Thread Number: 46011  /  Tag: 80s/90s Vacuum Cleaners
Won the 90s vacuum lottery!!!
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Post# 474868   12/28/2024 at 13:47 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
After 3 months, I finally got one. A dream machine of mine that I almost thought I'd never aquire. A Bissell Lift Off 3554!

It's kind of a long story as to how I got it, but in short, I found it 3 months ago on FB Marketplace for $90. It was more-or-less new, had 30+ NOS Filtrete bags, and it's original box and manual. However, it was on the other side of my state, so it took quite a while of planning with the seller to finally pick a meeting place. Unfortunately, the box and manual were tossed by the seller's wife, but at least everything else was kept. To my surprise, this thing had an extension hose available for this. The fitting is the same as the hose on the machine, so it isn't just some aftermarket one. I'm exactly sure why it exists, considering the entire gimmick of the machine is that it can be used as a handheld canister vacuum, but it's still a cool inclusion nonetheless.

It was a bit dusty when I got it, but nothing a gentle wipe-down and dusting off with my Henry 160 couldn't fix. It seems to run good, only the canister motor has a bit of a odd sounding whine-down. It sounds like PanasonicVac's 3554, if that's any help. I think it's just from sitting in box for almost 30 years, not neglect. Though, there is some weird orange-ish stuff around the bag collar that I don't know what it is, but I'm not too worries about it.

Regardless, I'm super thrilled to have this in my hands. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to suck out stars with this and create a black hole in the sky ;]

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Post# 474869 , Reply# 1   12/28/2024 at 13:53 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        
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Also, I can't figure out how to get the post-motor filter off. I looked up the manual, and it said something along the lines of pressing down and pulling out on it, but I tried doing that, and I still couldn't get it out. Also also, what kind of belt does this thing take? The seller included a spare, which I installed since the one in it was stretched. The bearings on the brushroll spins ok, for the record. I just hope it's possible to get the end-caps off on it.

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Post# 474874 , Reply# 2   12/28/2024 at 16:40 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

I can't read the serial number on photo 5.

Post# 474875 , Reply# 3   12/28/2024 at 17:28 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
It's model 3554

Post# 474877 , Reply# 4   12/28/2024 at 18:20 by centralvacs1928 (Chicagoland)        
Nice find!

Weren't early versions of this machine called the Bissell "Plus"? I seem to remember those being available sometime in the 1990s in hunter green...perhaps there was a blue one too...

This uses a Bissell Style 4 belt...I am not sure if there is a cross reference for those, but it does appear they are still available.

Post# 474880 , Reply# 5   12/28/2024 at 19:02 by wstonehockertv (North Carolina)        

I meant the date code.

Post# 474881 , Reply# 6   12/28/2024 at 19:09 by Blackheart (North Dakota)        
Very nice!

blackheart's profile picture
The lift off or plus machines were pretty good performers

Post# 474885 , Reply# 7   12/28/2024 at 21:34 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
There was. This is an improved version of it. Ironically enough, shortly after discovering this one, I found a listing for a Bissell Plus in a different city. Those machines also came in a few different colors besides Penn Central green (I'm not good with color names, sorry), such as maroon, black, and possibly others.

Post# 474886 , Reply# 8   12/28/2024 at 21:36 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
I'm not sure what the serial number is, nor how to date it. These were produced from I believe 1998-early 2000s.

Post# 474887 , Reply# 9   12/28/2024 at 21:42 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
I sure hope so, though I'm not sure how often I'll use it, considering how rare it is. Then again, I've got what I believe is 29-ish bags.

This machine was probably Bissell's best, not just because it pioneered the lift-away design, but because I think it was the first to use HEPA bags, though I could be wrong. Regardless, this thing probably filtered exceptionally. It's a shame that it's so rare, and apparently didn't sell well.

Post# 474890 , Reply# 10   12/29/2024 at 06:39 by fan-of-fans (USA)        

fan-of-fans's profile picture
I have one of the first ones that is from 1994 and maroon in color. That one has a different switch that lets you turn on either just the canister motor or both canister and brushroll, and it also shuts off the brushroll when the handle is upright. The later ones only shut off the brush when the handle is up. Mine also doesn’t have an exhaust filter like this, it just blows out the front.

These are very neat machines. I’d say they are quite rare, as mine is the only one I’ve come across, other than when I saw it in the JCPenney catalog.

Post# 474892 , Reply# 11   12/29/2024 at 09:10 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
That's one of my critiques of this machine. They put in the effort to make the brushroll shut off when it's in tje upright position, but didn't bother to allow it to be shut off? What's the logic behind that? Especially considering that they advertise it as being "bare-floor friendly" on the hood. Needless to say this thing's not gonna see much bare-floor action (unless I find a floor tool that matches the diameter of the hose and wands).

Post# 474945 , Reply# 12   1/1/2025 at 15:44 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
I love mine. I would've liked it more if it had a height adjuster and a geared belt. Thankfully the Bissell BGU1500T/BGU1800T does have both of them and you can use them as a canister but they'd be more awkward to carry than this.

Post# 474975 , Reply# 13   1/2/2025 at 16:39 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
I used mine to clean my upstairs, and I gotta say, it was nice to use. It's been a while since I used an upright at my mom's house after I more-or-less retired her Bissell 82H1 and my DD Featherlite bagged. Though, it didn't seem to pick up much when I felt the bag. I don't know if that's because the carpets weren't that dirty, or if this isn't that good of a deep cleaner (I'd be suprised if it were the ladder).

The only problems I came across were the whine-down that sounded rough (a lot like yours), and the wooden brushroll looking like it'd been burned afterwards. Is that something I should be concerned about? My G7 has the same issue with its brushroll (which I need to replace anyway).

Also, would you happen to know how to get the front exhaust filter off?

Post# 474979 , Reply# 14   1/2/2025 at 18:42 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Wooden brushrolls that turns dark overtime is completely normal, I wouldn't worry too much about it. The filter can be removed if you pull it out slightly and lift up. Sounds a bit confusing on my end but here's a video reference.

Post# 475035 , Reply# 15   1/6/2025 at 10:33 by AmtrakSebo1997 (Vacmasterthegreats basement)        

amtraksebo1997's profile picture
What I meant was that the motor on mine sounds alright, except for when you shut it off. The motor then sounds like it's caked with dust, which shouldn't be the case if this was NOS. The more likely explanation is that the bearings are indeed dry from it sitting for so long in its box. I'm not good with servicing machines, so I'm especially worried about trying to take apart such a rare machine. Here's yours for reference. The whine-down sounds exactly like mine.


Post# 475039 , Reply# 16   1/6/2025 at 14:02 by panasonicvac (Northern Utah)        

panasonicvac's profile picture
Can't say I'd be much of help. I've already boxed mine and put it in storage. Even if I didn't and had it taken apart, I'm pretty sure these motors are fixed together where they can't be opened up to be serviced at least according to this parts schematic. Honestly, I don't see it as much of a problem because I'm not really going to be using mine again as I mainly got it as a collectible. Using it as a daily driver would increase the chances of breaking parts that are really hard to find these days.

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