Thread Number: 46022  /  Tag: Recent Vacuum Cleaners from past 20 years
Rainbow e2 series HEPA filter foaming after rinsing it as instructed, now what?
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Post# 474967   1/2/2025 at 13:28 by lasm97 (Florida)        

I was cleaning my Rainbow e2 series vacuum this past weekend, removed the HEPA filter (the one that has a rectangular opening on the back that connects to the vacuum motor, NOT the round connection), and following directions from the internet, I ran it under the faucet (from the rectangular part on the back, not the white filter are itself) and shook it, then poured. Never added soap at all, just water. Did this several times until the water was running pretty clear. Shook it to drain as much as I could, then let it dry on the countertop. This was several days ago. Today when I installed it back and started the vacuum, it started foaming out through the filter, and then the motor started to do a weird noise after a minute of running it. I didn't want to cause damage so I shut it down and forgo vacuuming until I am able to figure out what's the next step? Is the HEPA filter bad now and needs replacement? Or is this something worse and need to bring it in to a shop? Thank you!

Post# 474969 , Reply# 1   1/2/2025 at 14:07 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        
Replace it

panasonicvac's profile picture
Those washable filters are terrible to clean out. If you don't use a blower of yours, I'd recommend switching over to this other filter instead whether it's genuine or generic. Try to run it without the filter first to see if it's still making a weird noise or not. If so, then you should bring it to a shop.

Post# 474972 , Reply# 2   1/2/2025 at 15:13 by huskyvacs (Gnaw Bone, IN)        

huskyvacs's profile picture

Maybe something they make the filter out of had a reaction to the water? Starch makes water foamy.

Post# 474982 , Reply# 3   1/2/2025 at 21:06 by mark40511 (Lexington, KY)        

mark40511's profile picture
I've never experienced this with my gold 2 speed. It has the HEPA filter with the oval opening... However, I no longer wash and just replace because it's so rare I have to replace them anyway...I feel like I can go five years or even longer...but just bored in the past I would wash them...shake them... but what I did is I put it back on the machine to dry it..blowing all the water out...It was later I learned you should do this...but it totally worked... the filter was dry in no time...

but you can get the generic versions and they're not that expensive at all...that's what I have...

To keep the filters clean just fill the basin with more 1/2 inch past the dome...put a few drops of essential oil in the basin...I think that helps too..and keep the separator clean.. take it off. clean it even if it doesn't look dirty... You probably don't need to clean it every time... but I'm OCD so I always have... and change that water if you're in a dirty environment... I can literally use mine for over and hour without changing water because I vacuum so frequently...which might explain why my filters stay clean for so long...

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