What you did on your carpets is exactly how I do my carpets: vacuum, brush and vacuum again. I do this mainly because I want my brushes to last. I’ve seen people use the vacuum setup for an initial cleaning but I think the brushes would get too dirty and they can be difficult to clean. You might want to remember to alternate the brushes regularly to get the best agitation out of them after the bristles start to bend in 1 direction. There’s so many options now for dry carpet cleaning compounds and so many of them are more effective and affordable than the Host brand. These machines work well for encapsulation spray formulas too.

I’ll be curious to see how your vacuum shoe modification works. My Freestyle has the vacuum pod attachment but it’s pretty cumbersome to use around furniture and the vacuum shoe needs to be cleaned out constantly. I finally found the right hose cuff to fit the Freestyle so that I can connect it to a canister with a long hose.

Post# 475002 , Reply# 3   1/3/2025 at 21:32 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Test an idea

blackheart's profile picture
Well when you're looking at modifying a unit you first want to make sure it's worth the time and effort. I ran that test to see if they really are able to dislodge embedded dirt before putting in the time and money.

Very nice Luxlife! My plan was just to use a backpack vacuum with it. I don't intend to use dry cleaning compounds but intend to use this to agitate a prespray before using my modified Mytee.

I'm going to be looking for a prespray that doesn't leave residue

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Post# 475003 , Reply# 4   1/3/2025 at 22:22 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
Backpack vacuum…

The thought of that occurred to me, especially since some of the Host models have an auxiliary outlet for using 2 machines in tandem. I hope you’ll post pics of your modifications with the vacuum shoe. Do you suppose you have enough space to add it in between the two brushes?

Post# 475004 , Reply# 5   1/4/2025 at 06:19 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Oh I won't be using that auxiliary outlet the host runs at like 6.5 amps and the backpacks run around 10-11

As for the shoe it seems like these machines haven't changed much I don't THINK the space between the brushes has changed.

Post# 475009 , Reply# 6   1/4/2025 at 10:00 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        

Blackheart, one thing that really surprised me was after using my machine on a cleaning day at a club that I belong to. One wouldn’t think that low pile industrial carpeting would hold a lot of residual dirt, but these carpets were regularly vacuumed with an old school Sanitaire on the lowest pile setting before
I “vacuum-extracted” with my Freestyle. There was still some dirt to be had. I’m reminded of when I sold TriStars while in college. The dealer that trained me used to say that the “dirty little secret” of the vacuum cleaner industry is that rugs and carpets can never be cleaned completely. Host insists that vacuum extraction will help their products penetrate deeper and clean better, so I imagine it will do the same for a pre-spray.

Post# 475015 , Reply# 7   1/4/2025 at 13:59 by luxlife (Under a Pecan Tree)        
One more thing…..

If you haven’t yet made up your mind about a pre-spray that doesn’t leave a residue, there’s two particular websites you might want to take a look at:
Excellent Supply -

Truck Mount Forums -

Post# 475016 , Reply# 8   1/4/2025 at 14:43 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        

blackheart's profile picture
Commercial dirt is a beast of it's own lots of grit and very fine debris from all the traffic. It's why I turn the entryway rugs over and use the vacuum to beat the grit out a few times a year. that very fine dust clogs the F+G bags very very quickly. You wouldn't think they'd hold that much considering I clean them daily.

Ah yes i'm pretty familiar with TMF, i've posted there looking for advice on machinery. Thanks for the links though.

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