Thread Number: 46013  /  Tag: Other Home Products or Autos
Sony Handycam: Better Than The Mirrorless Vlogging Cameras?
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Post# 474872   12/28/2024 at 16:37 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

I really hate the mirrorless vlogging cameras so much because they have infiltrated the internet and make everything look too corporate and unappealing. Especially in family vlog channels, the overacting, the heavy editing, the kids having little to no privacy, and the controversies surrounding family vlog channels. I don't wanna mention names though.

I have a Sony HDR-CX130, and it's proof that modern equipment is not better than what existed a decade ago. The fact I was able to buy the camcorder for $120 off eBay during my month-long break from work as an open-box special means I've avoided the curses associated with DSLRs, action cameras, and the mirrorless vlogging cameras. If someone tells me to get a DSLR, action camera, or a mirrorless vlogging camera, I'm not going to listen. The fact I have a Sony Handycam means I like to keep things old-school.

I do have a smartphone, but I should not have to use its camera. It's an iPhone SE 3rd Gen, BTW.

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